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[Hot Pigg] Recap Of Last Week


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So I've been kinda ill due to pollen attacking me from everywhere. Watch The Happening. It's coming true. Anyway, I was still able to take 11 loads last week.

1. HOT BUILT ASAIN - We met at Robbie's gang bang last August and have been talking a bit since then but never worked out a time to hook up. He came over and fucked me for 39 minutes. I know b/c he let me film the whole thing. As soon as I can figure out how to remove the faces, I will post the video here. Lets just say fucking every which direction and even pissing in my ass then continuing to fuck me!!! Fucking hot.

2. SEX PARTY - Went to a sex party at a two story loft that was dark and hot!! I had heard of this party but am usually unavailable to make it. It worked out in my favor and went. People had told me it's usually ugly old guys but I wasn't really caring when I went. I met up with my friend and Puppy. Puppy and I spent all night either bent over the bed or bent of the leather bench taking anyone's load who would give it to us. We figured I got about ten. BTW, the ripped hot ass fucker you slammed me at the party after Black Party was there too. He raped the shit out of me in front of everyone just like last time. OMG he is so fucking hot. Other notables, a beautiful hot black boy who pulled me aside and fucked me with his back to the wall so that I was kinda hiding him. I loved it. I love black dick and took about four of them there but he was just beautiful. My friends gave me a ride home after my prostate had decided he had had enough. Puppy was a star as well and it was hot kissing him as we both got fucked. MMMMMmmmmm...

Till next load...



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