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[Raw College Jock Slut] Becoming a True Cumslut, Part 2 (guest post)


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Click here to see Raw College Jock Slut's original blog post...

I only had time to read about 1/3 of CollegeCumslut's second installment, but it's been sitting in my inbox waiting to get posted, so I figured you guys might appreciate me posting it now. ;-) What I read was super fucking hot...enjoy!

I've been so busy with family stuff...but the fun is about to start. I hope it will anyway...I've got a lot of catching up to do if I'm going to meet my goal by December 31!

Let CollegeCumslut know what you think! He's doing a better job of writing things up than I am at this point... ;-)


That night, I got the best nights sleep I have ever gotten. Jockguy and I never left each other's arms. We both held on to one another, savoring our loaded asses. Around 8am, I heard Jockguy's alarm go off. He reached over and turned it off.

"You have to go somewhere?," I asked, eyes still closed.

"Yeah, I have to meet a professor. Shouldn't take too long."

With that, Jockguy released me from his arms and walked to the bathroom. I opened my eyes and watched his perfect ass as he walked. Fuck, I thought, he is so hot. Reaching down, I started to stroke my cock. I heard the shower start and decided to surprise Jockguy. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, waiting outside the door. When the water shut off and the shower door closed, I opened the door and walked in.

"What are you doing?," Jockguy laughed. "Go back to bed. You are going to need your energy for later."

Without saying a word, I dropped to my knees and took Jockguy's wet cock in my hand.

"C.C., I'm gonna be late!"

I looked him in the eyes and continued to stroke. Finally, I broke our gaze and put his hardening cock in my mouth.

"Fuck, that feels great," Jockguy moaned. He leaned against the counter and put his strong hands on my head. I began to slowly bob up and down on his hard cock, taking in as much as possible. Jockguy guided my head with his hands.

After 5 or so minutes, Jockguy started to tense up. His grip on my head tightened and he began bucking his hips.

"I gonna cum, dude," Jockguy gasped.

I increased my sucking speed.

"Fuck, it's coming... Fuck... Here we go!"

With on last thrust into my face, Jockguy's cock swelled and released his load into my mouth. His warm juice coated my mouth and tongue. His cum was sweet and slightly salty. It tasted delicious :)

I swallowed every last drop and continued to suck while Jockguy's cock went soft. After a minute, I released his cock from my mouth and stood up, smiling. Jockguy looked at me, still breathing hard.

"Where the hell did that come from?," Jockguy smiled.

All I did was smile and reach forward for a kiss. I pulled Jockguy's face to mine and kissed him softly. I pulled out of the kiss and walked out of the room. I hopped back into bed and got under the covers. I fell back asleep, the taste of Jockguy's sweet cum in my mouth.


I didn't have to sleep alone for long. Jockguy got back home around 10 and climbed back into bed with me. I woke up when he got back and we started to talk while cuddling in bed.

"What was with you this morning?!," Jockguy asked.

"Just thought I'd thank you for teaching me that lesson last night."

"You think one quick blowjob will make up for you running your mouth last night?!," Jockguy laughed.

"I didn't run my mouth THAT much," I said. "Besides, not everything I said was wrong."

Jockguy got a serious look on his face.

"What does THAT mean?!"

"I said I could handle anything you threw at me. And I did." I started to smile.

"Whatever! You were moaning like a bitch."

"I had to put on a show. Didn't want to disappoint you."

"Oh, is that so?," Jockguy asked, grabbing my arms, an evil smile on his face.

"Yeah," I laughed as Jockguy positioned himself on top of me. "You were... ok. I've had better."

"C.C., that was the wrong to say," Jockguy said in a serious, yet playful way. "I'm going to fuck you so good and hard you won't REMEMBER anyone else you've ever had."

"Blah, blah, blah," I replied, looking into Jockguys eyes and smiling widely.

"Oh, you're fucking DEAD!"

Jockguy grabbed me by the waist and flipped me on my stomach. He pulled my arms above my head, pinning them to the bed. Stradling my ass, Jockguy started to grind his hard dick into my ass.

