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[Bare Confessions] anniversary confession


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This month is my anniversary, not a really happy one, but it is hard to believe it’s been 8 years.

That was probably the worst month of my life, and that is saying something. About the beginning of August, Jimmy had me pay off a bet with this tall guy with a rather large cock. He really plowed my ass and really tore it up before he blew his load in me. As he was shooting, Jimmy had rubbed my head, and I didn’t know why he did that, but I found out later. In late august I started feeling sick on the train to work, like I was going to throw up. I just passed it off as the heat, but it went on for a week or so and never seemed to get better, but no other signs of illness. Right before my birthday, I went to WW and got tested, as I normally did. Less than a week later, we had the worst attack on American soil, and everyone was in shock. A couple days later, I went back to get my test results. The guy took me into a room and told me that I had tested positive, and that they’d take a blood sample to confirm it, as the first test had been the swab method. I was in shock. I knew that it wasn’t a false positive; I knew that the big guy had planted a toxic load in me and that Jimmy had set me up to take it on purpose. After they had drawn blood, I left the clinic and was just a zombie. I tried to call Jimmy, but he didn’t answer. I called the guy I was seeing at the time, and he wouldn’t say anything. He just closed up on me, and later got all accusatory on me and tried to ruin me with our mutual friends, even though we had only played safe at his insistence luckily for him.

Two days after this, I was fired from my job. Now I was without a job, afraid I was going to become friendless, without Health Insurance and Positive. Thankfully, WW had a clinical trial starting, which gave me free care, and free drugs.3053645520591533581-3673641665649496408?l=barebackconfessions.blogspot.com


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