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[Raw College Jock Slut] And Happy Birthday!


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I was so focused on graduation I almost forgot that I'm going to go ahead and mark my birthday. I'm not quite there, but it's pretty close... why not just use the first day of the month? ;-)

Freshly 21, freshly graduated, freshly moved...life is changing at the speed of light.

I know I've had a lot of comments and e-mails telling me I should post more about life, but that's difficult. It's easy to change a steamy meeting around...it's much harder to talk about a fight I had with a friend or a place I went without giving up too many clues to my identity. That's why those posts are infrequent...that stuff is better left to the individuals who have to listen to me blabbing. :) Especially the friend drama. Trust me, I think everyone is better off not knowing. Sometimes I feel bad venting about that!

I put a link on the sidebar to the site I used for Christmas if anyone is so inclined. Now that I don't keep people entertained, I'm not expecting anything, but you never know. College graduation and a big birthday, why not? It can't hurt.

I think I'm getting to be too much of a burden on a certain special friend anyway... :) I don't try to be, I'm just not used to having someone care about what I want! Sometimes I feel like I could mention a famous painting or statue and wake up with it sitting outside my door...8135121420424926882-1910819480876826361?l=rawcollegejock.blogspot.com


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