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[Raw College Jock Slut] 200 followers!


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I hate to say I don't have anything interesting to post now, but that's the case. Sorry guys!

I would like to thank all of my blog followers though. The journey from 0 to 100 took about 6 months. Getting from 100 to 200 took only 4!

Knowing that so many people are out there reading my posts is helpful in inspiring me to write. I think I'll try and type a couple things up tomorrow if I get a chance.

I'm probably going to disappear until New Year's comes if tomorrow doesn't work out, but be assured I'll be trying to have as much sex as I can to hit my 200 load goal. One for each follower, right? ;-)

Thanks for reading and thanks for clicking that little button...it's flattering to see the number always going up!

On another note, the blog is on track to have the best month of traffic ever. Thanks guys!

Let's hope that the new year holds a lot of hot fun and plentiful writing time for me to keep delivering hot stories. :)8135121420424926882-2915099576176684971?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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