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[True Life Tales] making enemies


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It was one of the girls' from the amateur dramatics thing that Suzies' in birthday on saturay night. So we were all going out for it, including Jamie and his girlfriend.

Suzie and I were sitting in KFC before we went down to the pub with the rest of them, and she was really nervous about being there with Jamie and his girlfriend Kristen. Kristen had apparantly said a few weeks before that she couldnt be bothered going out for this girls birthday, but now had had a change of heart for some reason and was going out with Jamie to the birthday. Suzie was sure it was because Kristen suspected something was going on between Suzie and her boyfriend.

So it was all shaping up to be an interesting night, I was expecting fireworks between Kristen and Suzie, big fireworks, and was looking froward to the drama.

So me and Suzie get to the pub with the birthday girl and about 8 or so other women. We were all drinking jugs of cocktails and generally havin a laff. But they all knew Suzie fancied Jamie, and we spent like ten mins before Jamie and Kristen arrived plotting how to split them up.

So Jamie, Kristen and a couple of others arrive, and were all sitting around a big table and couches, me and Suzie at the top end, Jamie on the right hand couch beside the window and his girlfriend opposite. You wouldnt have even suspected that they were going out things were so icy, well it looked that way, they were engaged in completley different conversations. I had given Jamie such a huge, gay, over the top hug when he arrived, Kristen I dont think even noticed the lingering embrace the Suzie and Jamie had.

About half an hour later, the drink and laughs were flowing freely. Being surrounded by so many women and so much sex on the beach, i went into queer mode. I started shouting across the table about how Jamie looked radiant and gorgous, compliments he accepted and returned. You know how some straight guys like to engage in light hearted flirting with gay guys, well it was a bit of that, just a laugh. Also he knows that I know how big his cock is!

I think we ended up lifting our shirts at some point and showing off our nipples or something, all to much hillarity, but it was then I think that I noticed Kristen giving me the stare of death. The girl was not amused, not even in the slightest. I gave her a theatrical apology, bit still she gave me the iciest evils I have ever had!!

I mean jesus how over the top protective can ya get!

They left soon after that! And Jamie and I had a big huge hug and lots of back slapping before he left. He told me and Suzie that he had 'been told' to go! Well I was quite shocked by Kristen, I couldnt actually beleive someone could take all that mild flirting seriousley!

Well at least it meant that Kristen and her mates, IN NO WAY suspected anything going on between Jamie and Suzie! and I made an enemy for life!!6753147806018412771-1817838260597251753?l=truelifetalesofateenageslut.blogspot.com


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