He then grabbed my arms and pulled them to my side. Holding my arms like reins on a horse, Jockguy positioned him cock at the opening of my hole. He released one arm and spread my cheeks, spitting onto my hole. With his free hand he pushed his spit into my ass, lubing it for the fucking it was about to receive. When he was done, Jockguy grabbed my arm and held them in position.

"This your last chance," Jockguy said, a smile in his voice. "You gonna take it back?". He pushed the head of his awesome dick against my hole

I turned my head around and looked him in the eyes.

"Are you gonna keep talking or are you gonna fu..."

Before I could get the last part out, Jockguy slammed his cock into my hole. I was instantly filled with his big, tan, beautiful cock. The pleasure overroad the pain, almost making me cum. Jockguy pulled out and pushed back in at full force, making me moan and groan with every movement. He worked my hole masterfully with his cock. Thrust after thust, he pounded my ass with a vengeance. He held my arms, pulling them towards him every once in a while, making my back arch.

Suddenly, he released my arms, sending me falling to the bed. He followed, putting his full weight on me. I was on my stomach, Jockguy's stomach on my back. He started to kiss my neck while continuing to pound my ass.

"Fuck dude," I said in between moans.

"You fucking like that?"

"Yeah... Fuck me."

Jockguy pushed himself up. He put his hands at the base of my back and leaned forward. He began to pound me harder than he ever had. Pulling almost all the way out, he would then slam his cock all the way back in. I was moaning and yelling and screaming. I was on a high. There was not a better feeling in the world than having my hole being pounded by Jockguy. We continued in this position for a while longer.

I felt Jockguy pull out of my hole. His strong hands gripped my waist and flipped my over onto my back. I loved being moved by him. I'm not exactly a small twink. He has to have some strength to move me. Jockguy did it without a problem. He tossed me like a ragdoll.

"Lift your legs," Jockguy ordered.

I lifted my legs. Jockguy grabbed them and put them over his shoulders. He then plunged his cock right into my hole, going balls deep in one motion.

"Fuuuucccckkkkkk!," I yelled, furiously jerking my dick.

I looked up at Jockguy. Sweat was rolling down his forehead. He looked at me and gave me an evil smile.

"Not so cocky now, are you!"

"Fuck... I'm sorry... You are the best...," I moaned.

"Too late now," Jockguy smirked.

"I fucking love your cock in my ass. Fuck me harder til you cum."

"If you say so!"

The next 3 minutes were the best 3 minutes of my life. Jockguy pounded me with a fuery and passion I have never seen. He hit every hot spot in my hole, making the experience fucking unbelievable. I was in heaven and never wanted to leave.

"Fuck... Fuck me harder... Fuck," I moaned, enjoying my ass getting plowed by this awesome jock.

"I'm gonna cum," Jockguy announced.

He started fucking my faster. I began to furiously stroke my dick, which immediately sent me over the edge. I shot my load all over my stomach and chest. Some even reached my neck and chin.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!"

Jockguy's cock swelled in my ass. With one final stroke, he unleashed his load into my ass, coating my insides with his hot, creamy load. He shot 4 good size shots into my ass, filling me up.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!," Jockguy yelled.

I grabbed Jockguy by the waist and pulled him into my lips for a deep kiss. His stomach touched mine, smearing my cum over both of us.

"That was the greatest fucking feeling ever!," I said in between kisses. "You are fucking amazing!"

Jockguy pulled out of my ass, leaving it gaping, wet and cummy. He laid next to me, still kissing me. After a couple minutes, pulled away and looked at me.

"Well?," he said, lifting his eyebrows.

I pulled him into a big hug and kissed him.

"You were fucking amazing. You just ruined my hole for any other guys. It now belongs to you. Property of Jockguy," I said, smiling.

"Damn straight!," he laughed. "You know, you need to run your mouth more often. I love making you eat your words."

I laughed. "With me, there's always a good chance I'll run my mouth, so don't worry about that. But for now, you win."

Jockguy and I laid in bed, cuddling and talking before he eventually fell asleep.


