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[BB Boi Breeder] Peter Brady


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Last night I got an IM from “Peter”. He was one of the replies to the Drill and Fill ad on Craigslist. I had been going back and forth with him for some time. He said he was drunk and horny and asked if I wanted to fuck him. Fuck yea, I answered.

Here is his picture.


He is 22 and with the long hair reminded me of Peter Brady for that old TV show. I liked that 70’s look, the long hair mostly. The body and hair was so hot I never made him send me a face picture. But what I could see from the picture he definitely had that Brady thing going on.

He told me where he lived and asked me to bring something to drink. He lived about 40 minutes away in what he said was a trailer behind his family’s house. He said he would be standing out on the road and show me where to park.

I hopped in the truck with a half a bottle of Jack and a fresh bottle of poppers and off I raced. I drove through the back roads to the highway to the exit he said. Followed that road to a gravel road to another gravel road and gave him a call and told him where I was. He said he would go out onto the road now and look for him. Another mile or so I spot somebody with a flashlight on side of the road. I slow down and pull up along side of him and roll down my window.

Peter? I ask.

Yea he says as he goes around the truck and gets in. As he gets into the truck I get look at him. Long black hair and small. Around five foot tall and couldn’t check out his build because he had one of those big puffy coats on. He wasn’t no Peter Brady look alike. The features where all wrong. He had those lips that the lower lip hangs out and kind rolls over and his mouth doesn’t seem to close. His nose was big and bulb shaped and his eyes drooped. He was a fugly, even in this lousy light.

He tells me to go up the road a little and turn off into a field. My mind is racing and I start to think of a way to bail. As he points to the turn he grabs the Jack and asks if I mind.

No I say. I brought it for you. With that he opens the bottle and takes a big swallow as I stop the car. As the car stops he says lets go and gets out of the truck. I follow. We are walking back up the road illuminated by the flashlight. We get up to where he was standing on the road and he tells me to be quite. That we are going to walk down the driveway past his parent’s house and he doesn’t want them to know he has a guy over.

We walk in silence down the long drive, a hundred yards past the house we come to the “trailer”. I thought he meant a mobile home but this was a trailer. This was more of a camper. He opens the door and I follow him in.

In the good light I see him real good. Really a fugly. Big pink pimples all over his face. His face had a shine to it. Must be all the oil from the zits I thought. I started thing of an excuse to cancel this bad plan. I couldn’t just say no thanks and leave because without a flashlight I would never find my way down the drive to the road and then my truck. As I thought he took off the puffy coat. He was tiny. Like 100 lbs. He was smaller than Walmart Boi. In my mind I could see him and Walmart Boi bent over side by side and my dick taking turns on their little boy asses. I thought of the photo I saw of his body and decided I would stick around to see if that was really his body.

He sat on the stool by the door and pulled off his boots. Damn, talk about small, those boots looked like a kids size. I told him I liked the boots and never saw any like that. He replied that is because I do not shop at the children’s stores. He went on to say that he buys all his shoes from children’s stores. He was smiling as he said that.

He grabbed the Jack, walked past the little dining booth and went to sit on the bed which doubled as a sofa. He took another swallow and said now get your dick over here.

Whoa! I thought. I am the one in charge here.

I told him to “get naked and let me see that ass and if I liked it he would get my dick”. He smiled, took another swallow of Jack and stood up. He did a slow strip taking off his shirt and peeling off his Tshirt. There was that nice toned smooth torso from the picture. He slowly undid the jeans, then pulled off a pair of gym shorts leaving him in a pair of boxers. He turned around and slowly lowered them. Now that was a hot fucking ass. Small, rounded with a little bit of bubble to it. He let me take in the sight for a bit and then turned around.

Fuck! So much for the similarities of him and Walmart Boi. This little boy had a big dick. It wasn’t hard but hung there like a big fat polish sausage covered with skin. Now how can such a little guy have such a big dick? I do not know.

He looked at me and grinned. Well?

I told him to get on the bed and stick that ass up in the air. I was hungry.

He did what he was told and I crawled between those cheeks and explored with my tongue. As I ate I undressed. One hot fucking ass. I let my mind think I was eating Peter Brady out and not Fugly Peter.

