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[BB Boi Breeder] Drilling and Filling


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Dad and Boy seeks bottom boy to Drill and Fill

That was the ad I ran on Craigslist. I got over 75 replies. Nothing likes an 18-year-old twink to turn out the replies. Most of the replies were from guys that were way past their boy years and therefore I wasn’t interested. There were a dozen or so fuckables. A fuckable being somebody that got my dick to twitch when I read their message or saw their pictures. Yea, some guys are so twisted they make me hard.

While I was going through the emails, saving the ones that were fuckable and deleting the others, my mailbox beeped and I had a new message from “Farmdude”. It read: “sup? 24 y o straight but loving fucking my girlfriend when I have some cum in my ass. Need filled now” I didn’t know why, but my dick twitched and that sounded like something my sperm would love taking part in. So I replied asking for stats or a picture and telling him we were looking next week sometime. He replied right back that he needed fucked right now cause he was going to be buried balls deep in his girlfriend in an hour. He said the reason he answered the ad was I was only ten minutes away. Hey, when you live in the sticks, ten minutes away is like next door neighbors. Now I was really interested. A horny desperate young guy stuck out in the boonies. Now the tricky part. Now the tricky part being, the bait and switch. I broke the news the “boy” wasn’t here and he was 30 minutes away the other direction and was looking to fuck next week so it wasn’t going to happen in an hour. He replied that he just needed cum and his number. Being the nice guy that I am I called him pronto.

The conversation was something like this:

Farmdude: Hello

Me: You need some cum huh?

Farmdude: Fuck yea

Me: Okay I will fill your butt with cum

Farmdude: Hurry Buddy!

It was to be a back seat fuck. We were going to meet up on the state route by the Railroad Bridge. There is a little access clearing just off the roadway down this dirt lane. He will be in a “bigass 350 with a backseat big enough to screw a cow”. I knew the place he was talking about. I needed to piss once and pulled off in there. The railroad used it to store some of their track maintenance equipment. It was a good spot. It was not visible from the road and no reason for anybody to go on down there except during hunting season or horny teenagers needing a place to fool around.

A minute later I was in my truck. I was going commando wearing a pair of loose fitting running pants and a fresh bottle of FF poppers in the pocket.

As I was racing through the back roads trying to make up for the fact I was really 20 minutes away from him and not 10 because I used a different town in the ad to protect my privacy. I realized that I didn’t get any picture or stats from him. He was probably going to be the “cow” that was going to be fucked in the backseat. Oh well, I will find out.

I pulled into the drive beyond the bridge and noticed one set of tire marks in the freshly fallen snow. That was good, my tire tracks will make two sets and it will look to anybody passing by, like a curious highway patrol man, that somebody had pulled up in there and turned around and left. I get to the clearing and the big Ford 350 was sitting there. I read the line on the door above the painted picture of a cow to read “Buttfucking Dairy”. I reread it and it was not “Buttfucking”, wonder how I made that mistake. Okay I know.

I pulled up alongside and looked across. There he was franticly waving from the backseat. He had a baseball cap and some hair on his chin on his big round head. That I all I could see aside from his waving. What the fuck I thought. I got out and went over. As I approached the door opened up and he was sitting there with a huge boner pointing up at the dome light. I could see because he wasn’t wearing pants. He looked like a farmer. Big frame with a lot of fat covering the muscles, plain, sorta had that bulldog face going on. Not a hottie by any means, not really even a fuckable. As I stared at him and his dick, he got up on the seat on his hands and knees so his ass was sticking right up in the air. He finally spoke. “Fuck my ass man, hurry cause in 30 minutes I going to be in her pussy” His ass was fat, hairy, ugly. Between his legs hung this big set of fat hairy balls. How come straight boys never trim down there? Why the hell do I have a boner wonder? He is fugly! (fucking ugly).

I stepped back and reached in my pocket for the poppers. I took a big whiff then another. I waited for them to kick in. They worked. I got into the truck and closed the door. It was hot inside and smelled of sweat and body odor. I pulled my pants down. My dick is hard and leaking. What the fuck I wondered.

I point my dick in direction of his ass hole. I do not want to touch that fugly hole. He reaches around and lines it up. He pushes back and I feel some lube. I ask if that is lube hoping he will say no, it’s cum. He says: “yea used some butter”. Geez. I feel my dick enter that hairy hole. I push all the way in and then he starts talking.

“Fucking cum in my butt”

“Oh breed my ass man”

“Lets make a baby”

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me oh man hurry up cum”

He never shut up.

I reached for more poppers. Took another big hit, then after a few seconds another hit. I stuck the bottle under his nose and he said “what the fuck is that shit?

I told him to shut the fuck up and take a big whiff if he wanted to get any cum in his butt. I held the bottle under his nose as I fucked him. The poppers hit him. He started begging harder for my cum. He sounded like the biggest cum slut I ever fucked.

Aside from his non-stop pleading for cum he didn’t do anything a normal bottom does. He didn’t move his hips or even touch his dick. He just stayed motionless on his hands and knees. Then I realized he didn’t like getting fucked, he just liked the cum up his ass and to get it he tolerated the fucking.

I took the poppers out from under his nose and took a big hit. I thought of him fucking his girlfriends pussy and had visions of my cum dripping out of his ass, rolling down his balls and dripping onto his girlfriends cunt. Fuck I might knock up his girlfriend.

Fuck, I might really make a baby. What did he say? He said, “let’s make a baby”. My mind started wondering as I fucked his hole. Damn! Is that why he is doing this I speculated? That did it. I told him I was going to cum. He replied: “do it, give me that cum.” I buried my dick and let it go. I counted the squirts. Nine big squirts and several smaller ones, a damn fine cum! As he felt me cumming inside of him he whimpered: “Thank you, oh thank you”.

He started pulling away but I held him there. I said, “so think we are going to make a baby?”

He said, “Maybe”

I started slowly fucking him some more as I let my mind wonder. I thought of him fingering his ass then fingering his girlfriend. Maybe he goes down and eats her out, while he is eating her he pushes the cum out of his ass and onto his finger. Maybe he takes that finger and inserts it into her cunt.

The friction on my dick from that ugly silky hole starts feeling good.

Fuck maybe he using his girl friend like a cow and me as a bull I continue to speculate. He takes my cum and inserts it into the girlfriend. Probably just like he does to the cows every year, when he inserts the bull cum into them, I reasoned. Maybe it’s not his girlfriend I think, maybe it’s his sister and she wants to get pregnant. Maybe that’s why he needs somebody else’s cum I continue to speculate. Yea that is it. He fingers my cum inside of her and then puts his condom covered dick in her to fuck the cum in deeper. Making it a short distance for my swimmers to travel.

Fuck he said the truck was big enough to fuck a cow in it! And if it were his sister odds are she would be big like him.

Here is some more sperm I told him as I started emptying my balls again. After I came he started pulling away again. I told him wait a second, let me fuck it in deeper so it doesn’t cum out. He remains motionless. I fuck him slowly for a little while longer and when I felt myself getting soft and pulled out.

He sat up as I pulled my pants up. He said “thanks man”.

I opened the door and stepped out. I smile and say: “Let me know if we made a baby”.

He just smiled.

As I was getting ready to pull out onto the highway a SUV was turning in. There was only lone driver. What I could make out a big women. He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to be balls deep in 30 minutes.

Fuck maybe I am going to be a Daddy!7138497070323239091-1073217445482129415?l=barebackboibreeder.blogspot.com


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