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[Bare Confessions] A Big Question


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So, now that you know the truth, not that the clues weren’t there if you look, I have a question to ask. I’ve had sex with neg guys that have approached me, and had no problem filling their ass with my jizz. But a while ago I was approached on Manhunt by a guy who wanted me to convert him. He was asking me to make sure it took; what sort of things I would do before and after seeding him, and other things along that line. I told him I have no problem filling his ass with my cum, but wouldn’t cut him or anything like that. He’s contacted me again since then, but hasn’t asked me about gifting him. He’s totally cute, and totally my type, and I’d love to fuck him, but I’m just not keen on the conversion thing, and not looking for a relationship beyond a fuck with any guy.

See, the problem in my mind is this: if I fuck a guy and breed his hole, then there is a chance he might not get anything; he might be naturally immune, I might not have had a big viral load in that batch, one of a million things, but it is random on if he gets the bug or not. If I do something like the toothbrush, or nail gouging of the lining, or any other of the suggested ideas for “ensuring” conversion, then I am actively changing someone’s life.

So, is it hypocritical of me to go and fill a guy’s ass with my cum and have no second thoughts on it, while at the same time not wanting to actively convert a guy through the more active means? This is really weird given things I have done in my past, but maybe it’s because of living with this for 8 years now. Give me your thoughts on this. Thanks.3053645520591533581-8555528499977727464?l=barebackconfessions.blogspot.com


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