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[Raw College Jock Slut] Fucking Hatslut


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Sometimes one picture is all you need to see to know you want to fuck a guy. On this particular night, a guy I'll call Hatslut messaged me on Adam4adam. He sent a simple "hey" and didn't unlock his pics, so I was annoyed at first. I took a close look at his stats...30, 5'8", 145 pounds, 30" waist, and blond. That's enough for me to ask him to unlock.

While I waited for him to do it, I read his profile. He described himself as a total bottom with "Anything Goes" clearly indicated, and he could host! Well, the story sure sounded great.

Hatslut: unlocked

I took a look. Not a bad face...he easily looked 22 instead of 30, a bit country but that's fine. Then I clicked on the second pic. FUCK! It was him laying on his back with just a baseball hat on, his legs pulled back almost to his head, feet sticking up invitingly, shaved ass with hot hole exposed and ready for a big cock to slide inside.

Normally 30 is pushing it for me, but that one pic had my brain totally set on fucking him. There was absolutely nothing to argue with.

[As always, this isn't the actual conversation, but it's rewritten to be pretty close.]

Me: damn, fucking hot pics! especially the one of your ass...i'd love to slide my dick inside

Hatslut: cool. you can

Me: you're into bareback, right?

Hatslut: i love fucking bb

Me: fuck yeah. :) i'm totally up for fucking your ass and giving you a hot load

Hatslut: wanna come over?

Me: are you free right now, hottie?

Hatslut: yeah live alone. you wanna?

Me: where are you at? [my location info]

Hatslut: cool [his location info]. you want me naked laying on the bed like in the pic?

Me: that would be fucking HOT.

Hatslut: lets do it right now. [his apartment info], just open the door and walk inside

Me: give me 15 mins and i'll be there. ;-)

Hatslut: ok man, hurry and come over

As it turned out, he lived in an apartment complex that was literally five minutes down the street. I guess there's a plus to my move...I've found a whole lot of boys who I'm literally down the street from. ;-)

I was extremely horny and had been sitting at my computer jerking my cock, so I was ready to go in 10 minutes. I took a quick shower, put on fresh clothes and flip flops, and headed out the door.

It was one of our first relatively cool nights, so the air felt really good on my skin. My lips were feeling a little chapped by the time I was walking up the stairs to Hatslut's complex, but that was Ok...this was mostly going to be about fucking his hole anyway.

Being a paranoid person, I'm not a fan of just walking into someone's apartment after talking to them for 10 minutes. What's a horny boy to do, though? After a little hesitation, I sucked it up and opened the door. Unlocked, just like he said it would be.

The TV was on, the only light other than a little lamp. A few seconds later I realized Hatslat was laying on the couch, his legs back and ass pointed up at me.

Oh fuck. I kicked off my flip flops and pulled the shirt and shorts I'd thrown on off in an instant, my 8x6 inches starting to stiffen.

"You're hot, dude," Hatslut declared. He was wearing the same hat he'd been wearing in his picture, his skin a few shades paler. He had a hot little body though...a little muscle definition, totally shaved, and the sweet soles of his feet were pointed straight at my face.

"You too, man," I answered, making my way toward him. He was a total slut, but I loved it...this was fucking awesome. Most guys where I live aren't anywhere close to being this open about what they want.

"You just want me to fuck you?" I asked, getting a really good look at his hole. It didn't seem like anyone had used it yet.

He lowered his legs down, his hard cock sticking up along his stomach. "Whatever, just use me."

My cock was raging. I approached and got to his face, shoving my cock toward his mouth.

He opened his lips and started taking it, sucking gently. I managaged to work most of my shaft in and was fucking it down his throat. Hatslut wasn't a great sucker, but he knew how to take a lot of cock.

When I got bored with getting sucked I pulled off and moved farther down the couch, seeing that his dick had filled out to 6 inches. I sucked him for a minute, easily deepthroating him. He let off a long series of pleasured groans and pulled me off.

"Shit dude, you'll make me cum if you keep doing that."

I stopped and pulled his legs back into the air, his smooth ass spreading out in front of me. I ran my finger along his hole, seeing his face light up...his lips spread and he softly exhaled.

I got down and pulled his ass toward my face, sliding my tongue against his hole. Hatslut moaned softly, running his hand to his dick.

His butt tasted so sweet. Why do slutty asses taste so amazing? I licked around his hole, pushing the tip of my tongue in. Hatslut was groaning happily, his hands finding their way to my head and pulling it deeper into him. I sucked on his hot hole, sliding my tongue as far inside as I could.

I needed to fuck his ass right now. I got up and positioned myself on the couch, getting his legs into the best place. I propped his ass up with a little pillow, the lamp and TV making the salvia on his hole glisten.

"Spit ok?" I asked.

