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Photoshoot With Partners

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After already having breakfast and coffee I was doing some writing. I looked at the time and realized it was getting late. I checked the time and saw it was already 10 am. I closed what I was writing and went to see where Wayne and Don were. Fortunately, it didn't take long for me to find them as they were on the chairs relaxing. I hopped out of the chair and jumped up on Don and gave him a kiss and a hug. I went over to Wayne and gave him a kiss and a hug as well. I said, "Can we do the pictures now..please. I still want to go around the campground taking pictures too". Wayne looked at me said, "Oh I guess we can go ahead and do it.". Don looked over at me too and said, "Get some underwear you want to wear." I smiled and jumped up in down in excitement. I said to Don, "I already picked out the underwear. It's on the bed why don't you go and take a look.". Don got out of the chair and walked to the bedroom. I went to my suitcase on the table and looked at some of the underwear Don gave me as a present. I picked out a white one with yellow around the crotch and the material is also see through. I took the scissors from the drawer and carefully cut the tag.

I reached in the suitcase to grab another one and Don is behind me. He asks, "What are you doing?". I looked at him and replied, "Oh, I'm just cutting the tags off of some of these. I thought these would be good as well.". Don laughed and said, "I already got a few pairs for you. Are you ready?". I looked at him and smiled real big and said, "Hell yeah I am.". We both walked to the bedroom and Don immediately hands me a red pair of underwear. I am a little surprised since I've never seen this one before. Don barks at me, "Alright, put it on boy.". I nod my head and slowly put it on. Don holds his camera and says, "Alright on your belly.". I laughed thinking that this is the first position he puts me in. I'm no stranger to taking pictures. It was 3 years ago when Casey first took pictures of me and I was nervous and awkward as hell. Between him, Michael, and a few fuck buds taking pictures of me..well let's just say I have a little practice. As I layed on my belly I arched my back a little and put my legs up and put one over the other. I heard a snap sound and knew that Don was starting.

Don commanded next, "Alright on your back.". I got on my back and layed my head against the pillow. I put one hand above my head and lowered the other to my waist and near my cock. I gently rubbed my cock through the underwear and I heard another snap sound. I smiled as I heard the sound of the camera taking a few shots. Don disappeared for a minute and I started rubbing my cock. Don returned with a different pair of underwear, a blue one this time with the ass showing but still looks like briefs. Don saw me getting hard and said, "Oh, posing for pictures get ya hard slut?". I blushed and felt my cock grow. I teased back to Don, "..I'm not a slut..I'm just doing pictures.". Don responded, "Yeah right, you are a slut boy.". I smiled as he said this and I grabbed the second pair of underwear and put it on. Don commanded again, "Get on the front of the bed on you're knees.". I crawled up to the front of the bed and got on my knees. I heard the camera snap again. This time I was told to lay on my side. As I layed on my side I raised the front of my body a tad bit and I pushed up my arms and I turned my head and looked at Don and smiled. I heard another snap and my cock was hard at this point. Don laughed and said, "Alright lets take some with that cock showing now.". I responded, "Yes Sir.". I layed back on the bed and we did a few different shots with my cock out and hard. As we started taking more I started getting a little soft.

Don came up on the bed and placed his lips over the head of my cock and started slowly sucking me. Damn it felt good. I figured something like this would happen. I was actually hoping. My cock started getting rock hard again and I started fucking Don's face for a little bit until he pulled off. Damn, I thought to myself. I gave Don a kiss and we went back to taking pictures. Wayne walked in the room. I saw him watching us and I saw his cock starting to grow hard. That beautiful cock of his with the PA. As if possessed I went over to Wayne's cock and I looked up at him. I slowly took his cock into my mouth and started blowing him. I could hear him moan and I could tell he was liking it. I could feel his cock grow harder in my mouth as I was started really going down on his cock. While I was sucking Wayne I heard the camera snap shot made and realized Don was taking pictures. I wasn't focussed on the camera though I was focussed on cock. After I serviced Wayne for a little bit I pulled off. I saw that Don was hard. I crawled over to Don and saw him look down at me. I took his cock into my mouth and started slowly sucking him. I could feel his cock grow and I heard more camera camera shots while I was blowing him. Wayne was taking pictures while I was sucking Don.

