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Is this lying ?


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Wow dude! You really are a dumb-mother fucking idiot. Can people be banned based on pure ignorance? If so, this douche is the best candidate I've seen so far.

Ridiculous AND a liar (for no reason)...wow...you're a real catch! I'd be nervous too if I was ridiculously lying and my boyfriend was getting numbers from other dudes. If he has any sense he'll be dumping your sorry ass soon.

First of all I think u should invest in a brain ASAP...I get numbers from dudes too.... Or did u miss where I mentioned that I fucked with someone and didn't mention it till few days later? It's not a popularity contest about who gets most numbers....we r both attractive guys but that's not the point ....not saying that I'm great catch either.... Not very proud how I behave and react sometimes either.... Sorry for not having perfect behaviour skills...but u sure do sound perfect....lol

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Bigdick4u- I've seen you post multiple times about your relationship, and if km not mistaken isn't your bf on this sit too. Anyway my point is simply that all the feedback youve gotten is basically correct. Your issues are really with yourself and until u resolve the. Any relationship u enter into will become disfuntional. take some time off and work out your issues by yourself or with the help of a platonic friend or therapist.I have a feeling u won't follow that sound advice though, and three months from now ull still b posting threads asking for advice and receiving redundant answers lol good luck

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first of all i think u should invest in a brain asap...i get numbers from dudes too.... Or did u miss where i mentioned that i fucked with someone and didn't mention it till few days later? It's not a popularity contest about who gets most numbers....we r both attractive guys but that's not the point ....not saying that i'm great catch either.... Not very proud how i behave and react sometimes either.... Sorry for not having perfect behaviour skills...but u sure do sound perfect....lol


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The biggest thing about your delayed honesty is that you present it like a dog bringing his master his slippers or the paper and expect some kind of reward for it. From my perspective, I asked you to honor our agreement and rather than do that you lied and then presented the truth later on in a very "oh by the way, I fucked this guy" (holding his profile page in my face) and trying to apologize. You expect like some kind of instant positive reaction to that and fail to see that its a positive reaction for me not to punch you in the face and just walk away. I abhore violence but you seem hell bent to push me to it on some level with these games. I am not even going to bother reading the previous postings on this site right now. I feel like this is a broken record and much like how you have ignored all the advice of the guys here you seem to just ignore everything we talk about in texts and in person. When we met I was way more interested in group sex and sex in general, now it just sort of turns my stomache to the point that you've cured me of my desire to act on being a "pig" of any type... I told you before I've dated guys that did the same thing, they wanted to have a one sided open relationship where they fuck everyone they see and I don't fuck anyone else. Its essentially what you have had all along and even then you are jealous and horrible. Don't blame the drinking either, because we both know you do this shit sober from a distance as well. You going through my phone this last weekend was over the top too. Not only did you take old texts out of context but those were conversations that occurred when we weren't even together! I don't need to ask anyone here what I should do. I know full well who I am with and in spite of that I've tried like hell to do my half of making this work with you. I just am tired of the manipulation and drama and if I wanted to date a woman I would, and if I wanted to date my mother I would be Norman Bates. I can forgive a legitimate quest for knowledge. I have so far forgiven a lot BUT there comes a point where even a broken record gets thrown out or replaced and the last thing I want is for either of us to get hurt. I think maybe a real issue for me is that you are poz and I am neg, and while I have done a lot of risky stuff over the last decade I have been lucky about staying negative and I go back and forth with how much risk I really want to take, not only sexually but emotionally as well. If it was reversed I don't know how eager I would be for my boyfriend to do risky stuff especially when he expresses to me concerns about that behavior. There is a coldness from you that troubles me greatly about a great many things in our relationship. You say we don't have the connection we used to and I agree because I think all along you've been hearing what you want and disregarding the rest (to paraphrase a bit). You search for deception on my part when there is none. You fail to see that maybe you have a serious sex addiction and on top of that a true desire to be with someone in a loving relationship and those two desires are at war with each other. I feel uneasy about being caught in the middle of that and know there is probably nothing I can do to help you with that without losing myself and who I am in the process. Then what?

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