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[UK Sauna Slut] Party Time


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nottingham-150x150.jpgIts been a long time coming, but finally I’ve managed to get another Saturday night off work.* It’s on the 3rd March, which is fantastic, as it means that i’ll be able to go to the next NG2BBGOUP party in Nottingham.* The last time I was there was October last year, and as always, it was a fantastically hot time.* (If you want to read more about them, check out THIS posting)

If anyone reading this is in the UK and you want to attend one of the parties which I write so much about, check out their website and ask them for an invite.* You’ll need either a gaydar or BBRT profile completed with pics, and of course, no bottom only guys – sorry lads!)* The parties are also listed on the East Midlands > Nottingham party section on barebackRT – so if you’re already on BBRT, simply hit them up for an invite.

All being well I’ll be driving down with a regular fuck buddy and friend of mine, stopping over night then driving back on the Sunday lunch time.* I’m looking forward to meeting up with the lads again, it’s always a cracking time, with some hot horny poz barebackers.

On a slightly different note, I’m working on doing a posting on the legality of non-disclosure of HIV status prior to an encounter.* It would appear that there’s quite a lot of ignorance about what the law requires of us HIV+ people, and the devastating consequences of not doing so.* There are also some major changes underway across the pond in Canada around this very issue.* I think it will be an interesting subject to look into further, and one that certainly needs addressing.

I’m sure I’m not along in this, but I personally know someone who had the misfortune of having his entire sexual life dragged through the courts, his HIV status disclosed in the local media, all because one of this former partners who had contracted HIV, accused him of being the person who infected him,* alleging that he hadn’t disclosed before hand.

Thankfully it led to nothing, and my friend was able to pick up the shattered pieces of his life… but not without a three year battle for justice.

The issue of disclosure isn’t just something that we need to be aware of in principle, it’s something that affects each and every HIV+ person in the Western world.


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You’ll need either a gaydar or BBRT profile completed with pics, and of course, no bottom only guys – sorry lads!)*

WAIT a minute... this means YOU are versatile??? Suddenly I am much more interested in the blog. ;)

So ummm like any plans to travel to say I dunno, Vancouver, Canada?

Hmmm...I guess I gotta go back on BBRT.

On a slightly different note, I’m working on doing a posting on the legality of non-disclosure of HIV status prior to an encounter.* It would appear that there’s quite a lot of ignorance about what the law requires of us HIV+ people, and the devastating consequences of not doing so.* There are also some major changes underway across the pond in Canada around this very issue.* I think it will be an interesting subject to look into further, and one that certainly needs addressing.

Are you talking about the court case where it was found that because an undetectable bottom had a low chance of infecting he got off for not disclosing? The guy who brought charges didn't get infected I think. I know I read about in Xtra West (Vancouver`s gay newspaper), but I can't remember all the details.

Edited by Inception
can`t seem to get the quote to work right
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You’ll need either a gaydar or BBRT profile completed with pics, and of course, no bottom only guys – sorry lads!)*

WAIT a minute... this means YOU are versatile??? Suddenly I am much more interested in the blog. ;)

So ummm like any plans to travel to say I dunno, Vancouver, Canada?

Hmmm...I guess I gotta go back on BBRT.

On a slightly different note, I’m working on doing a posting on the legality of non-disclosure of HIV status prior to an encounter.* It would appear that there’s quite a lot of ignorance about what the law requires of us HIV+ people, and the devastating consequences of not doing so.* There are also some major changes underway across the pond in Canada around this very issue.* I think it will be an interesting subject to look into further, and one that certainly needs addressing.

Are you talking about the court case where it was found that because an undetectable bottom had a low chance of infecting he got off for not disclosing? The guy who brought charges didn't get infected I think. I know I read about in Xtra West (Vancouver`s gay newspaper), but I can't remember all the details.

Hey, Yes I am versatile. I used to be vers bottom, but find myself doing a lot more topping these days - correlation in getting my positive diagnosis maybe? I don't know... but i love fucking as much as i love getting fucked.

Ironically enough, when i first started having sex all those years ago, i was a strict top - i hated taking cock, that came later. :-)

The case i mention is a case from 2008 in Yorkshire (the county here in the UK i live in). In a nut shell the police arrested and charged a person for reckless transmission of HIV... they didn't check the complainants history properly though, and the case was dropped at the last moment on the day the trial was supposed to start. They also hadn't done the required tests to determine if the HIV was the same strain - which is essential if youre going to prosecute. It has since come out that the police don't know what the guidelines are, so they are charging people left right and centre, and only at the last minute are the CPS dropping cases - but its too late.

But the damage was done, the media had picked it up ad run with it.

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