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[Athens GA Poz] Have you ever paid for M4M sex?


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Click here to see original post on Diary of an Athens, Georgia HIV+ Guy...

Thanks for voting in the poll regarding paying for sex. Out of the 44 votes cast, 24 voted "No, never have, never will. This means almost half have done this or would consider doing it.

No, never have, never will


I do this frequently


I did this once or twice


I never did this, but I'd be willing to




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I was going to NYC and contacted a "PRO" a week in advance because I was going to be there for only one night! Wanted to make sure he would be available. We set it up and he was going to supply some T and we were going to bareback! I asked if he was POZ and he emailed back and said, "I am a prostitute in NYC who also likes to PNP and bareback...what do YOU think!" So I think you are right to assume that "these guys are pros I assume poz".

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