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[Spunk Bucket Belfast] Ass is killing me. Lol


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Ok, had planned to head to Dublin tonight, for an overnight stay in the Luxurious Boilerhouse Sauna, Bareback heaven.


However, earlier in the week, I seem to have over done it with my butt plug.

My ass is all red raw and sore, from rubbing on the rubber/pvc of the butt plug.

Even more a problem, since tomorrow my fuck buddy is wanting a fuck.

Hes been saving up loads for the past 3 days, so hes gonna have lots of cum to dump in my ass, im just hoping that my ass will be in top shape for it.

Note: The gum clinic never did contact me - and its well over 2 weeks now, so definitly am NEG and definitly dont have any other std's.

I don't expect to remain that way indefinitly, but who cares, we play, we pay, its part of the fun, part of the thrill from the russian roulette that is bb sex.

The naive part of me wants to believe that I have some sort of immunity to HIV, after all, I have been bb'd by lots of POZ guys, and yet no result for me.

There are people in europe, and africa, who have a genetic trait called

CCR 5 Delta 32.

This has been linked to

1. People who find it hard to get hiv

2. Long term non progressors.

3. People who never seem to get hiv.

Basically, the way it works is like this : This is where I get really scientific.

1. Hiv virus targets cd4 cells,

2. Hiv gets into the cells via 2 types of receptors that are on the surface of the cd4 cells.

3. The virus locks onto these receptors and uses the receptors to pull itself into the cell.

4. People who have the CCR5 32 Delta trait typically have either one of these receptors, or both of these receptors missing.

5. The amount of receptors missing, usually depends on how many allelles of this trait the person has.

Basically, how this affects hiv individuals are as follows.

Infection can only occur for ccr5 32 delta individuals, if they have an extremely large amount of virus cells invading their system. The chances of catching hiv are severely small in normal cases of exposure, 8% usually. Hiv virus isnt a smart organism that can go where it wants, it typcially drifts past the cd4 cells, attempting to latch onto them, onto the receptors.

So, people with one allelle of this trait, are missing one of the receptor types each cd4 cell has. That means hiv has 1 less receptor it can latch onto.

People who have 2 allelles, are missing 2 of the receptor types which instigate the crossing of the cell membrane. - Note - this isnt 100% immunity, under the right circumstances a large amount of hiv viri vs a low amount of cd4 cells can instigate an hiv infection.

So, lets work on the rough odds of infection.

1. Normal person - apparently 8% chance of infection per sexual act - according to my gum clinic.

2. Person with 1 allelle of the trait - Well, you could in theory, argue that it makes them half as unlikely to catch it. But those statistics are just off the top of my head.

3. Person with 2 allelles of trait, these people find it almost impossible to catch the virus, because the cd4 cells are able to kill more of the hiv virus, before the hiv virus can find a method of cell entry. If the cd4 count was low, and hiv virus load was high, then it might be a different story.

Anyhow - this is just some insight, or at least my own understanding of the ccr5 32 delta.

In the case of long term non-progressors.

These people have been infected, dispite their own resistance.

Basically, their cd4 cells got swarmed by hiv viri, and cd4 cells were not able to zap the hiv viri before one little viri managed to get in.

Only takes one viri getting into a cd4 cell, before that cd4 cell gets converted into a hiv making machine.

1 CD4 Cell having been compromized, can in theory produce hundreds, if not more, hiv viri.

In the case of long term no progressors, although having had some of their cd4 cells compromised, there is a sort of balance between the amount of new cd4 cells being infected and not infected.

Not forgetting, hiv can and is fightable by the human body, the only reason it ends up causing harm,is because in large doses, the viri manage to overpower the cd4 cells, which do the viri killing job, and turn them into their base of opperations. Which leads to death of cd4 cells, and results in a diminishing immune system.

Imagine it like this, 100,000 hiv viri coming towards one cd4 cell, in a normal person, they probably wouldnt stand a chance of non-infection.

Its just the law of averages, chances are, that one of those 100,000 viri, will get inside the cd4 cell.

If however, it was 10,000 viri, vs 100,000 cd4 cells, the cd4 cells could probably fight the hiv virus, rendering each of the viri harmless before they have a chance to get into the cd4 cell. Taking into consideration, these numbers are fictional, you are not likely to ever have 100,000 cd4 cells in a single drop of blood

In the case of non progressors, imagine having 3 infected cd4 cells, and 10 non-infected cd4 cells.

3 infected cells start pumping out hiv viri, but the 10 non-infected cells are fighting back, they are taking out some of the hiv viri,before they can get near the cd4 cells, during this battle, new cd4 cells are made, which are healthy, these serve as reinforcements for the army of cd4 cells. But as in all battles, there are some casualties, dispite their resistance to hiv, 4 of the 10 cd4 cells get infected, pumping out more hiv, but thats ok, cause their sacrifice has allowed healthy cd4 cells to replace them.

So.. as you can see, its a kind of balance that works.

CD4 Cells do get infected, but at a much lower rate, in most cases, cd4 cells are generated at a rate equal, or greater than the cd4 infection rate.

This would delay the progression of hiv from being just years, to being possibly decades,

How do you know if you have this trait?

Well.... some sites used to offer testing for this trait, but I would never put much belief in what their results say, they are after all, taking you money, and you never know how reliable their testing methods are.

I'd only believe an actual result that was done in person by a doctor, but the problem is that hospitals typically dont do dna tests just for patient curiosity.

Research projects do exist that study this. Obviously research projects exist in such large quantities that test for this, that they managed to work out the demographics of the trait. Apparently its 16%-22% in europe, and the trait is apparently next to non-existant in america and asia.

This trait has also been linked to immunity to black death plague. Saying that this trait evolved through natural selection during the plague times.

This however is discounted by the fact that this trait has been found in the same demographic locations dating back to early man times.


How the fuck did I go from horny bb slut, to science geek.



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