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[Raw College Jock Slut] Becoming a True Cumslut, Part 1 (guest post)


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While I finish up with finals and otherwise wind down the school year, enjoy another story by CollegeCumslut. ;-) This is part 1 of 2 parts that comprise an 8 load aventure!

And it's official, this slutty newbie is having hotter sex than I am right now. lol


Last week was a bitch. First, I fractured my wrist playing a game of football on Sunday. I had to have my arm put in a cast, going to the middle of my forearm. Then, it was finals week and, like always, I was swamped. I had a 10 page paper and 3 tests. And, unfortunately for me, all 3 tests landed on Thursday. By Tuesday, I had completed the paper and turned it in. The next day and a half was filled with nearly wall to wall studying.

Thursday came around and I was stressed out of my mind. Studying had really gotten to me, much like it always does. But I managed to make it through all 3 tests relatively well. As I handed my last test in, there was only one thought on my mind: I need to let loose and party.

I got home and called some friends. We decided to hit up a couple of house parties. For the most part, I wasn't looking for sex. I wouldn't say no but I wasn't looking. I needed to be with friends and drink... a lot.

I walked to a friend's apartment, wearing a pair of hot jeans and a dark navy blue long sleeve shirt. On the walk over, I received a couple cat calls from a group of girls on their way to yet another party. This got me a little excited. Although the point was to party, I was starting to feel a little horny.

After gather a couple more friends, we made our way to the first party. It was at a two level house, not far from campus. We walked in and made the rounds around the downstairs, talking with people we knew and some we didn't. There were a couple people from some of my classes, so I chatted with them about the test from earlier in the day. Eventually, I made my way to the kitchen and the alcohol. I grabbed a beer and went back to enjoy the party.

2 hours after arriving, I had a strong buzz going. The alcohol had finally relaxed and freed me from the stress of finals. Inhibitions lowered, I started making out with a couple of girls. At one point, there were 3 of us making out together. A triangle of tongues, if you will ;)

While making out with one particularly hot brunette, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled off of the drunk girl's lips and pulled out my phone. I had one new text... from Jockguy.

"U still in town?" the text read.

Forgetting about the girl, I typed as fast as my fingers would go. "Ya, not leaving till tmrw".

I stared at my phone, waiting for the response. A minute later, it came. "Roomy went home. U wanna come over?".

I instantly became hard. "Of course. Be there in 10" I replied.

I found my friends I had come with and told them I was going home. I left the party and practically ran in the direction of Jockguy's apartment. Since our last encounter, we had barely spoken. Most of the reason was because of finals but it still made me a little nervous about whether I would hear from him again.

Soon I was at Jockguy's door. I started to get nervous and had to take a couple deep breathes before I knocked. I heard footsteps and then the deadbolt unlatch. The door opened and there was Jockguy, looking as sexy as ever in grey sweatpants and a blue sleeveless shirt. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and smiled.

"Hey, come on in."

"Thanks," was all I could manage to say. His smile melted me.

I walked in and Jockguy shut the door behind me. Turning around, I saw him checking me out from behind.

"You look really hot. Where did you come from?," he asked.

"I was at a party, celebrating the end of the term," I said, looking him over myself.

"You didn't leave early just to come over here, did you?," Jockguy asked.

I laughed. "Of course. I would have left my tests earlier today if you had called."

Jockguy laughed and started heading into the living room. I followed and sat next to him on the couch. He asked how my tests went and we started talking about finals. His last test was earlier in the day as well. As we continued to talk, Jockguy looked at my hand and saw my cast peeking out of my shirt.

"Did you break your arm?"

"Fractured wrist," I said. "I have to have a cast for three weeks."

"How'd that happen?"

"Pickup game of football between a bunch of guys in my building and one of the frats. I tackled a guy and hurt it but kept playing. Then I got tackled and couldn't close my hand into a fist," I explained.

"Damn, that sucks," Jockguy said.

We got back to talking about school. Eventually, he suggested watching some tv. He grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels. I laid back and kicked my shoes off. It felt really nice to be with Jockguy. He is a really cool guy. He's funny, smart, and of course, cute as fuck.

We sat close to each other, our legs lightly touching. "The Wedding Singer" was on, so we started to watch that. Things felt really comfortable. After 10 minutes, Jockguy put his hand on my leg. It wasn't a come on, it was just nice gesture. I followed shortly thereafter by leaning my body into his and resting my head on his shoulder.

The movie eventually came to an end and Jockguy turned the tv off. We remained close, his hand on my leg and my head on his shoulder.

