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[Raw College Jock Slut] Simplifying Christmas Gifts...


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Click here to see Raw College Jock Slut's original blog post...

A huge thank you to the two readers who responded to my gift post (including Breeding Jock, a fellow blogger)! I'm extremely happy! :)

And yes, this is another post about giving me a gift since there was interest in the idea...don't read any further if you don't care!

In figuring out what I could arrange, one of my friends pointed me to a great web site. Basically you can choose a "SuperCertificate" for any amount from $5 to $5000, enter my e-mail address, pay, and it comes to my inbox with no trouble. I can then combine the SuperCertificates I get together and redeem them for giftcards from a ton of different stores and restaurants, from Macys to Chilis to American Airlines.

What a perfect gift, right!? So I'm going to post the link to the web site if anyone else would like to take a look:


Easy steps to follow:

1) Choose e-Supercertificate for whatever amount and click "Add to Cart."

2) Enter pologator2008@yahoo.com for recipient e-mail address.

3) Include your e-mail address in the message so I can personally thank you! You can also remain anonymous if that's what you would prefer...

4) Checkout.

Maybe I'm pushing my luck now, but that site is really easy if you happen to be feeling generous. Whether it's $25 or $250 I'll appreciate it and be able to get something I want! And you never know when you might get a reward...haha.

Sooner is better than later since I'm itching to redeem, but I won't complain if these things roll in until Christmas!

So thank you once again, readers! I'll keep watching my e-mail!8135121420424926882-5403141789417887773?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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