I stayed in bed with Jockguy for about 20 minutes while he slept. My head was resting on his slightly hairy chest. I watched his stomach expand and deflate with every breathe. I was in awe of him. Not just his body, which is fucking ridiculous, but him as a whole. He is the whole package. Hot and cute as fuck, genuinely nice, and pretty damn intelligent. Plus, he has that smile and smirk!

When I was done listing off all the perfections of Jockguy, I decided to take a shower. I pulled away from Jockguy as softly and quietly as I could. Having escaped his strong arms, I walked to the bathroom, my hard cock swinging between my legs.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my cast, giving it some protection from the water. Taking a shower with a cast is a pain in the ass! I have to wrap the cast and try to avoid getting it wet. I turned on the water and started washing myself.

I was in the middle of another daydream about Jockguy when the shower door flew open. Startled, I jumped back, loosing my balance. Just as I was about to fall, two strong arms grabbed and stabelized me.

"Whoa! Watch yourself," Jockguy laughed.

"You asshole! You scared the shit out of me!"

"I can see that!" Jockguy was laughing his ass off, which made it impossible for me to be mad at him. "Why is there a towel on your arm?," he asked as the laughter subsided.

"So my cast doesn't get wet."

"Oh, right. You need some help in there?," Jockguy asked, with a big grin.

Before I could answer, he had hopped into the shower.

"Hand me the bodywash," Jockguy said.

I reached over and grabbed the bottle, handing it to him. He opened the lid and squirted some of the wash in his hands. Jockguy then reached over and started to lather up my chest and stomach. The minute he touched me with his strong hands, I got hard. Jockguy continued to rub me down, concentrating on the task at hand.

"Turn around."

I turned around as Jockguy loaded up on more soap. He begin to wash my shoulders and back. After a minute or so on my back, I felt a hand run up my ass crack. Then I felt my cheeks get spread apart and a hand reach in. Jockguy lathered up my ass, making me moan softly.

"Are you getting off on this?!," Jockguy laughed.

"What the fuck do you think?," I replied. "You're rubbing my ass!"

Jockguy, continuing to rub my ass with his right hand, reached around and soaped up my hard dick with his left hand.

"How do you like that?!?"

"Fuck, it feels great."

"Only you could take something simple, like a shower, and turn it completely sexual," Jockguy said, smiling at me.

"Go fuck yourself!," I said playfully. "You telling me that if you were being rubbed down by a sexy guy, you could keep from popping wood?"

"Find me a sexy guy and I'll let you know!" Jockguy gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"You fucking dick!" I laughed and threw a washclothe in his face. "As I recall, you thought I was pretty sexy after the Civil War. And you thought I was sexy twice last night and once this morning!"

Jockguy looked me in the eyes. He pulled me into his body and kissed me.

"I think you are pretty sexy now," Jockguy said, smiling at me.

I went to make a smartass remark but decided not to. Jockguy was sincere and I didn't want to ruin it. Instead, I hugged him, pulling him tightly into my arms. He smelled and felt amazing. There isn't a damn thing wrong with that guy. Everything about him is perfect. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him.

"I'm so happy you got a hold of me last night. This has been really great." I smiled at Jockguy, our arms still wrapped around each other.

"Yeah, it has been pretty awesome, hasn't it?"

I nodded and kissed him again. We made out in the shower for a long time. We finally stopped when we noticed the water start to get cold.

"Lets go back to bed," Jockguy said, leading me out of the shower.

I stepped out onto the bath rug and was met with a towel from Jockguy. He wrapped me in the towel and began to dry my off. When he was done, I took the towel from his hands and dried him off. As I ran the towel over his muscular body, I became hard. Jockguy immediately noticed it.

"I see someone likes drying as much as the showering.'

"I was just thinking about a hot guy." I looked at Jockguy with a smile.

"Oh yeah?," responded Jockguy, with a huge smile on his face.

We started walking towards the bedroom.

"Yeah. He's really hot. He drives me crazy, with his strong hands, muscular legs, perfect ass. You know what I love most about him though?"

I sat on the bed, Jockguy standing in front of me.

