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First, I just want to say I'm glad you're here, but for those of you who want to help promote the site so it grows and gets more people participating, here are a few things you can do that can help...

Possibly the best thing you can do is mention Breeding Zone to your fuck buddies and friends - it gets the right people to the site - guys like you.

If you have a Twitter account, you can do a number of things... You can retweet and favorite tweets that link back to this site. I have things set up so most everything on the public portions of the site is tweeted on @rawTOP. The general bareback stories are also tweeted on @Studio3X. Tweets mentioning those Twitter accounts also help, as do follows, but more generally. Or you can do your own tweets and put in links to parts of Breeding Zone that you particularly like...

Assuming you have a Google account, you can +1 links to this site that you see in Google's search results. That helps A LOT.

If you have a Google+ account (Google's answer to Facebook), you can do "shares" that link to Breeding Zone. You can also put me in one of your circles - I'm Randall Topper on G+. If you let me know you're from here, I'll put you in one of my circles... Google+ can make a huge difference since most new visitors come from Google. If you don't have a G+ account consider registering...

But please realize that your +1 for Breeding Zone may be public - so make sure you limit who can see your +1s. You can do that pretty easily by creating circles and only sharing with people who might also like/understand Breeding Zone.

If you have a blog, you can link to Breeding Zone. Given recent changes at Google, a blog post that mentions the site is much better than a sidebar link, though sidebar links are welcome too.

Facebook is tricky... it tends to be where people connect with friends and family - and those friends and family may not appreciate Breeding Zone. But if you feel comfortable doing status updates on Facebook that link to pages here, that can be really useful as well. You can do the equivalent of G+ circles on Facebook and limit your status update to just people who would like this site...

So basically, if you like Breeding Zone tell someone - whether it be in person, on Twitter, on Google+, on your own blog, or on Facebook. Get the word out about the site and we'll grow even faster :)

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