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[Raw College Jock Slut] Christmas Gifts


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First, a big thanks to all of my readers. November was the highest month of traffic for my blog since I created it last February, with 20% more visits than in any previous month. Every post I make gets viewed several thousand times in a single day...it's flattering!

This blog has no ads, no donation button, and no Amazon wishlist. I've thought about adding the latter two at times, though since I don't post pictures or videos it never seemed fair to be asking for money. But since I've given so much to all of you, my faithful readers, I figured I should offer you a chance to give something to me. :) Christmas is coming, so what better time is there? Due to a full load of school work (no pun intended!) and a very expensive round of grad school applications, I am going to have a very lean holiday otherwise.

I know a lot of you are college students but I happen to know from my e-mail that a lot of you are very successful professionals or businessmen who like to read this blog from offices...no pressure, none at all!

So if you have a few dollars you wouldn't miss and you'd like to give me a giftcard or something, send me an e-mail. I will happily write you back.

Please keep in mind that I'm lazy. If I wasn't I would have sex way more often and I would write blog posts more regularly too. I'm not looking to sell web cam time or to part with pairs of my underwear if possible. I'm more hoping you'll buy me a few things on Freshpair and happily think "Rawcollegejockslut is wearing a hot pair of Ginch Gonch that I bought him!"

That said, if you want to be really nice to me I might be really nice to you. If rubbing my ass all over a pair of underwear will get me half a dozen pairs of new underwear or a really hot pair of jeans...hey, I'm only a human being. I may also be willing to make a special picture of said articles just for you. Who knows!

I'll shut up now by reminding that this is completely voluntary. I'm not shutting the blog down if I don't get $X in gifts or anything crazy like that. Honestly, I don't really think anyone is going to e-mail me (in almost a year no one ever has), but I thought it would be fun to see what might happen.

Bash me if you must...8135121420424926882-6807800712859715877?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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