Hatslut laughed. "Yeah. I don't even have lube."

Fuck...my kind of slut. I launched a big gob of spit onto my cock and worked another one into his ass, slicking up as well as I could before I pressed my cockhead against his pussy.

He groaned. I pushed my rock hard 8x6" cock into his hole, feeling it grip me hard. I kept pushing against his ass, my dick slowly disappearing.

"My fucking hole," Hatslut whimpered. "Shit that's a huge cock." Unlike some bottoms, he uttered the words like a total compliment.

Fucking tight, soft, and in no need at any point of a break. Hatslut took my dick to the balls on the first stroke.

My hands locked onto his legs and I drilled into his ass, pulling my dick out to the head and pushing back into his hole. It took some effort on the first several strokes, but within a couple minutes his pussy was opened, my dick gliding in and out with no effort at all.

"Fuck me, dude," he encouraged, moaning rhythmically with my strokes.

I looked down at my wet dick, seeing it spread his asshole open as I slid in and out. What a fucking turn on...my big dick opening a short bottom country boy!

I looked into his eyes. Blue and totally intent...fixed on enjoying my cock in his hole, his lips spreading regularly to let out his happy sounds.

I leaned down and kissed him for the first time while I plowed his hole. He met them eagerly, spreading his lips and slipping me his tongue. I wasn't even planning to kiss him, but it felt so good...our tongues wound up buried in each others' mouths as deeply as they could possibly be.

Working his ass at the same time put me way too close. I pulled back and repositioned, focusing on nailing his slutty ass. I could feel some of his sweat on my forehead, a couple drops dripping down my face.

"My fucking ass," Hatslut moaned. "You're fucking rubbing my prostate like that." His sounds got more excited from that point on.

Nothing's hotter than having a boy tell me that I'm hitting his spot. I held myself exactly like I was and tried to hit it better, the whole length of my dick probing his guts.

"Dude I'll cum like this," he warned, his hand working his cock at the fastest pace I'd seen.

I grabbed his arms and pulled them back to his head, slamfucking his ass with the whole weight of my body.

"Fuck! Fuck! Use my fucking hole!" he yelled to me.

He broke my grip and his hand flew to his dick, restarting its furious stroking.

"I have to cum like this," he announced intently, the country in his voice more clear in that statement than at any other time in the night.

I didn't think I could keep the pace up without cumming first, so I tried to slow down. Hatslut wasn't going to have it.

"Fuck me hard," he ordered. "Fuck me hard and don't stop until you're fucking cumming in my ass."

He went back to moaning like it was nothing. What a delicious fucking slut.

I did my best. I tried to think about anything but how hot it was that I was barefucking this cute boy's ass...and I plowed him with as much force as I could muster, my balls slapping against his sticky ass with each hard stroke.

I was so close to blowing I figured it was done. My cock was feeling better and better...I gave it all I had, pounding his sweet butt until I felt the orgasm coming.

"I'm gonna fucking cum," Hatslut announced without warning, moaning like a slut as he gave his 6 inch dick a final pat. Hot white cum spewed out, the first stream hitting his neck, the second his chest, and the rest coming down on his stomach.

I orgasmed almost at the same time he did, my load flying out of my pole just as his dick was contracting and his sperm were landing on his tight body.

My cum erupted for 30 seconds, the load easily coating my softening shaft.

Hatslut was panting, still groaning, his cum starting to drip down his body.

"Damn let me clean up," he said, the country boy clearly coming through again.

I pulled my dick out of his ass and lifted up. I looked down and saw huge gobs of cum all over my shaft--he was totally full of my load.

While he ran off to the bathroom I used a finger to taste the cum. Cum and Hatslut's ass...yum. The taste made me want to stick around to go again a little later but I knew I didn't have the time tonight.

I found my shorts and slipped them on, along with my shirt. I was ready to go but I waited for Hatslut to come back...I fully intended to walk back to his apartment again in the future!

He reappeared still naked, wet spots were some of the cum had been. He smiled at me and settled back on the couch.

"You staying, dude?"

I laughed. "You want to get your hole fucked some more?"

"Yeah. At least once if you're up for it."

I wish I would have been. "I'd love to get back inside you but I've got some work to finish by tomorrow."

"Oh ok, no problem."

I got my flip flops on and started for the door. "Some other time for sure though."

"Yeah, man." Hatslut had already picked up his laptop.

I headed out and walked back to my apartment to work on the very real homework. I would have much rather stayed and bred his ass again...

I never asked if he took another load and I haven't gone back yet. I would really like to though...sometime before winter break. With my luck this slut is graduating in a couple weeks.

I jerked my cock in bed later that night imagining some other college boy using my cum for lube and blowing another hot wad in Hatslut's sweet hole.8135121420424926882-8756171519280596678?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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