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[Bare Sqwhirl] In The Begining


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I’ve just been reflecting on my gay sexual life and twist and turns that it has led me down over the years.

I’ve known that I liked cock and ass since I was 14 or 15, which would bring us to 1983-4. It was the season of the birth of HIV/AIDS, before there were medications, treatments and educational programs. Sex Ed in my high school evolved around not getting a girl knocked up or coming home with crabs. There also weren’t any local gay youth organizations or any safe place to meet other people like myself.

There was one other guy in my high school at the time that I fooled around with mostly just jacking each other off when ever we could which include on the bus ride back from a soccer game and in the library. Things never really advanced past that, just to guys getting off and helping each other out. I realized that I need more than a JO session with Mark; I wanted to explore the rest of the male sexual experience.

Back then there was no manhunt or Internet to find other guys my age to mess around with. I was stuck with 900#, and they were pretty much a crap shoot there would be good nights and bad. But now I was 17 and horny as fuck and just need find bud. One night I’m on the phone clicking from chat area to chat area listening to men that just did not turn me on. When this guy chimes in he’s 21 and in the next town from me. We move to a private room and make with the small talk, finally he wanted to know if I wanted to meet. It’s like 1AM the family is asleep and guy wants to meet me, I know nothing about this dude beside basic stats and he has a cool voice. But then again I wasn’t doing the thinking at this point and before I knew it I was knocking on his back door.

He lets me in and gets me a drink. He led me to his bedroom and we started chatting, we both were inexperienced which made every very awkward. Before you knew it we were kissing and rubbing just like you would if you had been with a girl.

It didn’t take that long before we were down to our briefs. I didn’t know where this was going but I liked it. I never contemplated if I was a top or bottom, hell I didn’t even know what those labels meant. Before I knew it I had my lips wrapped around his hard cock and I was doing my best not to run my teeth along the shaft. I loved the salty taste knew that this was the sex that I craved.

We switched positions and I was in my glory it was obvious that he had done this before. After sometime of swapping positions he wanted to move to the next step, he wanted me to fuck him. I didn’t know where to begin other than those JO sessions with Mark I was a complete virgin and a sexual idiot. He coached me a long and lubed up my cock with a nice glob of hand lotion. Here I am laying on the bed and he knelt over me, slow lowered his body down on my cock easing it into his hole. All the awhile he coached me let me know not to move until he said. I was pretty nervous, but so excited I near blew when his hole slide down around my cock, once his cheeks reached my lap he gave me the green light. I was fucking ass and oh did it feel so good. I think I must have blown my nut in him 3 times and you know I can’t remember his name.



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