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[Hot Pigg] Since the Black Party


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Milan and I met at the second after party. Remember I said I left with a few numbers. He was one of them. He's got a beautiful body light skin and big ol fuckin dick. He came over just the next day and fucked the shit out of me repeatedly for three hours. He was even the first guy to fall asleep literally inside me. Fucking hot!!

The Cock

So I have a friend that has a part in The Cock on Wednesday nights. Guys...please let me know if I just went on a crappy night or what. NOTHING going on. I knew both of the dancer boys which was a turn off so I couldn't even enjoy watching them. They didn't turn the lights on but they had the dancer boys on a box where all the sex happens. On the dancer boys were flashlights attached to their belts facing down and shining random light everywhere as they danced. Assholes. I did finally get one guy with a Prince Albert to take me into the pitch black stall and fuck the shit out of me. He claimed poz and I begged for him to poz me. Got him to fuck me harder and faster. Was hot but didn't really make up for the night.

Friday night after Black Party

I was set to see Milan again. He texted me to ask if a guy could join and if I was willing to go to Brooklyn. Milan has a car so didn't see any issue with this. They pick me up and it's three of them not two. Whatever. They want to party. I'm just going with the flow. Now the night was overall good but I'm going to tell you how many times I should have walked away.

So guy driving isn't Milan. Problem there. Not Milan's car either. Another problem. We head to go pick up some things just around the corner from where the driver lives. We're going to call him Tweaky for it's all I remember of him. We think it's going to be a car exchange so to make room Milan and I get out to go to a grocery while the rest do their business. Anyone remember that Friday, it was 20 degrees. What should have taken two minutes took 35. Tweaky didn't use the car. He parked and went to the guys house. This left Milan, other guy E, and me walking in the cold trying to figure out what to do and where to get a cab home. Tweaky finally comes out and we get in the car. I'm freezing and just want a warm place so I pass this over and we all go back to Tweaky's.

We get there and Milan, E, and I start playing. Tweaky gets online to find more guys. This is what he does ALL night so from here on out, he's not worth mentioning. I end up being like the bottom of the night. This is okay with me but would have been nice to be fucked as I watched someone else be fucked. E was vers but didn't really take it that much. Highlights of the 4 hour fuck session. Milan pissed up my ass and I accidentally let it spray on E's face. Found out later, E loved that. He should have said something b/c I would have been willing to get into more. Speaking of his fetishes, he loved eating me out and pushing air into me to have me let it out in his face. Another thing I didn't realize he was doing till we talked later. Kinda hot. I was cleaned out so not like anything else would have come out. Kinda looking to playing with him again to see just how far he's willing to go.

Early that morning we decided to head home. I went with Milan to his place after spending 30 minutes again in the cold looking for a cab. He's a nice guy and we fucked more at his place, napped, and then he took me home.

So thoughts from that night. NOT going to Brooklyn again without and exit strategy. Making sure I don't take the weather and what I think is a ride as an excuse to not dress warm. Leave when the host is way too tweaked out. Understand you aren't going to find a cab in Brooklyn at 5 am on a Saturday.

Till next load...



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