Don pulled away from me and he got on the bed and got on his back. I went back to blowing him. While I was giving Don head Wayne came behind me and I could feel his hard PA cock at my hole. "Fuck, is he going to fuck me?", I thought to myself. Wayne's PA cock was right at my hole and I felt him rub against my hole. He was doing a really good job at teasing me. I felt him start to push in a little. While he was right at my hole Don got up and he started taking pictures of Wayne's cock just about to enter my hole. I thought to myself, "These are going to be some really fucking hot pictures.". I felt a cold substance being poured on my ass and dripping down into my hole. I thought to myself, "Fuck..he's really going to do it.". Don took some more pictures with the spunk lube on my hole and covering my hole and Wayne's cock pushing in. Wayne's cock started to push in and I could feel him slowly enter and I could feel my ass slowly start to open. To my surprise I feel Wayne being pulled off me and Don's cock is at my hole and I hear him say, "I'm hard, I want to take some pictures too.". Wayne just laughs and watches as Don's cock is at my hole and starting to press in. I feel my lube being poured into my hole and I hear more photo snaps being made. I realize that Don is probably just getting a few more pictures. My naiveness never ceases to amaze me as I feel Don's cock start to push into my hole.

As Don is slowly pushing in I process everything and ask myself if he's really entering me and if it's really going to happen. He told me he's going to fuck me before I go but I didn't realize he'd do it right before. I feel him push in even more and I breathe deeply and feel my ass start to slowly open. I moan in pleasure as I feel him start to sink into me. "Oh God..", I think to myself as I feel him start to sink in completely. My ass slowly opens but Don starts pumping me anyways. I can only moan and again process that I really am getting fucked. Despite how many times I've been fucked it always feels new and it always feels exciting when I feel a raw cock enter me. But then again, it's not just any cock. That is probably what I was also feeling. I barely had time to think about this as Don starts pumping me and starts pumping me a bit faster. I am not completely open and relaxed but Don keeps fucking me regardless. I feel his hard cock massage my ass and feel him start to push past that second or inner ring. Wayne gets on the bed and gets on his knees and has his hard cock right in front of me. I take his cock into my mouth greedily and start sucking him frantically. As I'm sucking Wayne and I can feel my ass open up even more and Don starts to really fuck me now.

I can feel myself starting to let go as Don's fucking me and I can grasp that I'm about to give in. Give into my desires, the pleasure, the lust, and give into Don. Wayne starts fucking my face and I start moving my ass on Don's cock matching his rhythm. I can no longer fight and I can no longer deny the pleasure and the lust. I give in completely and start bucking my ass on Don's cock desperate for him to fuck me and muffle and moan onto Wayne's cock while I blow him. Don starts fucking me even harder and I keep milking his cock with my ass and I can feel him start to tense up and I know what's cumming next. Wayne pulls his dick out of my mouth and starts jacking his cock furiously while I work his pierced nipple. I can tell that both of them are about to blow any minute and I hear Don start to moan and yell and feel his cock being shoved deep in me as he creams me with his load and pumps the remainder of his load in my ass. Wayne also shouts out and I shake a shiver a little after just having that hot fuck from Don and having a good load shot up my ass. I see Wayne shoot his load and as usual it's a big load and it goes everywhere all over his body and some of it lands on me. Don pulls out and I give him a big hug and a kiss. Wayne stays there for a minute with his furry chest covered in cum and I also take a moment. I turn over and look at Don and say, "I can't believe you fucked me..during the photoshoot" Don laughs and says, "Well my cock just fell in your ass again." I laugh and I give him another kiss. I look at Wayne covered in cum and smiling and I give him a kiss too and a hug and say, "Let's take a shower now."

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