"This is nice," Jockguy whispered.

"It really is," I responded.

Jockguy started to slowly rub my knee. I reached my hand out and started to do the same. Jockguy responded to this turning his body towards mine. I pulled my head up from his shoulder and was met with his lips on mine. We kissed passionately, savoring the tastes of each other's mouths. Jockguy opened his mouth and forced his tongue into my mouth. I accepted and met his tongue with mine. Jockguy wrapped me in his tan, bulging arms, lowering me onto my back. Putting his full weight on me, he pinned me to the couch, taking control of the situation. I was in heaven. Having this hot, sexy jock pin me to the couch drove me crazy. Jockguy pulled away from our kiss and took his shirt off.

"Fuck, you are so hot," I exclaimed, looking at his ripped abs and chest towering over me.

He didn't respond. He just looked at me and gave me his trademark smirk. His smirk drives me fucking crazy. I grabbed his arm with my good hand and pulled him back on top of me and into another long, deep kiss. After a couple minutes, Jockguy broke our kiss again. He stood up and positioned himself in front of me. I pulled myself up into a sitting position on the couch. I was eye level with Jockguy's bulging crotch. I moved forward, grabbing his ass and pulling him into me. I kissed his fabulous stomach while running my hand up and down his torso.

"You like my body, don't you," Jockguy laughed.

"I fucking LOVE your body," I said. "You are fucking amazing."

With that, I reached inside the waistband of his sweatpants and pulled them to his knees in one swift motion. He wasn't wearing underwear, so his big, beautiful cock popped out and smacked his stomach. I grabbed his hard dick and started to stroke it. I leaned down and flicked the tip with my tongue, tasting his precum. He shuddered when my tongue hit his sensitive head. I started sucking on his massive balls while continuing to stroke his perfect dick.

"Fuck C.C., that feels amazing," Jockguy moaned.

Continuing to suck on his balls, I released his dick, reached between his ass cheeks and started to rub his warm hole. This drove him crazy.

"Shit! Rub my hole dude!," he ordered.

I continued to rub his hot jock hole but released his balls from my mouth. Kissing and licking, I made my way up to his 8 inch hard cock. I slowly started to lick his shaft, moving up and down and back and forth. I got his cock all wet with my spit. I made my way back up to his swollen head and took it in my mouth. He gasped as my wet, warm mouth engulfed his cock. I pulled my hand from his ass and started to rub his still wet balls. He began to thrust his hips and started face fucking me.

"Fucking suck my cock, dude," Jockguy demanded.

He continued fucking my face, sending his big dick in and out of my wet mouth. After a couple more minutes, Jockguy pulled out of my mouth, wiping his sloppy dick on my face.

"Get up," he said.

I stood up, looking him in the eyes the whole time. We stood there and stared at one another. Jockguy's eyes danced with fire and yet were soft at the same time. He broke our staring contest, reaching down and pulling my shirt up. I lifted my arms over my head as Jockguy removed my shirt. He grabbed me at the sides and switched places with me. He started to kiss my neck, working his way down to my chest. He stopped and licked my hard nipples, nibbling each one before moving on. As he approached my stomach, he unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans to my ankles. My leaking cock had created a wet spot in my boxer briefs. Jockguy went right for that spot with his mouth, tasting my cock juices. He sucked and nibbled my hard dick through my underwear.

I grabbed Jockguy's head with my good hand and pulled it into my cock. After nibbling on my cock for a while, Jockguy pulled my underwear down and released my cock. Grabbing it in his right hand, Jockguy took my cock in his mouth, going all the way to the base in one quick motion.

"Holy shit!," I yelled. His warm mouth felt amazing on my dick.

Jockguy started to bob up and down on my cock, taking it in all the way. As he continued, I felt the urge to cum.

"I'm gonna cum. You have to stop," I gasped.

Jockguy pulled off of my cock and stood up. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a deep kiss.

"Turn around and kneel on the couch," Jockguy said after the kiss.

I hopped on the couch, facing the back, with my ass out. I soon felt Jockguy's strong hands and warm breath on my ass. He spread my cheeks and started to rub my hole. I moaned in delight. He continued to rub my hole, occasionally popping his finger in my hole, tantalizing me. Then, I felt a warm, wet tongue start to probe my hole. Starting around the edge and working his way to the center of my hole, Jockguy licked my ass furiously. He moaned and hummed, sending shock waves up my back. His tongue reached my hole and started going inside. Jockguy can eat ass like a fucking pro.

Jockguy eventually pulled his face out of my ass and stood up. "You want me to fuck you with my big dick?," he asked, in a cocky voice.

