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[BB Boi Breeder] New Years Eve


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The one I had to throw back

New Years Eve and I made an early night of it. Home before 10, yes that is 2 hours BEFORE the New Year starts. I had enough to eat and drink so I figured I would call it a night. I turned on the TV and checked and checked out the ads on Craigs' List. There was one that caused a stir in my pants. It was titled “drunk boy needs some head and ass –18”. The best part of the ad was it was local, local where I live means within 30 minutes and 30 miles of me. Heck, everything is 30 miles from me, the gas station, the market, the gym and the drunk 18-year-old. I answered the ad saying I could provide the head but the ass he would have to find somebody else. I answered with my age and stats and my standard if interested get me back. Well, with in a minute of sending it my mailbox beeped. He sent me his stats, a big boy, 6”6' 250 pounds blond blue and said head was good. The problem was I recognized the email address but couldn’t place it. So I did a search of my inboxes and sure enough I had got email from him before. I reread the email and remembered who it was. It was from a jock, football player of a nearby town that I was going to hook up with about 6 months earlier. I never hooked up because I did something stupid. I did a search of his email and found out he was an all state lineman for the high school. I even pulled up several photos of him and he was big but damn cute. Big jaw, big mop of blond hair and all that boyish looks I like so much. The problem I found out he was only a junior. Meaning he probably wasn’t 18. I emailed him back and told him I knew who he was and he was a junior and not 18. I also suggested he change his email account unless he wanted other people in the little red neck town to know he fooled around with men. He got a new email account and emailed me back using a new email account saying that it was a good idea to change email and it was okay if we fooled around because he sure as shit aint going to tell. I replied and said no way, not until you are 18, in fact I could make that his birthday present. And never heard from him again until tonight. I replied back saying that we had bumped into each other on Craigs' and I was the guy that suggested he change his email account a while back and still not doing anything with anybody who is not 18. He replied back with a little begging and I will not tell again. I answered “no way, like I said before, when your 18”. I may be a pervert but I am at least a legal pervert.

Now I was so horny I had to find something though! I placed ads on Craigs, logged onto A4A and Manhunt but no young stuff wanted an old guy. So I climbed into bed and jerked off thinking of another big boy from a long time ago.

Chris was the first boy I ever had sex with. That was a long time ago. He was 18, I was 30. Yea, I didn’t mess around with a guy until I was 30. I met him on a phone line when I lived in DC. We chatted a few times and one night after phone sex he talked me into driving out to his house and meeting face to face in a 7 11 parking lot. I made the 45 minute drive nervous and a little drunk and waited. A little while later a big boy opens the door and says “did you change your shorts?” He was 6” 6’ and about 280 lbs. I said yea, did you? He smiled showing off his braces and said he isn’t wearing any. We talked a little bit and he directed me to drive down the street to a dead end and park. I did and we chatted some more. Then he said come on suck me in that boyish voice I had jerked off listening too. I told him the deal was to just meet and no sex. He begged but I refused. He then took my hand and placed it on his dick. Damn! Thing felt like a tree root. My hand wouldn’t go all the way around the base. I pulled my hand off and said enough. I have to go. I drove him back to the 7 11 and headed home. I jerked off while driving. I got home I jerked off some more and then HE called. Said he is still hard. I said he should jerk off like I did. He laughed. Said good night. I jerked off some more.

About a week later he talked me into driving out to the 7 11 again. The plan was I was going to suck him a little. He was waiting at the 7 11 and climbed in. We drove down the street to the dead end and he just pulled his shorts down and there it was. This big boy dick was exposed and right here, the object of so many nights jerking off thinking about. He said in his sexy little boy voice “please suck me”. I bent over the gear shift and took a good look at it. It was 8 or 9 inches and the head was normal size, okay the size of mine but the shaft got thicker and thicker as it got to the base. I put my hand around it and it didn’t reach all the way around the base. I put my head down and I licked the head and he moaned. I was hard and dripping. His dick tasted so good, sweet and salty. I didn’t know at that time it was his precum I was tasting. I put the head in my mouth and moved up and down on his dick for a few minutes and then he pushed my away. He grabbed his dick, gave a few strokes and he came. The cum didn’t shoot out and spray in the air like me when I came, his cum just flowed out. There was a lot of it. His whole hand was white as well as that long thick shaft. He pulled up his pants and said take me back to the 7 11. Driving back he didn’t say anything and got out without a word. I wondered if I did something wrong or he was just disgusted. I heard from him several days later and once again I drove out to the meeting place and I sucked him but this time he also wanted his ass hole licked. I thought that was going to be so sick and gross but when my tongue touched his hole he moaned and I wanted to make him moan more so I licked his hole long and stuck my tongue up his hole. I did anything I could to make him moan. I did a good job because while my tongue was in his hole he jerked himself off and came. I felt the twitch of his asshole on my tongue and that made me cum with out touching myself with my dick still in my zipped up jeans. I didn’t want to let on that I came but driving back to the 7-11 he noticed the big wet spot on my jeans. He made a joke of it and said that I must really like eating his hole and I will be doing it a lot. I just smiled.

I will tell the rest of what happened with this boy when I have time. It is probably why I like boy ass to this day.7138497070323239091-7313356520804615744?l=barebackboibreeder.blogspot.com


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