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[Bttm Boy Slut] what a month of cum!


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hehehei love this last month! you can imagine why i'm sure! i've had soo much sex hehe - but more importantly lots of cum! man it's so fucking lush i can't get enough of it. i just want to drink it, gulp it, swish it round my mouth and swallow it all the time.. yum!

serviced the guy from my blog post 'cutting it fine..' again. he seems to be a bit of a regular. i think he really gets off on the fact that i'll just let him walk in, i'll be ready on the bed waiting and he can just get straight to fucking my ass, he can go as slow or cum as fast as he wants and then just pull out and leave. not to mention he fucked me raw last time.

he texted me the other night 'hey hope you enjoyed my load the other night.. any chance in me coming over now and dropping one in your tight boy pussy?'

who am i to resist an offer like that?!

my brother was at work, so i gave him a text back.. within fifteen minutes he was buzzing me.

i stripped off down to my boxers and socks, quickly lubed my ass, pressed the buzzer to let him and ran to the bedroom pulled my boxers around my ankles and lay face forward across the corner of the bed and waited. i could here him come into the room, undo his belt and pull his jeans down.. he started slapping his half erect dick on my ass 'you want my baby juice slut'.. 'you're gonna get it good and fast'.. after he said that he just went full out and shoved his dick right in my hole, before i could winch in pain he was plummeting my ass hard and fast like a madman.. 'i aint had pussy in a while.. i'ma come quick mate..'. he kept it up for a good minute and a half then slowed down a bit and sped up again... 'uhhh uhhh heres my load slut...' with that said he pushed right in as far as he could, trying to get balls deep and let out a grunt.. i could feel his cock pulsing inside me.. i felt full.. before i knew it he pulled out, quickly got his stuff together and said 'see you again cum slut...' and walked out.

i definitely want this guy to unload in me whenever he wants.. i can't wait till next time. fast or slow i don't care! as long as i'm getting cum!

i get quite a bit of interest from barebackrt.com wish is cool.. message me if you're on there. i've setup an account on manhunt.net too - bttmboyslut.. talk!

LONDON TOPS? - i'm visiting london on the 21st of this month with my mum to visit some places, but i'm sure i'm going to be free in the evenings.. give me a message if you fancy using this boys cunt and dropping a load or two (im sooo horny atm!! haha). really want a group thing.. got a hotel room all to myself :D comment on here and leave your msn's ;)

just to leave you with this...

i've been a bit naughty with one guy too, we took a few pictures.. heres one of them and it'll give you a bit of an idea of what we got up to! hehe - details to come!!




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