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[Raw College Jock Slut] Life


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Life sucks sometimes.

School is annoying. Single spaced paper? What? Did I read that page count right? I'm going to be up working on this a lot longer than I thought. Ughhh, I think there's an assignment due in my other class too. And a quiz? I thought that was next Wednesday. :( I need to order a pizza to motivate myself. Shit, I can't order a pizza...I can barely see the abs!

I'm graduating in less than a month. That's nice...no school for a few months until it's time to do it all over again for a few more years. But my friends are graduating too, and moving. I probably won't see some of them ever again. Yeah, we've got Facebook and texting and all that...but it's really not the same. You can't hang out with people on Facebook.

It would be nice to find a cool guy worth dating. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, it would be nice to meet someone not totally obsessed with sex. Why does a relationship have to start with hooking up? We can't you fuck in a few weeks instead of in a few hours? Does no one actually want to do that? My cock's hard all the time, but I like movies and going out too...

The FL economy is in pretty bad shape. No way I can get a job for summer, which sucks...because everything is so expensive! I had to write my manager a big check and I wrote another one to pay for my summer housing. I've got about $5 left in that checking account now...and not much more in my other account! I don't really need that belt or that hot pair of shoes, but they would just look so hot on me. Being a student has its downs! How am I going to pay for moving? We'll figure it out when I get there.

I haven't fucked since I wrote my last post about taking a load. Does anyone know how long it's been? Way too long. I got close a few times...I've made a lot of naughty eye contact with hotties on and around campus. But nothing came out of that. I don't know, just haven't been in the mood for it. Ever since I came back from Christmas break I haven't felt the same.

Maybe that's good? Maybe bad? Depends on how much you miss my posts, I think...hahaha.

I'm sure life will get better soon. Trying not to let it get me down. :)8135121420424926882-2566682462670260262?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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