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[Defiant Barebacker] Everybody Dies!


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

If you have ever watched the movie Dreamscape you will know where I get that phrase from.

As startling as it is, it is true. This morning we have news of an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile with what appears to be killer tsunami waves on the loose. No telling how many people have died or will die because of this.

Everyday we get in our cars, ride our bikes, take airplanes, or just step onto the front porch to pick up the morning paper. All of these things can have a risk associated with it that could lead to our end. Even if we manage to navigate all of these risks for 70-80 or more years, eventually we meet our end. All of us. No exceptions.

This is important to realize, because those of us that are HIV positive (and perhaps those that do things that make HIV something of a dreaded threat in ones life - like barebacking when HIV negative) should keep the whole thing in perspective. Was I going to beat death if I avoided becoming HIV positive? Nope! Does being HIV positive perhaps change the span of my life? Maybe. But my ultimate fate is not changed in the least.

It is far more important, wether HIV positive or negative, to live one's life to the fullest. If this means getting out and traveling or spending time with family or whatever it is that is most important to you, you should get off your ass and go do it. TODAY!

I find that taking actions of my own accord and being in control of my life lifts me above my HIV status. I do this by getting out and doing what is important to me. Sometimes this is riding my bike. Sometimes it is travel. Sometimes it is hugging my animals. Sometimes it is working in the garden. Sometimes it is fucking or getting fucked (bareback of course). "Doing" is far better than sitting and pouting about where I am at.

Because, if you did not notice, everybody dies.5659550056261962395-4511136969423217309?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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