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[True Life Tales] one-week-and-a-bit stand


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Just got home after a week and a bit up at Si's.

It was good, really good. Incredibly relaxing. We went swimming very morning, then would go down to the beach if it was warm or the park and just sit for hours and talk. Then at night we would watch movies or play his Xbox or have sex.

We both knew it couldnt go on for ever. I have to go to Brazil for two weeks for my work, im leaving wednesday and have a shit load to do before then, which is why I came back!

Will give you a run down about my holiday with Si soon, but basically it was like a mutual one-week stand. We didnt decide anything or make any firm commitment about each other, so basically we are at the same place we were at before. Nowhere really.

I dont know, it was a good week and I needed some chill time. he is a very, very good chil buddy. I do care about him, alot, but we need time to work something out...when im in the country.6753147806018412771-1113731896033563188?l=truelifetalesofateenageslut.blogspot.com


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