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[Skin On Skin] Rawfucked by a hot lil twink (NEW fucktale!)


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So, a lot has been going on in my life, again. Mostly good, some heartbreaking (I'm single again, much against my own preference). But, how about a break from all the old fucktales drawn from my old diary? Because, gentlemen, I finally have a real-life, non-boyfriend fucktale to share!

The other night, I went out with a friend to a bar in Hell's Kitchen. We spent an hour or two there, and I met a cute little twink I'll call "Jacob." Jacob has dark hair, olive-Italian complexion, and a hot little muscled body you only half notice under his suit. He's a recently-hired lawyer fresh out of law school and has a refreshingly innocent exuberance about his newfound affluence and fitness.

We hung out, talked, drank more than we should have, and finally I informed him he was coming back to my place. He finished his drink and pulled me out the door of the bar.

At my place, we made out, had some water, made out some more and finally headed to bed. My initial intention was not to have full-on sex... I really am in a place of deep hurt and loss over my recently-ended relationship, and I really just wanted to hold him and be held.

Well, his clothes came off and his body was amazing. So once the cuddling started, my dick did the talking. He felt it and said, "Oh, someone's in a good mood!"

Then the kissing started again. He has thick, firm lips and a gentle, insistent tongue. I kissed him back, and soon he had yanked my underwear down and was swallowing my cock. He gave an AWESOME blowjob and then I reciprocated. Mild embarrassment ensued (he's larger than I've been used to recently - a good 8" cut), but he gently laughed it off and said he'd take it as a compliment.

Next thing I knew, he was flipping me onto my stomach and giving me the asstonguing of a lifetime. I've grown to sort of enjoy being eaten out, even though it still makes me a little nervous and uncomfortable. After a few minutes of that, he came up and kissed me again, then asked where the lube was.

I handed it to him, with some hesitation because we hadn't discussed status. However, he lubed up and lubed me up, and he started in.

He fucked me well for a few minutes, then I couldn't hold back anymore (again, it has been a long time since I've had something that big and beautiful inside me). I shot a load on my chest and squeezed his cock with my ass in the hope he would cum inside. Instead, he pulled out, jerked off for a while, and shot a nice load on my stomach.

After some quick hygiene considerations, we cuddled up. He brought up HIV, trying to reassure me that I wasn't at risk since it was only precum. I found that sweet and wanted be honest so I told him about my HIV status (I'm undetectable) and explained the relative risk. He took it really, really well - probably way better than I would have in a similar situation.

Then, he held me until morning. It was a really sweet, gentle time and surprisingly innocent despite the rimming and fucking. It just goes to show that what happens between two people in those most intimate moments can be beautiful whether it's a one time thing (which this probably was) or not.

And it was an excellent way to reintroduce myself to random bareback hookups!



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