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[Teen Cumhole] Why I Haven?t Been Updating the Blog


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For the past couple weeks I’ve been getting a lot of emails about how I haven’t really been updating the blog… The past month or so has been pretty hectic for me. I’ve been looking into lots of colleges while also maintaining a pretty steady (monogamous) relationship with a guy I’ve referred to in previous posts as “my main top.” Yes, believe it or not we are monogamous. He’s pimped me out to his friends in the past but as of now we are exclusive. I know I’m going to get so much shit for staying with one person but for the first time in my life I’ve met someone who actually makes me want to be with him and only him. Do I still get an itching for taking anon loads every now and then? Definitely. But as of lately I’ve felt like I’m so much happier being with just this one guy.

Just to clear the air, the only reason I never mentioned this in the past is because I honestly had no idea what to make of it. I had never had strong feelings toward a guy like this before (strong emotional feelings at least) and I didn’t think that anything serious would ever happen between us. So I kept my mouth shut and, for the most part, just wanted to see how things played out. It’s safe to say at this point that things are in fact serious and we are both in agreement that we are happy with one another, and only one another.

So what’s in store? I honestly don’t know. This could not be a crazier time in my life but I love it all the same. I’ve been maintaining contact with a local Daddy for the past few weeks and he has actually been an amazing mentor in so many different aspects. Yes, I do want to take a deep breeding from him and he wants to give me one, but he is totally aware of my situation right now and understands even though he would “like it better to have some fuckhole submissive-boy ass-lips wrapped around my raw cock” (his words, not mine).*He’s extremely experienced in all things having to do with fucking and has actually taught me a lot through the phone calls and chatting that we’ve done. He’s a genuinely good guy on top of being unbelievably sexy…very tall, very hairy, very dominant, the whole nine yards.

I would love to continue updating this blog but I wouldn’t know what to write about. I know you all love the stories about my experiences with different men but those are obviously going to be cut short… Let me know if you have any ideas, and if you would like me to continue updating the blog on various different subjects. Getting emails and knowing that you guys read my stuff is what really drives me to keep writing.


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