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[Skin On Skin] Chad Noel should not have died


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This makes me angry as hell. No gay man in New York today should be dying of HIV-related complications in his 20s. Boys, if you're out there reading this - take care of yourselves! Yes, we all make choices, and sometimes our choices can lead to HIV.

Those of us having sexually fulfilling lives in NYC can do so safely, whether or not we have HIV and if we happen to love bareback sex, we can still engage in effective risk reduction.



Take care of yourself, eat well, don't do hard drugs, and take medicine to control your HIV if you have it. You can live a normal lifespan with few or no side effects with the drugs that are out now and will be coming out over the next several years.

There is no reason for Chad Noel to have died. We should all be angry at our community for failing to talk about how to manage the risks and consequences of certain life choices. And we should all be taking this chance to make sure we're doing what we can for our own health and the health of our friends and partners.

No one should be dying of HIV nowadays. Got it?!



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