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[Bare Sqwhirl] Chris pt. 2 1st date


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The whole next week I was still dazed at what happened with Chris and from there I didn't know what to do. I dragged my feet on calling I was nervous but I didn't want to seem anxious. I made another trip to the park rode around for half the day but he wasn't there. I was hoping that there would be another chance encounter. But I didn't have He had no way of contacting me so the ball was in my court I just had to pull my shit together and give him a call.

Finally I gave him a call, I think I hung up more than once after letting it ring a couple of times. Then Chris answered we chat I explained who I was and he just laughed saying "I didn't think you'd ever call." We made arrangements to meet and have dinner. We set the meeting for a place called the Ground Round near by both of us. It was a still a couple of days away I was able to breath and stop shaking. The time flew by until our faithful meeting, Friday finally came I finished up my work for the day and head straight from there.*

I got there about a half hour before the time and just sat in my car watching door and people driving and parking. I wasn't sure if he was going to show and I'm sure he had the same concerns about myself. After some time I of sitting there shaking and having second thoughts I caught a glimpse of him parking. I got out of the car and headed for the door. I knew if I didn't I would have bolted. I told the host I was waiting on a friend and that there would be two of us. He walked through the door he was more gorgeous than I remembered. Just a bit short than me broad shoulders and trim to the waist. He was also wearing slacks, dress shirt and tie, damn he was hot. I called out his name he smirked and shook my hand. we made some small talk and waited for the hostess to seat us.*

We got to the table I order a coke he had a beer. We continue with *small talk getting acquainted what we did, where worked and what we were looking for. I was still nervous and shaking like a leaf. My palms were sweaty, my heart was racing and I was rock hard. We finished up and he asked if I wanted to come back to his place he didn't live to far *from there I agreed. We settled up and headed out. I told what I drove we got into our cars I took up position behind him.*

He lived in Quincy a city just South of Boston and it was about 15 minutes from the restaurant. I parked along the street when he pulled into his duplex. I met him at the door and followed him upstairs. He had a nice place clean and organized. He went to the kitchen asked if I wanted a beer which I did, hell I needed it to calm my nerves. I stood there grabbed the beer from him and took a couple of slugs. We sat down on the couch and he turned on the baseball game. We talked about things we liked to do just more small talk. After about 15 minutes my beer was gone. He just kind of laughed a bit more. Told me I could get another if I wanted I did. He asked how old I was I told him 19 he wasn't surprised and gave out a slight laugh he was 28.

I had calmed a bit , but was still excited if you know what I mean. and it was difficult to hide that through my khaki's. After about 15 minutes he made his move setting his hand *on my leg. My heart race shot through the roof and I was dripping with pre-cum. I moved my had to his leg and we started for rub each others hard ons. He leaned over and kissed me. Then before I knew it he was laying on top of me and we were making out. Our hands moved all over each others bodies.*

Before we knew it our shirt were unbuttoned and on the floor. Now just clad in T-shirts and slacks we kept making out. His whisker scratched my face and he tasted of beer. I was in awe of what I was doing and what was going on. He could do anything to me at this point I was his. It wasn't to much longer before Chris and I were down to just our briefs. He lapped my chest, pits and stomach, working his way down to my cock. He freed my cock from my briefs and removed those. He took it in to his mouth and sucked on with long strokes. I watched and enjoyed each lick of his tongue and lips. It wouldn't be long before I came for the first time. He kept it up and I moaned and sqirmed enjoying each long slurp. After about 10 minutes of his magical touch I told him I was going to cum, he worked until I did. He slurped it down not skipping a beat. He moved back up to my face and looked me in the eye with a devilish grin and kissed me. He mouth tasted different a bit salty , sweet and a bit alkaline, I could taste myself.*

He then stood up point his cock to my face. I followed his lead and tried to mimic his technique. I did my best Chris warned me to watch my teeth. I guess I was a still to excited and wasn't thinking. I was like a fat kid with a bowl of candy gobbling his cock in my mouth. He smelt musky and tasted salty he was dripping pre-cum my first taste of a man's juice. He lasted longer and my jaw was beginning to ache. It wasn't much longer though before he was exploding in my mouth. It happened with out warning and only a moan from him. I told me later he didn't warn me because he wanted me to taste and swallow his juice. Which I couldn't help but do he filled my mouth almost choking me.*

After we finished up he asked me to his bedroom where we settled in making out some more and recharging our sacks. It didn't take long before we both ready to go again this time it wasn't my mouth getting his seed. He again worked his way to my cock licking it and taking my balls into his mouth. I was in heaven I couldn't believe what was happening. He next through my legs apart and pushed my ass up so he could rim me, working my hole and preparing me once again for his cock.*

Twenty minute went by of him switching between his fingers and tongue probing my hole. Now came his cock, he spit on his cock and couple of times on my hole he took his hand and scooped some of my pre-cum and rubbed it on his cock mixing it with his spit. He lined his cock to my hole and pushed it in slowly. My sphincter gave in and let his cock in. It hurt like hell and I let out a yelp. he told me to relax and let my ass adjust. I tried to push him back but It wasn't any use he used his weight to keep it in.*

After a minute or the pain subsided but I didn't remember it hurting so much the first time. He continued to us his weight to push it deeper and before I knew it he was all the way in. His cock was 7 inches but felt like it was ten feet and tearing me up. His strokes were long and hard, each time almost pulling all the way out and then driving it back to the hilt. By now I was whimpering in ecstasy I was begging for more. It was so hot in the room our sweat was dripping from our bodies it was animistic. Our grunts and groans continued as he stretched my hole. It was like an out of body experience I could see him on top of me, my legs were slung over his shoulders and he had my hand pinned down,*I was his and he could have his way with me.

This all went on for about 45 minutes he had great stamina. Then before I knew it he said he was close and he was going to cum. There was never been a discussion of condoms and where he was going to shoot. I never questioned or asked I just let him take control. He gave a short grunt and before I knew it he had unloaded in my gut. Next he collapsed on top of me and pulled out. He let me jack my next load before we showered. Covered in cum and sweat I jumped into the shower. I reach back and felt my hole it was raw and dilated felt like you could have drove a truck in and parked it. *

When I finished up Chris kissed me asked if I wanted to stay the night. I told him I couldn't tonight but next time I would. He smiled and said he would like that. This time I gave him my number and he understood my living arraignments at home. He wasn't out either to his family and would be discreet. *I was now dating my first guy and hoped that this would continue. What a way to start the summer.*



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