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[Bttm Boy Slut] cutting it fineeee....


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strange day yesterday.. i don't think i've actually had anything for over a month now. been busy working mainly and because i live with my brother in a shared flat is real hard to find time when i'm off and hes at work so i can have the place to myself and without worrying hes going to come back and catch me in the act.

my bother doesn't know i like cock and i kinda want to keep it that way. i'm a little gay acting sometimes and he really has a go at me about it, he obviously thinks i am but just doesn't really know for sure. hes a typical laddish guy, he used to be real rough with me when i was younger and used to beat me up alot. it kinda still hasn't really changed, but just doesn't happen too much that i can't handle it. his mates pretty much do the same as well, pick on me alot. but i guess that's just how it goes. i couldn't move out even if i wanted to, just can't afford it. maybe someone will pay me for sex and i'll be a houseboy or something hehe.

anyway onto yesterday..

so i had the whole place to myself for once. i knew my bother wasn't going to be back from work until late. i jumped on the net about 12 and started hunting for a hook up. i've notice a real lack in guys during the day on gaydar, but i guess their just all at work. 'gaydar' is pretty much a gay hookup site. i'm 'joshisready'. so yeah, i was looking around but there wasn't much going on, i really wanted to accom.. just nothing decent. when i say decent, i mean a nice sized cock, else it'd be kind of a waste. i really needed something that could drill me real hard and hit that spot ya know? ;)

it was getting later and later about an hour or so until my bro was due home. i finally found one guy, cute looking, 24, totally active and a bit chubby and rough looking.. yum. he said he hadn't cum in over a week and really needed to fuck a tight ass... sweeet i thought. i gave him my details and he said he'd be half and hour. i told him to text me when i was outside and i'd buzz him in.


i went to get myself ready and lubed up. he texted me back saying 'i'm on my way, but i got no condoms'... i replied saying 'i've got none either, you can get some if u want, i'm all ready lubed"... i said "we'll have to be quick cus my bother will be back soon, so just fuck me and go.. i'll be on the bed ready lubed blindfolded"..

he said.. "cool. if u get in doggy position and stay like that it wont take me long.. im nearly there"

i got ready on the bed, got the lube out and put it to one side and started to blindfold myself.

i got a text "i'm here.. get your self blindfolded and gagged"

i replied "number 3"

he buzzed and i buzzed him in, then ran into the bed room and got ready with my ass pointed up doggy style over the corner of the bed. i could hear him walking up the stairs and the flat door open.. he walked into the corridor and i could feel him in the room. he let out a gasp, put his hand on my ass and started fingering me.. mmmm i thought. i could hear him drop his jeans and he pulled on the gag i had in my mouth so it was done up behind my neck and tied. he slapped his dick on my ass and it was hovering over my hole.. he mumbled 'i forgot to get one, but im gonna give it to you anyway'. i let out a mumble through the gag and before i could do anything he rammed his hard cock all the way into me. i let out a moan. fuck this was hot, its been a long time since ive had this. he thrusted in and out taking big pushes. i was loving it i forgot all about the face i was taking his cock raw. he grabbed my hips and began slamming all the way into me and getting faster with each stroke. he seemed pretty big, not as big as i'd have like but it will do. he slammed harder and started grunting more, i knew it wouldn't be long before he was shooting inside of me. it slowed down a little bit and then began to really go for it all out fast and hard.. about 15 seconds went and he let out another loud grunt and i felt a splodge just inside my hole. i didn't feel any shooting.. (i love that!) but i knew he had came. he stopped and pulled fully out pretty quickly.. i lay forward on my bed on my front and lay there.. i could hear him quickly put his jeans back on and pick up some keys.. then he said "thanks.." i could hear him walking back out the room and the slam of the door closing.. my ass was sloppy and wet and i just lay there for ten minutes or so..fuck my brother will be back soon i thought!



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