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[True Life Tales] so heres what happened... part 1


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Ok im sorry ive not posted in a while but i have really, really not felt like it, and once you read this I think ull know why. I tried a couple of weeks ago to write down all what had happened, I spent almost 3 hours typing it out, having to stop 4 or 5 times to burst into tears, and then there was a problem with the blogger thing and I lost it all, and Ive not felt willing to try again.

But I do have a commitment to you guys, and It has been a month since it all happened, and im feeling kinda better, not better but different. Also since Im 20 in a few weeks, not a teenager anymore, Ive been kind of looking back at my teenage years, reasesing it all and firguring out where i want to go and who i want to be.

I consider this the last chapter of being a teenager, the last thing that happened to me since I started 'living' 5 years ago, if you get me. Now, when things happen, it wont be to a teenager, coz ill be 20, and it will be something else.

But this isnt the last post ill write, far from it. But it wont be true life tales of a teenage slut, it will be something else.

SO where I last left you I had just met the lovley Si, who had come to fix my fire alarm and left his number. I was really excited that day, It felt amazing to have someone as hot as that flirt with me, and then to find out he had fancied me for ages! well it was brilliant!!!

So that night we were heading out. my mate came around and we got ready, I was really excited about him and that night. We had a few drinks and left the flat, and met up with the rest of them, and Si, at the Union.

I mean it was an amazing night. The two of us were inseperable the whole time. We sat beside each other on the couch, going up to get drinks together, going out for a fag together, barely said a word to any of the other people we were with, who were having a good laugh themselves anyway, it was just the two of us.

I cant quite remember how it felt. That night is like a picture you see of yourself from a long time ago, you know its you, but you cant remember it being taken. I have a fairly clear memory of that night, with Si, drinking and laughing, talking to him and listening. He was a very fully on, outgoing person, and I found that immensley attractive, I know that much. while we were sitting with the others in the bar, i know people were lookng at us, I saw it and I remember it now, but it still seems unreal.

At about half 12, we all went downstairs to the club. Again it was the same, me and Si on the crowded dance floor, right next to each other, grinding and touching. Sitting talking upstairs had been our emotinal bonding, we had sat talking to each other for over 5 hours, it seemed like we knew each other so well already, like we had caught up on all the times we had never spoken over the loast 2 years. Now was our sexual bonding if you like, on that dancefloor. Its not a gay club, its a student club, but no one else really cares and neither did we (I've been fingered on that dance floor before). He was looking so hot, wearing similar clothes to when I had seen him earlier in the day, except without the hat, and his gorgous black hair smoothed down over his head, his mouth looked so inviting with the lip ring...

We danced and we touched each other and we danced some more, we would go get a drink or a fag and go and dance again. Usually if i am out drinking from 7 in the evening, by half 1-2 i am either wasted or shattered, but this time I felt I could go on all night. At one point we went into the loos, and despite the fact it was crowded in there, he grabbed me and dragged me into a cubicle, I was bent over gigiling, but he pulled me back up. Standing against the wall, he moved into me. His hard cock was pressed against mine, my hands were on his hot arse, his jeans being low down i could get my hand down his visible boxers and feel the smooth skin. He looked at me, and I looked at him,

'you're amazing' he said, and I believed him.

He took his hand off my face to reach into the pocket of his skinny jeans, and pulled out a couple of E's. I have done it a few times before, and didnt think much of it when he swallowd one, and put the other on his tounge. He leaned in and kissed me, our first kiss, and I swallowed the E he passed onto me as we snogged.

A few minutes later we bust out of the cubicles, and with our hands in the air went back to the dance floor and danced untill the half past 3 when the lights came on and everyone had to leave. We were drunk and high and laughing our heads off. Singing down the road to go and get chips, and we walked back to our building together. He kept showing me his ass as we walked home, and I kept trying to grab it, it was typical drunken behaviour. We live 3 minitues way from the Union but took us about half an hour to get back. We agreed he would come up to my room, because it was nearer, and I couldt wait to get naked with him

This is going to be a really really long post, and I dont have time to write the whole thing now, but Ill post the next bit up as soon as I can. Just to tell you, it hasnt finished here, in fact it hasnt even begun.6753147806018412771-2455700242686248396?l=truelifetalesofateenageslut.blogspot.com


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