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[Black BB Bull] Sorry... Just A Little Freaked


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Hey guys. Obviously I have not posted anything in a few weeks now, but I will soon...hopefully.

To be honest... no sooner did I make that last post and then the big Catholic Priest Sex scandal hit full stride. Now I know that my fucking a Priest and the Priest sex scandal are only tangentially related at best...still somehow...strangly...I felt involved in the scandal. Silly? Perhaps... but nonethless a real emotion for me.

Interstingly, I noticed that "Anonhole" deleted his profile on the hookup site. If I was freaked out... I can only imagine what he must be going through. At times I find myself wanting to talk to him about what we did... about the scandal... about the church... but then when I really think about it...I would not know what to say. I guess, in short, I feel really bad for him and other Priest like him... I mean it is one thing to be in the closet, but being a Priest has to take that whole closet thing to a whole new level.

Anyway, I have had a few other encounters since then but each time when I would start to think about writing about them here, I would start thinking about the whole Priest thing again. Please take this meger post as a sign that I am getting over it... or more appropriately...am getting over myself. After all... shit happens.6119459973232173329-8155327812863398510?l=blackbullsex.blogspot.com


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