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[Bare Confessions] How I became a BB horndog


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Dan, from Matt and Dan’s sexual adventures blog asked me a question the other day about how I became a BB Slut after meeting Jimmy the bartender; well the short answer is that I didn’t become a slut because of meeting Jimmy, but rather Jimmy brought out a part of me that had been dormant for a long time.

Growing up, I had always been the one to initiate the encounters I had with other guys in the neighborhood. It had started off with the show me yours stuff, then progressed over time and the years to full on sex. Being kids, we always did it bare. I remember this one kid I always played with, and if he was interested in having sex he’d wear Sweats. That was his sign to me to initiate our encounters. You can psychoanalyze all the things we did, and if I was always gay or whatever. Really doesn’t matter to me, I am just showing that I was always sexual.

When I graduated from HS, and went into the military, I repressed the gay part of my sexuality, and started doing women only. I had always had girlfriends and “DL” boyfriends growing up. When I was doing women I always used condoms, I didn’t want to be a dad. Anyway, when I was just shy of 21, I left the military. I went to college and after a while came back to enjoying sex with guys too. By that point, I had been so indoctrinated into “Safe Sex” that even though I bitched about the fact that they were too tight, I wrapped up and required the guys who topped me to wrap up too.

Then in the summer of 98, I met Jimmy and he convinced me to try barebacking with him. I rediscovered the pleasures of bare sex that I had enjoyed so much from my early explorations into sex with guys. Even though I was going bare with Jimmy and the stuff he set up; in those early days of our relationship, I was still playing safe when it came to other encounters outside of our stuff together. Over time, I loosened up on the “Safe Sex”, to the point maybe a year or less after I had started barebacking with Jimmy I was almost exclusively bareback. If a guy insisted on a condom, I’d use one, but I was actually actively seeking bareback guys.

The one thing I was never safe on though was swallowing cum. I am always up for swallowing a guy’s load. I remember the first load I swallowed. He pissed me off at the time, but I came back for more. He was one of the football jocks at my High School, and a friend of the guy whose parents owned the video store I worked in during my Jr. and senior year of High School. Kevin, the guy whose parents owned the store, would arrange for us to close the store sometimes, as he knew I’d give him a BJ if he asked. Kevin was a year ahead of me in school and also on the Football team, and had a nice cut cock and big balls. He’d always pull out and shoot his wad all over the floor.

One night, his buddy Chris came in and hung out till closing. They were off to one side chatting, but kept looking over at me. A little bit before closing, Kevin comes over to me and asks me to do him a favor. Chris wants to get blown by me, as Kevin had told him that I was better than any girl at the school. I was a bit horrified that he had been talking about what we did, but he told me that Chris had only just found out, and had promised to not spread it around if I blew him. I agreed to get him off, and as soon as the store was closed, Chris was in the office chair with his cock out. I got on my knees and gave him one of the best BJ’s of his young life. After a while, He stood up and began to skull-fuck me, pushing his cock all the way back in my throat causing me to almost gag. His hands held onto my head, keeping me from getting off his cock. A few minutes later, He moaned and his cock blasted his sperm into my mouth and down my throat. At that time, I had never tasted or swallowed cum, and I was pissed that he had forced me to. I fought my way off his cock as he finished shooting, and began yelling at him about it. He apologized for it. I accepted his apology, and said that if he ever wanted it again, he’d have to not hold me like that.

The next time I blew Kevin; I tried his spunk, and realized that I’d rather swallow it than have it wasted on the floor. Chris would often stop by for a BJ, and I gotta say that he had the sweetest spunk I’ve ever had. We went on to keep up our liaisons till they both graduated and moved away for college, but every vacation they were home for, I’d end up giving them both BJ’s till I left after I graduated.

So, I have always been a slut, it just took meeting Jimmy to bring back out the Bareback slut that I have been since he brought me out. Hope that answers your question Dan.3053645520591533581-9114992861479203250?l=barebackconfessions.blogspot.com


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