"What's that?," he asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"His smile. He's the cutest fucking guy ever. I've been thinking about him nonstop since the day we met."

"Man, he sounds like a GREAT guy," Jockguy said in a cocky voice.

"Yeah, he really is." I paused, then straight faced said, "I'll have to introduce you to him sometime."

Jockguy got a confused look on his face. Then he got it.

"You fucker!" Jockguy jumped on me, sending us crashing into the bed. I was laughing my ass off.

"You think you are pretty fucking funny, don't you?!?"

"I'm fucking HILARIOUS! You should have seen the look on your face. You went from the cockiest fucker alive to the most confused in about 2 seconds."

Jockguy laid on top of me, stomach to stomach, chest to chest.

"I hate you SO much sometimes," he said, smiling. "You are the biggest smartass I know."

"Thanks," I replied with a smile. I paused and looked at Jockguy. He was so fucking cute and handsome. "You know, all those things I said were true. I've been thinking about you since we met. And you are the cutest fucker alive."

"You are pretty cute yourself." Jockguy leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. We began to passionately kiss one another. The feeling was amazing., There was something different about this kiss. We continued to kiss, often rolling around and switching positions. After a while, I pulled out of the kiss. I was on top of Jockguy. Slowly I began to kiss his neck and ears. Jockguy moaned his appreciation, only spurring me on. I tongued his ear and nibbled his neck. I eventually worked my way to his hard nipples, stopping and working both over with my tongue. I then licked and kissed my way down his impressive chest and abs. Finally, I reached my destination: his cock.

I grabbed Jockguy's dick in my hand and firmly started to stroke it. I stroked him while looking up into his eyes.

"I love your dick," I said, still stroking it. "It's perfect."

Jockguy responded with only a smirk. I smiled back and released his cock from my grip. Still looking into Jockguy's eyes, I positioned my head over his cock and started to flick his cock head with my tongue. Jockguy shuddered when I made contact.

"Fuck, I love when you do that."

I did it again. I taunted Jockguy and his cock for a good 2 minutes. Flicking the tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore myself. I grabbed Jockguy's cock and engulfed it in my mouth.

"Fuck dude, that feels great."

I began to slide Jockguy's cock up and down in my mouth, slicking it up with my spit. I could taste his precum on my tongue, which only made me want his cock more. But before I knew it, Jockguy pulled out of my mouth.

"My turn," Jockguy announced.

I flipped onto my back and spread my legs. Jockguy grabbed my cock and stuck it in his mouth. He took the whole thing all at once. Then he began to bob up and down himself. After a couple minutes, Jockguy lifted my legs and moved his mouth south. He stopped to suck on my balls, then licked and kissed his way to my awaiting hole. I soon felt a warm, soft tongue on and in my hole. Jockguy started to tongue fuck me. I could feel his tongue go into my hole, lubing it up for his awesome cock. Moaning, I started to jerk my dick. I already close to cumming, so I released my cock after a few strokes. Jockguy eventually finished eating my ass and came up for air. He spit on his cock and positioned it at my hole. He began to slowly push against my hole.

"Tell me if I'm going to fast," Jockguy said.

"Ok. You're good right now."

He continued to push his cock against my hole. The head popped in, sending a great wave of pleasure throughout my body.

"You ok?," Jockguy asked, very sweetly.

"Never better," I replied, smiling warmly.

Jockguy slowly began to push more and more of his big cock inside of me. He was very gentle and sweet, unlike the last couple of times he fucked me when he was rough and aggressive. But it felt just as good as the previous fucks.

Jockguy finally bottomed out. He slowly began to fuck me, moving in and out in a nice, soft rythym. His hands began to move around my body, touching and feeling every part of me. I reached up and ran my hands up and down Jockguy's torso, feeling his ripped muscles under his tan skin. Jockguy continued to passionately yet slowly fuck me.

As he continued to fuck me, Jockguy slowly picked up his pace. The intenisty increased. I began to moan louder and louder. After a while, we were fucking at full speed. Jockguy started to pound me, thrusting his hips forcefully. Just as I thought he was about to blow his load, Jockguy stopped and pulled out of my ass.

