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[Spunk Bucket Belfast] The French Dude


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Didnt get meeting my Regular Fuck Buddy at the weekend, which is kinda good and bad, Good in that my ass has only just recovered anyway, Bad in that well... he might be put of by the delays etc.

Anyhow, I tested my ass out last nite, and it seems to be working just as good as it used to. No more stinging sore leather chafed feeling like last week.

How I tested my ass out you ask?

Well.... Gaydar.co.uk helped me out in that regards.

Firstly, I have to say, that I wont be able to concentrate on my Cum hunts as much as I used to, as my DickWad of a Convicted Sex-Offender Housemate has decided to Fly away to England, to live, and never thought that his Housemate, might be the first person who needs to know? Yeah - I know. Strange.

Anyway, Im house hunting more than Cum Hunting.

Last nite -

Started Chatting to a guy on gaydar whilst I was at work during the day, he said he and his BF Would be up for dumping in my hole, they wanted to see my face pic.

Well... this is where Gaydar.co.uk's Technical Glitches of the 8th of October, completly screwed up my fuck chances.

I have another profile on gaydar, which I made when I was under the impression I was poz, Because im at work, and cannot go onto 'pornographic' sites, I use a dedicated server located over in england to do my gaydar browsing, that way, my bosses dont know what Im looking at.

Anyhow, I had left the dedicated server logged into my poz profile or something, then logged out, and went onto my cumdump profile, but for some reason, while I was on my Cumdump profile, when I sent a message to anyone, it was coming up saying it came from my poz profile. How annoyings that.

Anyhow... Im fairly sure the pozsibility of me being poz, may have put this couple off. Which is a really shitty thing, I mean, for fuck sake, they are willing to bareback, but get scared off at the word poz, even more annoying since my tests all show I am neg....

FUCK YOU GAYDAR.CO.UK - Your technical glitches ruined my chances of another double fuck.

Anyhow.... This little technical glitch persisted the whole day - including messages in the menu bar saying

"Err. No Languages Loaded"

or something similar.

After I got home, I started chatting to more people, and found 2 guys who wanted to fuck me bb.

One was in his 40's, and had some facial hair, but I wasnt really into facial hair - really ticks me off, got images from Roal Dahl's 'The Twit's in my mind, with pieces of food etc stuck in beards. YUCK...

Anyhow.. wasnt really sure about beard guy,

2nd guy was bit intimidating.

He has Red Hair - which is often a Euphanism for 'GINGER!!'

But I can actually confirm now, that it was infact dark crimson Red, an odd shade.

He had chatted to me b4, when I was less Desperate, when I had kinda...er... 'Not agreed to meet him' - So naturally he was concerned that I wouldnt like him. I told him that I was alot less fussy these days.

He also told me that he was french, which believe it or not, is another off putting thing.

I slept with a french dude once before, and between Fucking (which he did lots of that night - bareback), he would spout out the biggest load of crap about how he is superior to most of the people in N.Ireland because he can speak many european languages.

Well, I can programme in PHP, ASP, VB, C# and I know the odd word of Klingon - ya dont see me calling myself superior. (It goes without saying . Lol)

Anyhow.. So, that young guy put me off French guys.

Back to the present though

French dude, met him, he was meant to be somewhere in his early 30's, but can tell ya now, he looked more 50's.

He was very short, curly red hair, very lean, and he reeked of Cigarette Smoke. House was obviously some sort of Student Accomodation, but was really a pig sty.

Did I mention, he reeked of Cigarette Smoke - I tried my best not to breath.

We went to the bedroom, and he was still smoking, with his one free hand, he started groping my cock, I tried to do the same.



Yeah.... tonight was just full of disappointment.

7 inches Uncut, has just suddently become 3 Inches Cut.

His Pubes were even weird too.

looked like Moth Balls or Like his pubes had been permed - seen it before, tends to happen in people who have curly hair.

In my own opinion, just looks and feels weird.

But I can kinda see the benefit, less likely to get pubes in ones mouth when they are like that I suppose.

Anyhow...I didnt wana voice my ...er... Dissapointment, so we got onto bed, and I rolled over, and he hopped on.

As hard as it was for him to get his 3 incher in me, he somehow managed it.

He kept stopping every 45 seconds to ask if I was ok, which was really annoying, since I could barely feel the bloody thing.

How would he like it if I stopped every 45 seconds, to ask - "Is it in yet??"

Yeah, well... I didnt have a chance to do that, because as soon as it had started, it was over.

Yeah, thats right, he came in less that 2 minutes flat.

I actually think the longer duration was spent with him slowly edging out of my ass.

We sat, and tried to make small talk - well.... tried.

It woulda looked bit rude if I just upped and left, considering I had just got there.

He then told me that

"I dont think I could manage to cum again" - in his French Accent

Wow - feeling the dissappointment - This is my cue to get dressed.

Im getting dressed, im calling a taxi, and im out the door.

Waiting for taxi, and hopping into taxi when it arrives.

Im back home, and telling my Mate David all about my night via Gridr on our iPhones. (with housemate in the room)

We both burst out laughing, especially at the 7inch uc = 3inch c bit. Lol

Anyhow.... Im still looking cock, but cause of the house hunting thing - its gonna be hard for the next month or so.6097407870184969815-2713249716829153016?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


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