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[Bttm Boy Slut] young hard, horny cock


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now don't get me wrong; i LOVE having sex with older guys. they really know how to give it good just as much as i like to submit to their every sexual need. but i kinda got a thing for much younger guys to. i like the fact they're normally horny as hell and fuck like theres no tomorrow. all they want to do is get in and get off. normally if they're horny enough i can normally get them to spunk in me, most of the time they really don't care and i LOVE getting a good load in my ass!

i bet i sound really dirty; well i AM but i am also pretty careful. perhaps my previous post doesn't really agree with that statement but most of the time i am. when i get real horny i just want anything and everything haha.

i like the fact young guys aren't bothered to much about my pleasure, or positions or lasting quite a while. they just need a release and go all guilty afterwards. i talk to quite a few really different guys on messenger, it's cool. i like talking to the horny 'am i straight', 'am i gay', 'am i bi' guys and inciting them to come over and release some sexual tension in my tight ass. i've had quite a few guys this way to be honest. i just class myself as a boy that aims to please all tops from all ages. i like the idea of being on call to guys whenever they're horny. i've got two or three on the go at the minute, but i'm always looking for more! some of them just want a quick bj, or quick fuck and i'm well happy with that.

had a guy last night from msn and it pretty much sums up what i've just talked about.

Guy: hey

Me: hey hows it?

Guy: horny as fuk

Me: oh really ? ;)

Guy: can i cum fuk u again?

Me: sounds good to me, i told you could you shout whenever you needed!

Guy: ah kool, yours?

Me: yeah sure, aint got long.

Guy: kool be der in a sec

last time we did anything i couldn't have him back here because of my brother! (see previous posts) so we had to do it in his mates car. hes pretty regular and lives quite close. funny really when he said car to me to start with, he wasn't driving it at all because hes only 15 (is what he says, but i think he looks younger and probably is) it was his mates car. hes sorta the same build as myself, maybe i'm slightly bigger. it was parked in his mates garage and he normally hangouts in there fixing bikes and stuff. it was hot.. back of the car, he was really going for it. he said hes got a girlfriend and this is where he normally takes her. i wonder what they do? haha i dunno about that but it made it even more hornier! he obviously didn't care how long he lasted, he just wanted to get off in me. i was banged and pushed and my head slamming right against the backseat door. it was really uncomfortable, but i didn't really care. it was hot. i love it rough.. mmmm.


the lad on the left is him. maybe i'll get the one on the right soon haha.

next chapter tomorrow, i have to go. looks like i've got another hook up now hehe.5623538522685370389-7351568158167324259?l=bttmboyslut.blogspot.com


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