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[FelchingPisser] FTM Porn: The Bad Boy


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West Side of Michigan—July, 2013

“I know you have no time,” the producer of the transmale porn site wrote me, “but I have a guy who’s moving away this month. He wants to talk to you about doing a scene before he goes.”

I agreed to have a talk with the transman about seeing if we were compatible. Within an hour I received a text arranging a time to have a phone chat. It was a wary conversation at first. Michael was sure I either couldn’t or wouldn’t want to do the things that got him off. “I like a guy to take charge. To use me as he wants.”

I explained that was pretty much how I played. I asked about kink.

"I’m open to about anything. I love that you have a sling. I can be fisted in both holes.”

“How about watersports?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah.”


“I’ve always said just treat me like a sub gay man and we’ll both get what we need.”

We talked a little more and found we both had a three hour block of time to do it. Early on a Sunday morning, I made the trip to the producer’s home.

The set-up is the same—the bed and the sling at the foot of it. As it works out, Michael has no interest in doing anything on a bed. To keep him happy, we simply start with me ordering him to the floor, and the hood goes on…

“Kneel.” We are at the foot of the sling. I am in my leathers—Michael is naked. The camera is filming from Michael’s back. I hand him the hood. He needs to keep his face off the screen. The black cloth goes over his head. There are holes for his eyes and mouth. “Now suck my cock.”

He opens wide and takes my helmet head into his mouth. It is incredibly hot to see my cock go into this hooded man. He is 34, maybe 5’ 8” with a nice body. His hairy legs are folded under him. His hands have gone instinctively behind his back. I push deeper into his mouth. My hands find his ears and hold him in place as I face fuck him.

I get the wrist restraints off the with sling chains. I buckle his right wrist, then his left.

“In the sling.”

He hops in. He knows his way around a sling. I snap the restraints to the chains above his head. I get his legs situated in the stirrups. I let out a grunt of appreciation as I look at his two holes. I kneel and lick at his t-cock. He squirms and gasps. I sink lower and explore his front hole with my tongue. I dip lower and poke just as deep into his ass. This makes him groan louder yet.

I am ready to fuck. I stand up and slap my cock on his genital mound. I deftly pull back and slide home into his front hole.


I fuck deep for several strokes, pull out, slap my cock on his mound again and push my way back into the splayed hole. After several more strokes, I pull out and bring it up to his mouth. “Taste yourself.” He does. With obvious pleasure. I move back around to the foot of the sling and sink my now wetter cock into him to the hilt. I fuck for a long time—hard and fast, followed by languid strokes while I play with his t-cock, to just standing still and pulling the sling to me and then pushing it away.

I want to explore more of his ass. I pull out of his front hole. “You want some piss?” I spray his ass with my hard cock, not waiting for a reply. I then bury my face into the dripping hole. I am pushing some of my piss into his ass with my tongue. I lick it out and spit it back. Soon my raw cock pushes into the drenched hole. It’s tight, but he has control. By the time I’m done, he has loosened up.

“I want you tighter.” I grab the egg-headed dildo. I rest it on him so he can see it. I pour lube on it and cover the silicone toy. I slap it against his t-cock. It inches down his body until it is pushing into his front hole. He gasps at the size of the head, but then the more slender shaft is easy to take. I saw it in and out for a moment. Then I leave it sticking obscenely out of his hole. My cock is rock hard. I slip it into his ass.

It feels so good. I can feel the toy pushing against the thin membrane that separates the two holes. He is back to being incredibly tight. It feels a lot like two dicks in the same hole.

“Cut. I want that from below.”

I had almost forgotten he was there. I pull out and we film my entry into his ass again, this time with the camera underneath. He holds a small light in his other hand which puts out incredible amounts of heat. I fuck him a lot in the ass. I can’t get over the feeling of fucking the hole with toy there, but not right in the same hole with me.

“Give him your fist.” The director sets back up topside, off to the left. We take a quick break. When we are re-set, I grease my hands and go for his ass. I work slowly—one, two three fingers. Four and rotate. But I can never quite get the bridge of the hand into him.

“Give it to me in my front hole.”

I re-lube. I do the same progression, but my hand is easily taken to the wrist. I move ever so slightly. He reacts. I touch his t-cock, with my other hand, keeping the one hand buried deep. I keep it up until he gets off.

“We need your cum shot. All over the front hole and stick it in after.”

I nod, checking with Michael. He nods in full agreement.

I bend and lick the hole where my hand was—savoring the taste and the feel on my tongue. I rear up and shoot. It’s a good sized load. It coats the entire area. I use my dick head to pull some down so I can sink it into the front hole. The sensation of going in after I’ve shot is almost more than I can take. I am on sensory overload, but I manage to pull out and scoop some more in with my cock.


And another video shoot is done…

We clean up.

I get my check. It’s the same bigger figure as last time, but he’s added travel money. I could get used to this…


This shoot is still waiting to be edited, but there are several stills on the website.


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