I nodded my head.

"What was that?"

"Yes, I want you to fuck me," I replied.

"I love hearing you say that," Jockguy said with a laugh.

I felt the head of his dick probe at my hole. I relaxed and braced for the onslaught of pleasure. His cock pressed against my hole, slowly pushing forward. Suddenly, it popped in, making me moan in pleasure and pain. Jockguy slowly filled me up, inch by inch, until all 8 were buried deep in my boy pussy. Knowing how tight I was, Jockguy very carefully started to slide in and out of my hole, loosening me up with each thrust.

"Fuck man, I want you to fucking pound me," I moaned.

"You think you can handle that?"

"Yes, unleash on my ass!" I said.

"If you say so," Jockguy said.

In one swift motion, Jockguy pulled almost all the way out of my hole, then thrust all the way back in. The on slot had begun. I moaned and squealed like a bitch in heat as Jockguy punished my hole. Thrust after thrust, he lay into my ass as hard as he could, making me his bottom bitch. He grabbed my hips and pulled me into his body as he thrust his hips forward.

"Fucking take my dick and moan like a bitch," Jockguy grunted.

He started to slow up. "I'm gonna cum," he said.

"Pound me as hard as you can till you cum," I told him.

He picked up steam and started pounding my ass like never before. The reverberations from him slamming into me could be felt in my hands. He was making my hole his own. Finally, with on last power thrust, Jockguy's cock swelled and he unleashed his creamy load deep into my hole.

"Fuuuuuucccccckkkkk," Jockguy yelled.

I felt my insides get coated with what seemed like a gallon of hot jock jizz. Jockguy bear hugged me from behind as he shot his massive load. Our bodies, both covered in sweat, stuck to one another as we laid there as one. He eventually slid his cock out, leaving my hole sloppy, gaping and satisfied. I laid on my stomach on the couch, in a haze. Jockguy got on top of me and started to kiss my neck.

"You are so fucking hot," he said. "Your ass is fucking gold."

I was too horny to reply. We laid there for 10 minutes, catching our breath.

Jockguy stood up and grabbed my arm.

"Come on. I wanna take your load now."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I jumped up and followed him into his room. We started making making out standing up. I then grabbed him and threw him onto the bed.

"You want me to fuck you with my big cock?!?" I asked in the same cocky tone he asked me.

Smirking, Jockguy just nodded his head.

'What was that?" I replied.

Jockguy smiled, "Yes, I want you to fuck me."

I reached down and lifted Jockguy's hairy legs, exposing his perfect, pink hole. I spit on it and shoved the spit in with a finger. I then buried my face in his hole, sticking my tongue as far in his ass as possible. I kissed and licked his ass, lubing it up for the fucking he was about to receive. I pulled away and lined my cock up to his waiting hole. I pushed forward and after a little resistance, my head popped in.

"Fuck dude, fuck me good," Jockguy moaned.

"Don't worry about that," I replied.

With one thrust, I shoved my cock all the way into his ass. He moaned, which only spurred me on. I started to fuck his ass hard. Pulling out and pushing in, with all my weight and power. Jockguy started to moan and was soon joined by me. Together, we moaned and yelled as I pounded his muscular, round ass. After 10 minutes, I felt the orgasm coming. I pulled out.

"Get on your hands and knees," I ordered.

Jockguy hopped up and onto his hands and knees. I bent down and buried my tongue in his ass for about a minute. I then reposition and started to fuck him doggy style. I grabbed his hips and pulled him into me with each thrust. I unleashed everything in my body to pound his awesome ass. After a couple minutes, I couldn't take it any more.

"I'm... cumming...," I gasped.

"Yeah, seed my hole," Jockguy said while stroking his cock.

With that, I exploded in his ass, sending shot after shot of my baby batter deep inside him. Jockguy collapsed on his stomach, pulling me down with him. We turned on our side, my cock still buried in his now used hole. I grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into me, smelling his sweaty, manly scent. Together we laid on his bed, eventually falling asleep.


I woke up to Jockguy getting a glass of water.

"Hey," he smiled, walking back to bed.

"Hey," I responded. "What time is it?"

"Almost 1. You've been sleeping for an hour."

"I was a little tired. And slightly drunk," I laughed.

Jockguy sat on the bed next to me. He was still naked. "So, do you want to spend the night? My roommates gone for the break."

"Yeah, that would be great," I said, smiling.

"Cool". Jockguy reached down and kissed me. I pulled him into me and under the covers. We laid next to each other and kissed for what seemed like forever. I reached down and felt his hard dick.

