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Safe Only?

Guest JizzDumpWI

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Guest JizzDumpWI

I've been noticing an odd pattern. Lotta hot guys on A4A post "Safe Only" in their ad. When I hit them up, I typically say something like "Hot profile, shame you're safe only. Bare only here...". Most of the time they respond something to the effect "I prefer bare too" and we hook up.

So, what the heck is the "safe only" part for?

I guess along the same line, I see "TOP ONLY" but the photo is of their ass pucker. Or "BOTTOM ONLY" and their photo is their erect dick.

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in my opinion and experience, 'safe only' is politically correct cover so their friends don't find out their dirty little secret.

i don't hit up guys who hide behind it. i will upon occasion tell a guy 'it's a shame we're not compatible, cuz i'd really like to play with you.'

at least half of those will then admit to going bare.

and i can't count the number of guys with it in theor profile who hit me up and say 'hot profile. wish i had yuor courage' or something similar.

what i find funny is guys who are 'safe only' on a4a and the other vanilla sites, but not elsewhere. when i find them i send a note saying 'i ike your bbrt profile better.'

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Guest JizzDumpWI

True, for those where it is clear they're the same guy, I've done the same. There does seem to be two schools of thought out there. One is different handle on each site. The other is same handle on each site. I like the latter. I want guys who want to play with me to find me easily. But a bud of mine says that's a bad idea. Never quite sure why...

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True, for those where it is clear they're the same guy, I've done the same. There does seem to be two schools of thought out there. One is different handle on each site. The other is same handle on each site. I like the latter. I want guys who want to play with me to find me easily. But a bud of mine says that's a bad idea. Never quite sure why...

I for one use the same handle everywhere, except business,/work , not that it matters, but I try to keep personal life seperate. But there are good reasons not to. I'm openly bi, but for those people not out using multiple handles would lower the risk of discovery, and provide some deniability.

There are good reasons not to use the same handle also. Over the years I've had to deal with several stalkers both male and female. Actually dated one before I found out, but thats another story. Exe's can also track you down that way. Then there's the fact that if you use the same handle long enough, more information may be available about you online than you'd care to have out there. Google mine and you should be able to find old posts in newsgroups, and other groups/places, as well as what I do for a living, where I hang out and even my phone number if you know what you are doing.

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Guest slobbvers
True, for those where it is clear they're the same guy, I've done the same. There does seem to be two schools of thought out there. One is different handle on each site. The other is same handle on each site. I like the latter. I want guys who want to play with me to find me easily. But a bud of mine says that's a bad idea. Never quite sure why...

A few weeks ago I chatted briefly with a you chubby gut on a4a. He told me that he doesn't go bare. About a week later I was looking through the 'guys in your area' section on bbrt and I saw his profile. When I saw him on a4a I asked him about that. His reply was that it's an old profile and that he doesn't use it.

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Of all the "safe only" guys in my area who are on A4A, I've only met one who truly would only play safe. All of the others I've hooked up with have gone bare without so much as a second thought save one. We did it on our second hook up.

Just this last week it was spring break so there weren't a lot of guys in town so for those who were, they couldn't be picky bitches and go with their usual bullshit of "if you're over 30" or whatnot.

I hooked up with 4 new guys and all 4 were "safe only" who fucked raw with me. Breed three of them and got bred by two. One bottom did get pissed that I bred his ass because he wanted me to pull out, but I will never do that once my dick is up that hole.

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Guest slobbvers

I had replied to a guy who had posted on CL looking for a flip fuck bud. We exchanged texts. When I asked if bareback was ok he got very indignant and told me to get lost. My reply was a hearty, "All righty then."

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I found the same thing on A4A - too many guys hiding behind the politically correct "safe only" bullshit. I can't tell you how many guys hit me up with that stupid qualifier in their profile, even though my profile explicitly stated "anything goes" and "poz." I deleted my profile on A4A after about 3 weeks and don't miss it at all. BBRT is far better for guys that are genuinely looking to fuck raw and aren't ashamed of it.

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Most of the time I have found safe sex guys will ditch the rubber in a second. They don't want to make the first move to bb. Don't know if it's a mind game or it simply leaves them more options. I'm glad I'm not into safe sex anymore.

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Guest slobbvers
I found the same thing on A4A - too many guys hiding behind the politically correct "safe only" bullshit. I can't tell you how many guys hit me up with that stupid qualifier in their profile, even though my profile explicitly stated "anything goes" and "poz." I deleted my profile on A4A after about 3 weeks and don't miss it at all. BBRT is far better for guys that are genuinely looking to fuck raw and aren't ashamed of it.

I live in a small city. bbrt doesn't have many guys in my area and they're hardly online. Otherwise I'd use bbrt more often.

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I live in a small city. bbrt doesn't have many guys in my area and they're hardly online. Otherwise I'd use bbrt more often.

That's my problem with BBRT, so few active members in my town, and of the ones who are, I've fucked most of them.

A4A is the best for members where I live followed by MH. I personally don't worry if someone says they're "safe only" but wants to fuck raw. It just means more action and I'm not turning down a dick or ass because his profile says "safe only."

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As someone who's profile does say safesex only.... I do it for two reasons.

First was that I used to get quite alot of abuse and preaching about barebacking. -quite glad to be without that.

Second, is it gets me more fucks. Safe sex only guys don't go anywhere near barebackers even if they wear a rubber. I want fucks, I don't want to turn anyone away: if they want to wear a condom or not, that's their prerogative.

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I saw this thread and had to respond. As a neg, just tested, top who loves to bareback I find it funny how guys who are hare core, "No glove! No love!" bottoms cruise my profiles like crazy. I have even gone so far to put in my profile. If I'm not dumping my puppies in your wet pussy, don't bother responding. Now here's what perplexes me. On some sites you can see who has cruised your profile. So some guys will hover around my profile for weeks and months at a time, like they buying a fuckin' car. Some guys will say hi and say, "I know you are only into bareback but I was hoping you would wear a condom for me." I say, "What the fuck makes your cunt so special I'd wear a condom for you?" Or I'll respond, "Did you read my profile or just finger your pussy at my cock shot and ignore the words?!" They usually disappear immediately. Then I get the guys who say, "I want you in my pussy." I say, "Bare?" They say, "Are you clean? Or when was your last test?" I say, "I'm tested every two months and I'm HIV- I have the results to prove it." They say, "OK bring the results and you can have my pussy!"

So I show up, bring the results and they say, "OK so now you can have my pussy." I say, "No thanks" and begin to leave. They say, "What's the matter don't you want me?" I say, "After I go through the effort to prove I'm neg and you totally don't look like your picture? I'm worried what else you are lying about, like your status, and will infect me. See ya!" I really, really don't get it. They make me jump through medical hoops to prove I'm neg and these butt-fucking, ugly, guys are lying about the way they look?!! Explain that to me?! Or they use someone elses picture to get me there. (Yes that's happened a few times.) I don't really buy into the "safe only" as I've had so many guys say I trust you and you have papers (like I'm a predigree dog or something) so breed me.

If I have to go through this and I'm neg I hate to see what my poz friends, who openly admit their poz, go through. Sheesh!

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I think a lot of men like the idea of bareback sex, but don't want to be judged or turned down by a potential partner that wants to rubber up. It's our group perceptions of ourselves that are crappy. How many profiles on sex sites that announce that they are "clean" and you be too. I shower at least once everyday, lol. Bottom line is very few guys have turned me down for bb sex. I do carry a rubber for that just in case h

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