My dick responded.

He had a nice ruby pink hole. Smooth, not one hair. Tasted like soap though. I hate that. I much prefer that boy taste.

I stuck a finger in and he said, “oh you can do better than that”. He wanted the dick and he wanted it now.

I got up on my knees and pumped my dick up and down his crack. He moaned. I spit on his crack and continued to fuck the crack. It felt good and it sure looked hotter than hell. From this view Peter was a ten.

Put it in he ordered. There he goes again. I am in charge here not him but I did spit on my hand and get my head wet. I put it up against his hole. He felt it there and pushed back. Just like that was all the way in. This boy wasn’t new to this.

I fucked him for ten minutes giving him all I had and he took it and begged for more. I felt myself getting close and grabbed his hair and put my mouth to his and kissed him forgeting about the zits, oil and protruding lower lip. So much for me getting close. That killed that. I forgot about the fugly factor. I ended the kiss quickly.

I pulled out and laid on my back on the bed and told him to ride me. He climbed on top facing me. Shit that aint going to work. I focused on his dick. He was hard a leaking. He had a good 8 or so inches fatter that shit.

As he rode me I watched his dick drip precum. After several drops had fallen onto me I couldn’t resist. I reached out with my finger and coated it and put it onto my lips. I painted my lips with his precum. I intended to slowly lick my lips to taste it but he bent over and kissed me licking and tasting and sharing it with me. Fugly or not, that is hot! His turn, he coated his finger with precum and put it between our mouths and we both licked the finger. He moaned and I did so also.

I felt myself getting close again as I reached in to get some more precum. As I did that he jumped off my dick and stuck his dick head into my mouth. Here get it all he said. What the fuck! There he goes again but I licked and slurped up all that precum. He got back on my dick and stuck his tongue in my mouth trying to reclaim what was his.

I told him he was going to get a lot of cum in just a minute as I really started to pump up into him. You are going to do me? Do me? He asked.

I was beyond the point of no return and wanted to hear him say it. Say he wanted it. So I asked him, “do you want it” want it?”

Do me! Do me! He cried out as my dick started to shoot out my seed. I laid back and just let my dick unload into him. I counted the spasms and jets of cum. Six big ones and several smaller ones.

He wasted no time and got off my dick right away. I saw him reach around to his hole. I figured he was feeling his freshly slimed hole but I was wrong. Before I could react the hand came back with a good size poodle of cum and it was heading for my mouth. He smeared the cum into my mouth and wiped his hand on my face. Down came his lips again.

What the fuck. I pigged out with him on my cum. He licked my face and inserted his tongue into my mouth and we shared. My mind started to wonder after a little bit and I thought this would be really hot with poppers.

His tongue came out of my mouth to be replaced immediately with his fat wet dick head. I tried to close my mouth but too late. He was already in and he was saying, ‘take mine” as my mouth filled with his warm fluid. He gave me a mouth full and it was thick. Had the texture of an oyster I thought as I rolled it around in my mouth.

As I chewed on his cum I threw him onto his back and put my mouth above his and smiled. He opened wide and I opened my mouth and watched as his chunky white cum oozed out of my mouth, over my lip into his mouth.

I quickly got to my pants and got my poppers. Took a big hit and planted my mouth back on his. I stuck the poopers under our noses and shared those. He started to moan and I felt a warm wet spray on my stomach. He was shooting again.

I told him to open his mouth and spit inside. I told him it was fucking hot and Walmart Boi was going to love him. I got dressed without bothering wiping his cum off me.

You going to let me have the flashlight or you going to walk me out I asked.

Take it he said. Take it.

I grabbed the light and told him he can keep the Jack and poppers.

I opened the door and he said “you get hold of me now for the 3 way”.

Sure, sure I mumbled and was off. Guided by the light of the flashlight I found my way back to the truck. As I got in the truck I could still taste his cum. I cleaned my teeth with my tongue and dislodged a chuck of cum. Yea, just like an oyster.7138497070323239091-3922661280361945891?l=barebackboibreeder.blogspot.com


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