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[Bare Sqwhirl] In the Back Seat


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Our relationship wasn't one carved in stone, more like a sandcastle in the tide. We continued out get togethers for about 6 months until he decide that I was to young. The sex was great but that is all it was, he kind of broke my heart, but I didn't dwell to long.*

I can thank Chris for one thing and that was introducing me to club (called Buddy's or Bobby's I can't remeber) in Boston over by the Garden. On Sundays they had a 18+ night. He and I had gone a few time and it really helped me move on. I started going there, not every week but I would recognize many of the same face and made a few new friends. One guy Kyle was hot and pretty much a club queen. He was a student at Emerson College, 5'8" 120lb blond and a hot body and was a bit of a drunk but fun never the less.*

First time I fucked around with him was on the dance floor and the first time at a club for New Years. I had done a few shots before going in and he was always good at getting the older guys to buy him drinks. So we both were well on our way and it was early. Kyle and I were both getting ripe and our blood was flowing to essential areas. Final well before the stroke of midnight Kyle suggest we go to my car was parked not to far away do a few more shots. One of the guys he had been using was getting to touchy for him.*

We head down the street and into the garage where I had parked. Once at the car he suggested we get in to the back seat to drink. I broke out the bottle of jack that I had and both took a couple of gulps. After we had let the liquor run down our throats I pulled Kyle over closer to me. Our lips immediately met and had one of the hottest make out sessions. The windows were quickly fogged which gave us more privacy on a cold night.

After having been with Chris I had learned a thing or two and tonight I was fueled to try them out. My inhibitions had been lowered by the Jack and I was feeling pretty good. Kyle and I locked lips both of us probing each others mouths he didn't fight off just went with my moves. By now we were both rubbing body against body and our hand were all over each other. It didn't take long before I had his belt and pants undone and he had worked my free too. I pushed him back and went down on his cock. It was sweet and salty, streaming with pre-cum.*

I worked his pole like a Popsicle taking it deep in my throat and trying not to gag to much. He was a bit smaller than Chris but not to thick either it was a nice cock. Like any boy I was enjoying the task at hand. After about 5 minutes Kyle pushed me off fearing he was going to cum and switched positions. *He was a damn good cock sucker and I was in heaven. He really knew how to work a cock. After about 15 minutes of that I warned him that I was close. He next told me he wanted it inside of him.*

This had me harder than evere I thought I was going to blow with just the thought. He rolled over and got on all fours. On hand and leg on the floorboards and the others on the back seat. I pushed his ass down a bit and lined my cock up with his hole. My heart was freaking going nuts afraid some security guard or security would walk by. I pushed the head in now knowing that I shouldn't go that fast. His hole was nice and tight and felt good wrapped around my cock. With that I increased the pressure and pushed in deeper. Just as I pushed in he pushed back taking my cock to the hilt. I just let out a moan I couldn't believe how good his hole felt.*

Now submerged deep inside I continued to fuck Kyle and he was really into enjoying every stroke. This didn't take me long to burst since he already had me edging from his blowjob. I warned him I was going to to cum and he just pushed back taking all I had to give. After Iwas done moaning he slipped off of my softening cock and kissed me and reached for the bottle. I settled back and took the bottle from him. We both then pulled our pants back up and headed back to the club.*

Kyle and I would play on a couple of other occasions but nothing as hot as this just exchanging blow jobs and make out sessions. I tried to get him to fuck me but he was all bottom. I ran into Kyle a couple of years after this took place he was then living with his parents and on methadone. I hope that he made a full recovery he was a great kid. He just got mixed up with a bad group and started using heavily.*

(Names were changed to protect the Innocent)*



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