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[Spunk Bucket Belfast] 24th April 2010 - The Bareback Party


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Im just back from the bareback party in Nottingham.

The strangest thing happened..... I was topping quite alot.... and I wasnt the only bottom who had turned top either.

I started getting ready for the party at about 5pm, getting ready includes the 'you know what' thing, getting cleaned out etc, and dressed for the flight.

Unfortunately, douches dont tend to last long when you fly at 20,000 ft in a pressurized cabin. Pressure seems to cause your digestive tract to work a little faster.

But anyway, I got my flight at about 20:50. It was about 20 minutes late, but managed to get me to East Midlands Airport in about 25 minutes, quite a quick flight. The sky had gone dark mid flight, and the lights of the East Midlands welcomed the plane as we flew over head.

We landed, and I got off, and headed straight to the exit, and got a taxi. The taxi unfortunately, cost 29 quid. How annoying is that.

Before we continue....

Various gaydar.co.uk profiles from belfast, had messaged me stating that they were interested in attending the party, I held out hopes that one, if not some or all of these people would be interested in attending. However, they all turned out to be time wasters.

Omaghlad30 - Cyber Wanker, wants me to describe the party in detail so he can jack off over his keyboard.

d8guy - Said he wanted to attend, said he wanted updates, and in the end he never responded to the updates.

shadowkeeper - Also said he wanted to attend, but alas, he is in the same boat as Omaghlad30.

CoolConnor28 - "I wana attend.... but I wana see the attendee list first...." - Fucking wank job. Like im gonna do that.


Its not for lack of trying on my part, that I couldnt get people to travel with me, its just because belfast is full of wankers who will lie and pretend to be into bareback, but in reality are just after a quick cyber wank.


Taxi got me to the party around 21:45

I rang the door bell, and after 30 seconds, a completely naked guy came to the door and opened it. It was a fellow attendee, and he was hot.

I walked through into the party, and noticed there was about 12 guys in the kitchen, fully naked, 3 couples fucking, Fred - one of the hosts was there, he welcomed me, and reminded me that he had a package for me.

(Kamagra - which I ordered to be delivered to his address)

Anyhow.... I went upstairs, to one of the spare bedrooms, that gets used as a cloak room, and got undressed, and waited patiently outside the bathroom, turns out there was a bit of a queue for the douch, anyway, I got in finally, and did a quick douche. I didnt have much to do, since I usually try to douche out over the course of 2 days, to get me cleaned out for nights on end.

I exited the bathroom, and went down to kitchen again, and got a look at some of the attendee's.

I saw some people I have met at previous parties,

Charlie, Chris, Robert, and Josh (York CumSlut - Chaser).

I popped a Kamagra pill, and had a vodka coke to wash it down. I waited about 20 minutes for it to kick in.

I walked about, and explored the rooms and various attendee's.

There was alot of hot guys, including a guy wearing a footballers outfit - blue shirt, shorts.


This is him, he was dead hot. Unfortunately, he was busy being btm for most of the time I was walking about. He had some guys working his ass with big double ended dong's, as well as getting fisted for a wee bit.

At the sight of this, my cock started to wake up, and this was the start of the end. Lol

I walked into the middle bedroom, and saw York Cumslut Josh taking loads from guys left right and center, Charlie, his friend, had a go at fucking me, and he dragged me to the sling and got me in it. I loved getting fucked by his big thick cock, it kinda curves to the left, but it hits the spot. I squeezed my ass tight, to try and milk his cock.

He stopped after about 5-6 minutes of fucking, and I was hoping that someone would take over, but alas, everyone was fixated on the guy in blue, taking all the toys.

I walked back to middle room, and saw josh still taking loads.

Someone gestured to me, telling me to give him a fuck. I thought it would be a good chance to test the Kamagra out, and boy.... did it stay hard.

I grabbed my cock, and pointed it towards his hole as he lay on the bed, face down. I felt the blood flowing through my cock veins faster and harder than ever, and I gave Josh a good fucking for several minutes, I took note of the sounds he made as I fucked him, so I knew what was doing the trick. He liked the feeling of the in out motion, so I would pull out part of the way, and then thrust in fast and hard.

I didnt cum in his hole, to be honest, I dont like cumming, because once I do, Im no longer horny.

But while I was fucking him, some hung goatie-bearded guy came up behind me, and started rimming me good, eventually, once my ass was well sloppy, he shoved his cock in me, and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a 3 way sandwich.

Bearded Guy





Felt good, he whispered into my ear things like

"Yeah..., fuck both of us, move that ass.... fuck his ass and my cock!!"

I loved the feeling of his cock raw in my ass. Eventually, he stopped, and someone else, I didnt look behind me to see who, took his place, and started fucking me, I knew the cock felt different.

Eventually the 3 way faded, and I got up, allowing someone else to take my place on Josh.

I walked around and checked downstairs, and found some hot guys who were up for getting fucked by my cock. Apparently news of my 'top' exploits had got around, I kept giving the credit to the kamagra.

One guy, from Stoke on Trent, called Ian, gave me the most top pleasure I ever felt, or even knew about.

Started fucking him in the middle bedroom, him on his back, me pounding his ass, and it felt alright, but then he got me lying down. And he jumped up and down with his ass working my cock.

I had never felt anything that good for ... like ever.

There was myself and several other guys lying on the bed, while Ian bounced up and down on my cock, all that could be heard was myself panting and pretty much laughing in pleasure.

"Oh My god.. haha... that feels ooooh... my god...."

I was saying shit like that for the whole time, Other guys were getting fucked in the room, and they were doing it quietly, but I was fucking this guy, and my cock felt so great, that I just had to be verbal about it.

Eventually, he had enough anal pleasure, and my cock was finished too.

For next 20-30 minutes, I socialized down in the living room and kitchen, as I saw other guys fucking etc, and I got a few comments from guys, saying "God.... that thing not gone down yet??" - regarding my cock.

I laughed it off, and said "Yeah... its like a real disability".

I had plans later on in the night, I had a guy called Patrick, who wanted me to stay with him the night, and in return, he would give me free ride to the airport.

Anyhow, before I got ready to leave, I decided I would have some fun with Robert,

He gave me my first taste of 'Plantfood' and I have to say, I was expecting more.

1. I sniffed it, no immediate effect,

2. Eventually, it hit the back of my throat, and tasted crap.... ewww.

I didnt notice any effect at all. Have no idea why anyone would take that stuff.

I have a friend in belfast who takes it, he says it turns you into an instant cock whore..... Obviously an exageration.

Anyhow, I had some fun with Robert as well, of course, me fucking.

I had fun fucking him so much that he seemed to be feeling a little bit of pain, I had him on his back, legs up on my shoulders, as I slammed deep in.

Anyhow.... my kamagra seemed to have lasted all night.

Around 1.45 I decided to leave the party, so got dressed and told Patrick where I was, and thats that....

Myself and patrick had some fun, he wanked and came on my ass.....

I think he was scared to penetrate me, I told him upfront I was at a bareback party, and showed him the profile on gaydar, so he knew that the attendee's were poz.

I myself, am Neg as far as I know, as of February's test at the GUM clinic, I was neg anyway.

But then again... he probably didnt wana risk putting his cock in an ass, potentially filled with poz cum. Lol

I wish.....

Anyhow.... I had lots of fun topping this time, and now the next party is in June.... Im gonna try and save up quick, to get enough cash together for the travel etc in June for the party. Trying to get attendee's together too.6097407870184969815-587408604086652960?l=bbbelfast.blogspot.com


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