"Someones still horny I see," I said, lightly tugging on his cock.

"Of course I am. Hot guys like you make me horny," Jockguy said smiling.

I laughed and pulled him onto me. We kissed some more. Jockguy laid on top of me, grinding his ass against my cock.

"Fuck me again," he said in between kisses.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I love feeling you shoot inside me," he said with a smirk. That smirk could make me rob a bank, so it had no trouble getting me to fuck him again. I reached down to Jockguy's ass and got two fingers wet from the cum I had deposited earlier. I worked some around his hole and on my dick. Jockguy closed his eyes, grabbed my hard dick and positioned his hole over it. Slowly, he sat on my dick, taking it all the way inside his hole. He felt great. His ass was still tight but my dick slid right in with the help of the previous load.

"Fuck, I love feeling you inside me. You are so fucking hot," Jockguy said, now looking intently at me.

I grabbed him at the waist and started to move my hips back and forth.

"Oh yeah, that feels fucking good," he said, starting to stroke his hardening cock.

"Your ass is amazing," I said. "I want to fuck you forever."

"How about until you cum," Jockguy said, smirking at me.

That smirk! It flipped a switch in me. I started bucking my hips up and down, thrusting my rock hard cock into Jockguy's ass. Grabbing his hips, I pulled him down onto me while I pushed my hips up with all my might.

"Oh my God, oh my God. Fuck me, fuck me." Jockguy started to moan and grunt like never before. Stroking his dick, he bounced up and down on my cock. I continued to pound his ass, feeling it grip tightly around my cock. For 10 minutes, Jockguy rode my dick, moaning the whole time.

"I'm gonna cum," I said, still pounding Jockguy's ass at near full force. "Get on your back. I wanna cum like that."

Jockguy quickly hopped up off of my lap and laid on his back, lifting his legs high in the air. I got off the bed and positioned myself between his legs. I looked down and saw Jockguy's sloppy, gaping ass. I couldn't help myself - I kneeled down and licked his sweet hole. Licking and sucking, I tasted Jockguy's manly ass and my own cum. My tongue darted in and out of Jockguy's slutty hole. I was so turned on! I stood up and spit on my cock, lubing it up a little. Positioning it at the entrance of Jockguy's ass, I stopped and looked at him. He had a pleading look on his face.

"You really want this load, don't you?," I asked.

"Fuck yeah! Seed my ass again!" he excitedly said. He didn't have to tell me twice.

I crammed my cock all the way in his hole. He moaned and furiously started to stroke his cock. I began to pound him like I've never pounded anyone before. I slammed into him as hard as I could, delivering blow after blow on his hot hole. Jockguy loved every minute of it. He moaned like a total bottom bitch boy. He was getting exactly what he wanted.

After a couple of minutes of punishing his ass, I felt my orgasm build. I started fucking him with quicker and shorter thrusts. I began to moan and grunt, feeling my load coming up through my balls. With on last thrust, I buried my cock deep in Jockguy's ass, delivering my second load into his chute.

"Fuuuuccckkkkkk!," I screamed as I shot my load. I felt my load coat the inside of Jockguy's hole, making my cock slide around. After 4 squirts, I was drained. I leaned down and kissed Jockguy, my cock still buried in his ass. I slowly pulled up from the kiss and slowly pulled out of his ass, leaving it slightly gaped. As I pulled out, a small stream of my hot, white college cum trickled down his ass. I climbed onto the bed, laying next to Jockguy. We laid there for a couple minutes, catching our breath. After about 5 or 10 minutes, I finally spoke.

"Damn dude, that was insane."

"Yeah it was. You really know how to fuck," Jockguy chuckled.

"Thanks. Your ass drives me crazy. I don't think I've ever fucked someone that hard," I said.

"Yeah, you fucked me pretty damn hard," Jockguy said in a serious tone. He turned his head and looked at me. "It was fucking great. I hope you are prepared to get it just as hard, if not harder."

"I think I can take anything YOU throw at me," I said in a cocky voice, giving him a smirk of my own.

"Oh really?," Jockguy said, "Lets find out!" He rolled on top of me and grabbed my arms, pinning them to the bed. Jockguy started to kiss me. Still holding my arms down, he moved down to my neck, kissing and nibbling. Then he moved to my right ear.

Jockguy whispered in my ear. "Your ass is mine."

With that, I instantly became hard. I was horny already, 10 minutes after blowing my load in Jockguy's perfect hole.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I replied with a smirk.

