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[Bare Sqwhirl] WABAC New Years Eve 2003


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Mr. Peabody "Sherman, set the WABAC machine to New Years Eve 2002"

In 2002 I was living in the Boston area. I had just gotten back from an 8 month deployment with a Navy Reserve Unit in Greece doing fleet security post 9-11. I had enough of the Navy and had cut my ties tranfering to inactive ready reserve. The deployment had taken it toll on me mentally and had just finished my first semester at UMass Boston.*

I met some friends early in the evening for dinner and priming before heading off to Machine/Ramrod for drinking and dance. I wasn't dating anyone at the time just random hook ups here and there. So I was ready for anything and had all intentions of maybe finding one. Hell If I just ended up making out with a random guy that would have worked for me. Knowing the clubs I did not set my expectations that high.*

We made it to the club probably around 10:00 or so and started to get ripped. The club was filled with couple and singles. We made the rounds checking everyone out and seeing if there were any targets worth pursuing. I set my markers on a few and would check them out further on the dance floor. By 11:00 I had really lowered my expectations and had settled in on just having fun with friends.*

My bud had left the dance floor to take a break and get another round for everyone. When I notice this guy over on the side of the dance floor. He was not here earlier and was pretty hot. He stood in at over 6'3" short dark hair in jeans and a dress shirt. I left the dance floor and walked over to the bar and giving him a long look over and "Hi" as I passed by. When I made it to the bar I order a beer and noticed him beside me, he said hey and I asked if he need a drink. He replied "a beer is cool" I asked the for another and handed him the beer. We walked to a more secude corner where we could talk over by the pool tables.*

Made with the normal conversation Who we were with, how we noticed each other and the basic background info. He was alone and worked on AMTRAK and was in Boston for the evening. We continued to chat and then headed back to the dance floor. Where be even more acquainted by grinding and feeling each other up. We had our hand up our shirt and down each others pants. I found he had a semi hard cock and he found mine, next he found my hole and drove one of his fingers in just enough to to make me crazy. He next asked if I wanted to back to his hotel, I was in agreement quickly. I told him I just need to check out with my friends since I had driven one of them.*

He said cool and we went to find them, by now it was nearing midnight so we waited until after getting a couple of free glasses of champagne. Which just brought our lips locked and tongues engaged. As we got in line to get our coats he said he had something to tell me before we headed out. We were in each others arms and continuing to grind against each other.*

"What is this you wanted to tell me? Your not married or something?"

"Nah" "I'm not married, I'm HIV Positive."

At first I was a bit startled, I hadn't know many guys that would be that up front about their status.*

"I'm neg but it doesn't change my mind." and kissed him.

"Good, Let's get the hell out of here."

Finally got our jackets and found my truck. It was a short drive across town to S.Boston where his hotel was. We headed straight to the elevator and made out the entire way *up. He opened the door and before it closed he had me against the wall making out. Our jackets hit the floor first then our shirt and not long after I had his pant unbuttoned and is hard-on in my hand. I dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth. It wasn't thick but its length made up for it. He grabbed my head and drove it in deep causing me to gag and cough. He eased up a bit letting me do my thing and getting him primed.*

After about 5 minutes of working his cock I stood up not wanting his load down my throat. I undid my jeans and stepped out of them and dropped my boxers. He then took my hand led me to the bed we laid down and made out some more and grinding our cocks into each other. Our cocks leaked pre-cum the entire time. I wanted his cock in me and he could sense this as he lifted my legs and started to prime my hole with his spit. He had a great system of drive his tongue in and then his finger and then over again.*

My hole was wet and ready. He set my legs on his shoulders and lined up his cock. It went in pretty easily and before I knew it was all the way in buried to his balls. He started slow and then quickly picked up the pace. It was a bit rougher than I usually liked but it felt so damn good I wasn't about to complain. There was the normal banter between us "Damn your cock feels awesome", "Your hole is so tight", "Fuck Me", "Take it bitch", so on and so forth and mixed in with making out. Twenty minutes had gone by and we both were getting close.*

This is when he asked "Where do you want me to cum?"*

"Dude that's up to you."

"I want to cum in you. Are you okay with that?

"Fuck cum in me then."

"Are you sure, I'm poz remember."

"Yeah, I remember if it mattered I wouldn't have left with you."

And with that he picked up the pace once again slamming my ass as hard as he could. This set me off and announced I was going to cum and he wasn't far behind me. I shot my load on my stomach and then his went in my hole. He continued to fuck me working his load in and then collapsing on top. We fell asleep pretty much in that position only to awake hour later with my dried cum on both of us. We fucked one more time that night and in the morning.

*There were also a couple of more hot connections when he was in the Boston area again. We had kept in touch up until a couple of years ago when we both found boyfriends. This was probably on of the more memorable New Years and he's a great top whoever in the DC metro harnessed him has one luck holes and a great kisser.*



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