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[Billy Twee] Steamworks All-Nighter


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The good thing, about having friends in from out of town, is that you often get around to doing things you've been meaning to do, but for whatever reason, haven't. I mean, who ever heard of a San Franciscan who hasn't taken the tour of Alcatraz? Well, I haven't and I know of many other locals who haven't either. I need a friend who wants to go to Alcatraz and then I'll finally do it. Friends from SoCal came up for the Cockpit Party last Thursday night, and we all agreed to hit the Steamworks in Berkeley on Friday night, which we did. I've been to Steamworks many times and have blogged about my encounters there, but I'd never stayed later than 9 p.m. We checked in around 5 p.m., and it seemed slow for a Friday (the Steamworks has been pretty good for me, as far as daytime action is concerned), but while there was a drag for a while, overall it was busy enough, so we renewed our rooms...they had planned to do so anyway, and I eventually did so myself...I know, it was out of character...but that's the point: do something new or different and you'll surprise yourself. We checked out at 8 a.m., Saturday, and I drove us back into The City. The biggest surprise is that I wasn't the least bit tired...it didn't catch up with me until early Sat. evening. But here's how it went for my first All-Nighter ever.

Check in: 5 p.m.

#1 Over the Hill Surfer, 5:30 p.m., tall, slender, pretty much hairless on his body but he made up for it with a full head of blonde hair...nice man-face, good kisser, kinda affectionate...couldn't get it up...left at his discretion, and I told him I hoped he'd come back..more about him later.

#2 Samoan Top, 6:15 p.m., I don't know if this guy is Samoan or not...what the govt. probably says is that he's Pacific Islander. I know better: there are Polynesians, Melanesians, Micronesians and some subgroups which the white man bureaucrats simply lump in together as 'Pacific Islanders,'...I'd be annoyed, just as white man's nomenclature of 'Asian' pretty much lumps in 3/4 of humanity into one big group...Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thais, etc. are all distinctive, too different to be dissed as 'Asian,' but by the same token, white man also uses the term 'Caucasian' for biological types native to Europe, North Africa and the Near East, as well as parts of the Eurasian land mass...how sillyass is that? But I digress: this top certainly looked Samoan to me: big, barrel chest, big arms, thick neck, small ass to push it in with, it was average-sized but torpedo-shaped...ST slammed my ass for a good 15 minutes, alas, wearing a condom. The last Samoan top I had buggered me butthole in Palm Springs and dumped a goodsized load. This guy didn't come; I checked his condom when he left. Nice guy, though.

From 7 p.m. to about 10 p.m., nothing happened!! I trolled the halls myself...not much goin' on anywheres.

#3 Politico, 10 p.m. I don't know if this guy is a politician or not, but he sure sounded like one: smooth talker, generous with the nice comments, flattering me with words about how handsome I am, what a nice ass I've got, etc. Politico (and God I really do wish he were a closeted office holder/high ranking bureaucrat...that would be so hot, and a first for me) fucked me good with a thick, fat dick...yowza...this was the best fuck of the night. Don't know if he came or not...handsome devil in sort of an Irish way, mature face, full head of hair, nice smile. I wonder if bottoms in Wash DC are getting fucked by closeted politicians, oh hot! Yowza!

#4 African Guy, 11:30 p.m. He wanted to cuddle, after he couldn't get it up. Breaking the stereotype, he was average sized. Completely hairless body, very sexy, nicely-shaped cock...I wish I could have had it.

#5 The return of the Surfer, 12:30 a.m.; they say they'll come back, but they rarely do. He did! I worked on his dick and it stayed spongy and floppy, then low and behold, he came on my belly. I wiped it up with hand and lubed my hole with it. It was the best I could do. This was a nice bod, nice to hold on to.

#6 Older White Guy 1:45 a.m....fucked me good with condom.

#7 At the fuck bench in the play area, got fucked by a top anonymously in the dark, never saw his face...reached down to feel his cock working my ass: condom! Shit, man! No load, withdrew after a few minutes.

#8 Stocky Latino, 3:00 a.m. On the surface, he's one of my types: stocky, muscular build, short dark hair, thick thighs. But then...a dick the size of a peanut with balls resembling a couple of very tiny walnuts. Ah shit! However, after working on his dick for a while, it got rock hard and Stocky Latino gave me a good hard fuck, he fucked with vigor and total domination...he was mostly on his knees as he fucked me on my back. Raw! Don't know for sure if he came or not, but by now my asshole's making those squishy sounds. After he left, I tried to push it out, whatever was up there...nothing came out so I guess it was just my buttjuices.

#9 Anonymous Top, 6:00 a.m. Back on the fuckbench, somebody fucked my ass bareback for a few minutes then withdrew. We had attracted a bit of a crowd, so I sucked everybody else, four or five guys, hoping one of them would finish the job. Not only did I fail in that, everybody left after I sucked him off. I cleared out the play area all by myself at 6:00 a.m.! How fucked is that?

#10 Inept Chinese Fucker, 7:30 a.m. Still on the fuckbench. This guy tried for 30 minutes to plug my hole with a droopy noodle. He seemed to think the problem was lube, he kept lubing himself up...that's why I call him inept...anybody could go soft, that's part of being male...but this guy wouldn't take the hint: I stopped cooperating after sucking him for 15 minutes or so (this whole exercise lasted about 45 minutes)...and then I kept moving up on the bench so that he couldn't reach my hole...then he'd try to pull me back. I'm not rude...and I'd never 'diss' anyone, but here, I had to pull myself off the bench and leave. It was almost 8 a.m., maybe he was just tired, played out, it happens.

On the balance, a very nice night...my pals also had a great time, and I think they'll be back. Thanks Steamworks for the spotless rooms, nice staff, great house music. I renewed my membership and hope to be back soon.3922053678647687689-7859110536205706213?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


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