"Fuck me," he said, laying on his back with his legs up.

I pushed myself up and got in position between Jockguy's legs. I bent down and began to rim Jockguy's perfect hole. Spreadin his cheeks, I darted my tongue in and out of his sweet pussy, tasting every part of him. I spit and shoved it in his hole with my tongue and fingers. I lubed up Jockguy's hole nicely. Spitting on my hard cock, I got ready to fuck this hot jock.

I prressed my dick against Jockguy's hole. My dick head popped in. Jockguy and I locked eyes as I began to insert my cock all the way in his tight hole. Slowly, I began to fuck Jockguy's ass. His ass gripped tightly around my dick. Just like he had done to me, I slowly picked up my pace. The whole time I fucked him, Jockguy and I lookedeach other in the eyes. He had a slight smile on his face.

After 10 minutes or so, I was fucking Jockguy at nearly full strength. My cock began to swell. I could feel my orgasm boil deep inside me.

"I'm really close," I announced, still fucking him hard.

"Ok. Keep going till you cum."

I kicked it up a notch, thrusting faster and with more power. Jockguy began to moan softly. We still looked one another in the eye, never breaking our gaze.

"Fuck... I'm cumming!"

My cock exploded in Jockguy's hole, filling him with my seed. I shot 5 big jets of jizz, draining my balls. As my cock stopped erupting, I could feel my cum coat my cock and Jockguy's chute. It felt amazing. I leaned into Jockguy and pressed my lips to his, kissing him passionately. We laid like that, me on top of him, for 5 minute, kissing and hugging. Finally, I rolled off.

"Your turn," I said, laying on my back, legs raised. "I want you to fill me with your hot load."

"I can't say no to that!"

Jockguy hopped up and into position behind me. He reached his right hand into his ass. A couple seconds later, he pulled back 2 fingers, wet with the cum I had just loaded into his hole.

"Nothing better than homemade lube," Jockguy laughed.

"Hell yeah! That is so fucking hot."

Jockguy coated his big cock with my cum. He got himself in position behind me. Grabbing his cock, Jockguy rubbed it up and down on my hole. His warm cock felt awesome on my hole. Finally, he stopped and pressed his cock at my hole, which accepted it without a problem. Jockguy's cock went all the way in my hole in one thrust. After bottoming out, Jockguy started doing what he does best: pounding my hole. Almost instantly, Jockguy was at full force, pounding my tight hole like there was no tomorrow. I began to moan and squirm.

"Fuck, that feels so fucking good!," I said inbetween breathes.

"I love your fucking hole," Jockguy said, looking intently at me.

Jockguy kept pounding me while I laid on my back, staring into his eyes. After some time, he began to slow up, eventually coming to a complete stop.

"I want to pound you as hard as I can while I cum," Jockguy explained.

"Do whatever you want. You fucking earned it."

Jockguy smiled and started to fuck me again. He started quickly, ramming his big dick all the way in my hole.

"Fuucccckkkkk!" I yelled. It felt so amazing. Being filled by his cock almost made shoot.

Jockguy didn't let up. He continued to punish my hole, driving his cock in and out. He began to sweat and moan. I could tell I was about to be filled with his hot seed.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum."

"Yeah, cum in my hole!" I yelled, egging him on.

"Fuck... Here it comes!"

With on elast, powerful thrust, Jockguy's cock erupted in my hole, sending a gallon of his baby batter deep inside me. I felt his cock swell and his cum fill me inside. As his cock finished spewing his awesome seed, Jockguy laid on top of me, resting his head on my chest.

"That was fucking... amazing," I said. "You are so fucking sexy."

I wrapped my arms around him. We laid there for about 5 minutes, Jockguy's cock still burried in my ass.

"I fucking love your ass," Jockguy said, sliding his cock out. After he slid out of me, I could feel the cool air on my gaping hole.

"It loves your cock!"

Jockguy laid next to me. I turned towards him and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his left arm around me. We laid there, talking and kissing, before eventually falling asleep.8135121420424926882-1538181453150355894?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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