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[My Load Deep In You] PIss Party Last Sunday


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I answered an ad for a piss party in M4SN. I decided to go because I'd never been to one before. The guy sends out the address shortly after the party is supposed to start, but I still go. I get there, and hes' upstairs in the bathtub with this hood/funnel combination on his head. I'm the only one there, but do have to piss badly. So, I piss into the funnel, and he takes it all, choking once or twice. I zip up, get in the car, and call an fb around the corner from piss boy. I go over, get sucked, and go home. Has anyone been to this type of party before? What usually happens?2856469041485238199-2239688907714720911?l=myloaddeepinyou.blogspot.com


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