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[Bare Sqwhirl] First Entry


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Now that I had finally experience the pleasures of gay sex I knew this what I had been craving. That summer I continued going to the 900 line looking for other local guys hoping to find someone around my age but had little luck. I was still hanging on to my late teens and in my final year in high school. There was only one other guy in high school that I thought was gay and he was a flaming queen. We did not move in the same social networks I ran track and played soccer, my friends were stoner jocks. We smoked and drank but they were all straight more interested in chasing pussy. So for me to associate with him would have drawn questions why was talking to him and we never did, I was just another closet case.

Then one night in the fall I got home from soccer practice I was horned up my folks were out a and brother was off with friends. I dialed into the chat rooms clicking through adds and chat areas I chimed in with my hometown and there was answer from a guy in my town. He said he was in his late 20's, I said I was 20 he gave me his address and directions. I quickly jumped into my car and headed over. I was already showered and hard. We never really went over what was expected just going to JO or maybe a BJ, if I only knew what he had in store for me. Nor did I care my dick and raging hormones were doing all of the thinking for me.

I found his fairly easy it was right on the pond in the town where I had learned to swim. I get to the door nervously knocked on the door, I mean I didn't know if this guy was some kind of serial killer or anything. He comes to the door I was flabbergasted he was fucking hot. He was taller than I at about 6'4" football player build in jeans and a sweatshirt. He lets me in looks me over makes a comment that "You don't look 21, more like 15, but you'll do." He grabs my crotch, which only to a split second to be fully hard. I think wearing parachute pants helped to bring it to full attention because of the slickness of the nylon. His next comment was "I see we are eager, is this your first time?" I said second and he just let out a laugh.

I nervously reach over and start feeling him up. He seemed pretty excited himself because he was also fully hard. Told me to come into the living room which was a mess, he was obviously renovating the home, the was freshly hung drywall in the other room and a lot of dust. We made our way to the couch, he told me to have a seat and he'll get a couple of beers. I just sat there kind of freaked out debating on whether to bolt from the house, but I didn't. He came back handed me a beer and sat down next to me. I took a couple of drinks almost downing the whole bottle with those couple of sips. He just let out a couple of more laughs and took a sip himself.

We put our bottles down and started to make out, It freaked me out at first as he probed my mouth with his tongue. But I quickly learned to do the same as our tongues wrestled for dominance which he ultimately won. All this time I'm hard as a rock and my briefs were wet with pre-cum.

He next took my shirt off and his told me to take my pants and underwear off. I stripped so quickly you would have thought I was on fire. As he disrobed I took a few more slugs from my bottle still shaking from nervousness. He obviously noticed and told me to relax. He wasn't wearing any underwear which caught me off guard but I was impressed. His cock wasn't as big as mine but it was nice, it stood straight out I think it was about 6.5" but thick as a large bottle of wet lube. Once that was done he instructed me to suck him off which I gladly did. But soon turned to be a dark event, he grabbed the back of my head and face fucked me. I really coudln't complain since I had a mouthful of cock. He moaned and told me to watch my teeth and with a firm grip on my head I just chocked and jagged.

After 5 or 10 minutes that he released his grasp and told me to catch my breath. I had quickly gotten used to and had a nice rhythm going. I guess he didn't want to cum yet and was getting close. During the break he got both of us fresh bottles of beer and a bottle of Jack D., then poured us a couple of shots, telling me I need to loosen up, I was too tense. I think looking back on it he wanted me to get drunk, which I did.

After those shots and few more slugs of beer he started on me, first sucking on my cock and licking all around. I have to admit it felt great except for his whiskers. Once he had me well and worked up, dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet he instructed me to get on all fours on the floor. I did and he started in on my hole. This was the first time that I had been rimmed and shen I felt his tongue probing my hole I pulled away. He pulled me closer and told me to enjoy it, damn did I. This went on for ten minutes or so until the finger came. I can remember this like it was yesterday, first the tip then the knuckle. It didn't hurt and felt really good much better than his toungue. He reached over to the side table and pulled some bottle out, which I guess was lube but for all I knew it could have been vegetable oil. He put some on his finger and slid it back in and then there was two. I just moaned in pleasure damn it felt good, boy would that change quick. He then slicked up his cock and I felt the head rubbing on my hole. Remember this is only my second time with a guy and soon to be my first time getting fucked.

Next cam the excruciating sense of pain, I tried to squirm away but he had his arm wrapped around my waist. He told me to stay put and relax," you are getting this, that's what you came for." I just winced and bit my lip I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't ball but the pain was unbearable.

I winced and whined but took it like a man, the pain slow subsided and was replaced by pleasure as he opened me up. Looking back I wish I had been in more control or even more submissive. He rode my hole saying how good I felt and tight I was. I didn't even think to reach for my cock I just enjoyed the ride at this point. He kept me in close and his balls smacked against mine with each thrust. After about a half hour he tells me he's going to cum and pulled out, jack his load on my back and ass. We both were sweaty and I was still hard as a cock with a pool of cum under me. with all that going on I had cum blowing my load on the floor. I reached back and felt my hole it had been spread wide and was now sore to the touch. When he saw the pool he laughed some more and said something like I guess you enjoyed it.

I got cleaned up, dressed and he gave me his number told me to give him a call if I wanted more, I never did. I was now torn between if I wanted to be gay or straight, all because of the joyful pain that I now have learned to except. I had been embarrassed and felt uncertain if I wanted to continue down this path. I guess I still had a only cracked the closet door open.4615634577739098708-2211022470747215687?l=baresqwhirl.blogspot.com


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