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[BB Boi Breeder] First Post


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I saw him at the pharmacy section at Wal-Mart sneaking peaks at of all things condoms. He didn’t look old enough to buy them. Maybe 5 and half feet tall and 100 lbs. Long black hair, blue eyes and the whitest of skin. His low hanging jeans didn’t show much of a butt but did show a nice bulge in the front. He had a hard on! He saw me looking at him and turned and started to walk away. I said to him “hey its okay you do not have to go”. As I reached over and got a couple boxes of condoms to show him it was okay to check them out and even buy them. He looked in my cart and said, “you use these kind,” I said “well I buy these kind but prefer to go raw” That did it, he looked down and away so quick. I reached up on the shelf and handed him some water based lube and said you will need this also. He blushed and now I was getting hard. I asked why he was buying rubbers and he said something like just in case. I said same here, the last thing I would want is to meet some hottie and while I am getting ready to fuck his brains out they ask for a rubber and I do not have one handy. He said me too. I knew I had him. I said are you old enough to be buying these and he said yea, he just had his birthday, great, I will not be breaking any laws if I knock him up. I said follow me. I headed off quickly toward lay away and the bathrooms. I glanced back and he was following me and as I entered the bathroom he was still there. I pushed him into the last stall and before he had time to think about it whipped out my dick and pushed him down on it. He couldn’t suck dick worth a damn but he was getting it nice and wet and I told him to get it real wet because I didn’t bring the lube with me. He stopped sucking and looked up and before he could protest I shoved my dick back in his mouth. I grabbed the back of his head and shoved my dick all the way down his throat. He gagged, chocked and stood up. Before he could say anything I yanked those loose jeans down along with the joe boxers he was wearing. His little boy dick was hard and leaking I spun him around and bent him over the toilet and stuck my tongue right up his butt. He started jerking his dick like crazy and before I could push his hand away he started cumming. I managed to catch some on my hand and quickly took a taste. Damn hot creaming boy jizz! Fuck! I couldn't let this be the end of it, I had to get into that hole! Before he could react I wiped the rest of his cum on my dick, lined it up with his little pink pucker and with one long and deep thrust ran it balls deep. He shrieked and stood strait up and struggled to pull away. I told him to stop and loosen his hole, try pushing my dick out and I felt his hole loosen up. No sooner did he do that I told if he wanted to make my dick cum he had to milk it. I told him squeeze, then push it out. I whispered in his ear, “you know you want it. Squeeze,release, squeeze, release”. I felt a little pressure he did it, I moaned like it was the greatest thing I ever felt. He squeezed a little harder and released again and I whispered in his ear that if he kept that up he would make my dick explode. He grabbed his dick and started jerking it while he continued lamely milking my dick. Fuck it didn’t matter. I was so turned that my dick was in this young innocent boy. Better yet he was getting off on trying to make me breed him. I felt it building, pulled him closer and getting in as deep as I could. I whispered "fuck yea take my sperm" into his ear and counted the squirts. Seven good ones. Not bad for an old guy. I stayed inside him, pulled his head up and around and met his lips. Stuck my tongue deep inside and felt him shake as he came again.

I pulled out, zipped up and headed out of the stall. He said you want my number. I said sure, whipped out my phone and entered the digits. I put the number under walmartboi.7138497070323239091-4441371325495943206?l=barebackboibreeder.blogspot.com


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