Jockguy looked down at me with a devious smile. Tightening his grip on my arms, Jockguy moved them above my head, pinning them to the bed. He started licking and kissing my neck, driving me crazy. Then he moved to my ears, sucking the lobes and cramming his tongue in my ear. From there he moved to my mouth, furiously kissing my lips, our tongues dancing with one another. Pulling out of the kiss, Jockguy released my arms.

"Turn over," he ordered, in a serious voice.

I hurriedly flipped over onto my stomach. Jockguy laid on top of me, his cock grinding against my ass cheeks. He again grabbed my arms and pinned the to the bed above my head.

Jockguy whispered again into my ear. "Your ass... is mine."

Fuck! I almost exploded right then!

I lifted my ass up, silently begging Jockguy to use it. Instead he remained sprawled over my body, pinning my hands and arms to the bed. He then started to swirl his hips, grinding his rock hard dick even more into my ass. The feeling of being pinned down by Jockguy was such a turn on. His whole body covered my body, creating enormous amounts of heat.

Finally, Jockguy released my arms and lifted himself off of my naked body. I soon felt his strong hands, one on each of my ass cheeks. He slowly spread them, revealing my warm, cummy, used hole. The sensation of a tongue hitting my hole made my body shiver in pleasure. I could feel Jockguy's tongue dart in and out of my hole, lapping up his cum and my juices. I moaned at the feeling, which only made it feel better.

After eating my cum splattered ass out, Jockguy replaced his tongue with his cock. He pushed his cock head against my waiting hole and stopped.

"You have any other cocky things to say before I start?," Jockguy asked.

I turned my head around and looked at him in the eyes. His eyes danced in a playful yet serious way. And of course, he was smirking.

"Yeah," I said with a straight face. "Wake me up when you're done."

With that comment, Jockguy slammed his cock all the way into my hole, making me moan in pain and pleasure. He started pounding my ass without mercy. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the assault on my hole. His cock felt amazing as it was ravishing my ass like a fucktoy. I started moaning louder and louder.

Jockguy didn't let up. He continued to pound my ass with all of his power and might. My ass was getting used and abused and I loved every second of it.

Jockguy kept going... And going... And going.

Finally, he slowed up.

"Get on your hands and knees," Jockguy said.

Without Jockguy pulling out, I got to my hands and knees. I felt Jockguy's strong hands on my shoulders. This is gonna be fucking great, I thought to myself.

I felt Jockguy slowly pull his dick almost all the way out of my hole, only the head remaining in. His grip on my shoulders tightened. I braced myself for what was seconds away.

Jockguy slammed his cock into my ass, sending it deeper than he ever had. He pulled me into himself by the shoulders. Jockguy was using me as his own, personal sex toy. I was at his mercy.

He continued to pound my hole with his big cock. My tight hole was now loose and wet, accepting his cock without any resistance. Jockguy assaulted my ass like never before. Strong, powerful thrusts sent shock waves throughout my body. I wanted this to last forever but I knew it would soon be over. His was hitting ALL the right spots in my hole, getting me close.

I started to stroke my cock furiously. Within seconds, I could feel my orgasm come on.

"I'm cumming!," I yelled. With that, I shot a good size load onto the bed, while Jockguy continued to pound me.

Me shooting sent Jockguy over the edge. 10 seconds after I shot, I heard Jockguy grunt and moan then felt his cock spasm and fill me with his juice.

"Fuuuucccckkkkkk!," Jockguy yelled. "Fucking take my load!"

Jockguy unloaded a massive amount of jock cum into my hole, coating my insides for the second time that night. I felt his cock twitch and spasm as he blew his load. After 4 or 5 squirts, his balls were empty. And my ass was filled.

Jockguy slowly pulled out of my ass. I could feel the cool air on my wet, gaping, sloppy hole. I collapsed onto my stomach, totally exhausted and completely satisfied. It was the hardest I had ever been pounded and I loved it.

Jockguy laid beside me. We were both on our sides, face to face. He looked at me, his awesome eyes staring into mine.

"You are fucking amazing," I finally said.

"I'll take that as an apology," Jockguy said, a his lips curling into a smile.

I laughed. "How could I have ever doubted you?!?"

"I don't know," Jockguy chuckled. "I hope you learned a valuable lesson."

"Oh, I did. Being a smartass will get me the best sex I've ever had!"

We both laughed. I reached over and pulled Jockguy's face to mine, kissing him softly. Jockguy pulled the covers over us. We madeout lightly before falling asleep in each other's arms.8135121420424926882-5750918523268769121?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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