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[Tiger Milner] Beginner Regrets


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Unfortunately I had to remove the video I posted yesterday called "Forest Fuck, Three on One". One of the participants didn't like how he looked, and probably didn't like watching his partner fuck me, and he started threatening me with attorneys. I have to remember not to do scenes with real live partners again. While I have the legal rights to portray him any way I want to in the Model Release that all performers in porn sign, I am in this for the fun of it. Dealing with idiots and assholes is not fun. So I chose to pull it, not because I am afraid of his attorneys, but because I refuse to go forward with something that any participant is uncomfortable with. And I will not give him any bragging rights.

I shot a few scenes for a major production company earlier this year which may or may not ever be released due to some complicated issues that I have not been able to comment on because I was reminded of the Confidentiality Clause I signed. I can't even relate my personal impressions of the experience on my own blog. I have not mentioned the name of the other models or the production company and will not until I am notified by their Public Relations department of what I can say. This is what I will say about that: it is not fun.

This is why you see the same models over and over again. Guys have a fantasy that doing porn will be hot, then they freak out when they see it or before it gets released. The gay porn industry is choking in it's own litigiousness. But they will not get me down.


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