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[Bare Sqwhirl] Gift Exchange


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I started writing this on the 26th but I have been very busy at work and this had been the first opportunity to finish writing it. I'll be happy when New Year is here and I have a couple of days the next week to unwind.

Christmas started off like any other, bf and I got up, exchanged gifts and had breakfast. My bf then left for his Mom's house he was going to be saying the night, so I was on my own. After he was long gone I shit, showered and shaved. Making sure my hole was clean and ready. I was hopeful I'd find a trick but my hopes weren't that high. I was sure what would be available on Christmas, but if I hadn't any luck I could always stretch my hole with my mega dildo.

After I about an hour I started chatting with poz guy that I had my eye one other times but he was usually high. I hate PNP, guys on it are great bottoms but can never cum while topping. So what's the use. Things were going well and he said his BF was away as well. We cut the small talk and he said he could drop by, but would only fuck me bareback if I was poz. So when he asked I lied told him I was. Everything was set he'd could be here in 20 minutes.

When he got here he looked much better than his MH he posted. He was 26 his head was shaved 5'9"tall weighed in at about 140 and he trimmed his pubes and chest hair. He had a nice tight ass and a respectable 6" cock with nice thickness.

Once he was in the door we kissed and explored each others clothed bodies. As we made out we disrobed, first the shirts and then unbuckling of the pants. Our shoes were kicked off and I dropped to my knees and pulled his semi hard cock from his jock strap. I looked up at him and took his cock into my mouth and went to work. He was moaning and enjoyed my work. After about 15 minutes he pulled me up saying we wanted me out of my under armour shorts and see my raging hard on.

From there we laid on the floor each working the others cock. the he got up and moved above me. Scooting my legs apart and laying on top he dry humped me as we made out some more. I passed him the lube, he pleasantly pleased to see I had gun oil and a bottle of poppers near by. He then lubed up my hole and his cock. he took a hit from the bottle and then stuck it under my nose and had me inhale as he had two fingers in my hole.

Still on my back I lifted one of my legs pulling back to my head he rolled me on my side and lined up his cock with my hole. I felt the pressure of the head and then it popped in my hole. It felt nice to have him in me. He pushed in all the way to his balls it was in deep. He wasn't the best fuck but it felt nice none the less. He drilled my hole for about 15 mins or so the asked me to fuck him. He love my size and girth. I have to agree I wish I could find more guys with my size.

He lubed up his hole and I did the same to my cock. I laid on my back as he hovered above lining up his hole with my cock. He lowered his hole down on to it and let it slide in, then he moved his leg and before he knew it he took more than he take at one time and jumped up quickly. It was kind of funny and I had to laugh. But he wasn't going to give up and after a minute or so his hole was back around my cock. I didn't move until he was use to and his hole had been stretched.

I have to admit his hole felt awesome It had been a long time since I had topped. I'm usually more of a bottom so I don't look go looking for a hole. Once inside I sat up as he laid back, I rocked back and for driving it in and out. With out slipping out I went from sitting back to the push up position as he held his legs back with his heels. I ravaged his hole it felt so go I was a bit rough when I fucked him. He took another hit from the poppers and gave me another which put me over the edge. I picked up my pace and told him I was close he asked if I wanted to cum in him and I said hell yes and gave him all of me. With that he took a 3 days of a built up load.

After I pulled out he asked if I was able still able to be fuck I I assured him I was. Since he hadn't cummed yet he was happy to hear that. He slid his cock back into my hole and commented I was a bit rough on his hole I told then to give it back to me. He did, he held my head up and placed the popper bottle under my nose once again feeding me another hit and took a couple himself. He now had my legs on his shoulders and held my hands back. He fucked me pretty rough and became more verbal. Telling me he was going to seed my hole and that I was soon going to his DNA running through me. My cock was a rock once again. I egged him on and told him to breed me I wanted his cum in me.

It didn't take him long this verbal exchange was setting him over the edge and he blasted away in me. Damn that felt good. Even after he had cummed he wasn't ready to give up and continued to fuck me working his load in.

All a said and done it was pretty hot and he seemed to be a pretty nice guy. I just wish he and his bf didn't use, I would love to have his bf in me as well. Especially at the same time ;-) But they do usually get high if I'm going to get fucked want cum in me. His bf had been visiting family also and he was home alone too.

Breeder 2

This one wasn't as eventful just a quick fuck and run. After shavedhead guy had left I jumped back on MH seeing I was still pretty horny. I found a 32 year old poz guy not exactly my type a bit overweight but he was good looking. He wanted to get off before going to his family's for dinner. I told him to come over I was ready and had a load already brewing in me. With this guy there was no questioning of my status, he didn't care. It took him half hour to show up. There was no small talk just me dropping to my knees and getting him hard. I stripped and laid back on the floor, he dropped down pants still around his legs and slid right in. He fucked me hard but was a bit clumsy and kept slipping out he was about the same size as shavedhead guy but had 50lbs on him. Needless to say he was a 10 minute fuck and not very verbal just some grunting.

He didn't tell me he was going to cum but had. I didn't know until he started to breath harder and just let out another grunt. I had to ask him if he had finished and said he had. He got dressed asked to use the bathroom and left. He wasn't the best top and wasn't the worst. Anyway we both got what we were after and he was on his way.

I was pretty happy the rest of the day and went to sleep that night with these two poz loads in me. Sharing and giving always makes you feel better.4615634577739098708-5140308985867978864?l=baresqwhirl.blogspot.com


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