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[Breeder] Reader Assets: #25


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It's your favorite feature and mine—that time of the week when some of my hottest readers (and considering how hot my readers are, that's a pretty select bunch!) strip down and show off their stuff. And I've got some really good ones this time around, too.

Note that these guys aren't professional models . . . though they should be. They're showing their bare stuff here because they're bold and they're sexy. They should be admired for that—and rewarded with your compliments.

If you'd like to join them, read the instructions in this post and send me your photos!





Now, I've known Vince for a while; he's one of my longest-term of my long-term readers. I've been fortunate to see several sides of him over the last couple of years, and now it's high time that you did too.

And man, does Vince show off every side here. A juicy front side, a beautiful round back side, and a very sexy side side.

But that's what I've always liked about Vince. This handsome man really loves it all!





Now Rick will attest to this: When I got his pics in my email, I immediately wrote back and said, "Damn, what a beautiful dick!"

My reaction is the same today, looking at the photos again. Look how shiny it is in the top shot, as if it's just been yanked out of someone's wet hole and is ready to get shoved back in again. It's got a beautiful shape to it, and the proportions are perfect.

Just one question for you, Rick—is that your handprint on the shower door in the last photo, or is it from some hungry cocksucker trying to get at you? After sharing your photos here, I'm willing to bet there are quite a few men who'd claw their way through a glass door to get at that cock.



Dean has shared just a single shot with us. He's entitled it, My cock being treated the way it should be.

Um, you're not going to get any disagreement with me on that one, Dean.

That's another truly amazing dick there . . . fat, beautifully-proportioned, and glistening with spit. My only complaint about the photo is that it's so hot, it's hard to know where to look—the sexy meat? Or the hungry boy's mouth servicing it?

Either way. I'm willing to bet Dean would share more if you guys gave him enough compliments down below. I know I'd like to see more.







Sigh. So beautiful.

J. is a student who'll be visiting the New York City area next month. Can I ask my readers to start a write-in campaign insisting that he hook up with me while he's here? I'd take photos of us fucking.

This boy is just damned fine, don't you agree? Sexy body. Beautiful ass. Chewable nipples. Scruffy, sexy face. And as a bonus, he has great underwear and definitely knows how to wear it.

As for that locked cage—man. What wouldn't I give to be the man who kept the key.

J., you are one fine, fine piece of ass. I say that as the highest compliment possible.

Let's give this week's participants a hand, and show your appreciation for them down in the comments. I know the guys who've participated have all loved the admiration you've shown them in the past—so let's keep it coming!12316001024335229-8532741940290112482?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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