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[BB Slut Sailor] Curiosity Bred the Cat


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The very next day after my explosive first blow job my sister got sick and neither of my parents could take off work to stay with her so i was recruited which was fine by me because i hate school anyway even though i was almost obsessing over my previous adventure it gave me an opportunity to experiment more with this phenomenon known only as gay sex but how?

Funny you should ask because at the time there was this thing called the chatline it was just like an Internet chatroom but with REGULAR telephones for all you readers too young to know what that is its a phone you plug into your house and it stays there amazing huh lol anyway i am cruising thru guys and i come across this guy who i believe at the time was about 30 sexy voice who lived close so we chatted for awhile and he suggested he come over and we "talk" in his car since my sister was home and since its the middle of the day no one in the neighborhood was really home theres no one to snitch on me so he shows up in this black rodeo and i am not too disappointed he is acctually really cute. I honesty didnt know what to expect when i got in his car but he was really nice we talked for a moment and then of course the subject went to sex came up and he asked me what i have done and then he told me what he has done and he asked me if i wanted to suck his dick i was kinda reluctant but i went for it i cant understand for the life of me why telling someone to suck my dick is such an insult i enjoyed every second of it as i was getting into the groove of my new favorite hobby he asks me if i would take my shorts off "sure ok" i was hoping to get some attention on my dick boy was i wrong he start to play with my ass my cheeks are slippery with spit then he works a finger in my 15y/o boy pussy i felt like i was being dominated it was hott! Then he asks my to roll over on my stomach in the front passenger seat sounds difficult but the seat layed down pretty far he started to lube my ass some more with his tongue i couldnt fucking believe it it was like nothing i have ever experienced before i was moaning like a bitch and grinding my cock against his seat i was so over whelmed i lost where i was that is until he pressed his 10in cock against my hole i didnt have time to protest before was waist deep in my ass and it was in-fucking-credible no pain i didnt even flinch it was great and before i knew it i blew my load under me and he is still pumping away and it was great i didnt want him to stop and then all of a sudden he stop an with a plot his cock came out of my ass you know that empty feeling bottoms always talk about well i know exactly how they felt i wanted it so bad but he said he had to go so we said our goodbyes and i when in the house and he drove off. As i am walking back to my room i thought i was bleeding or something because my ass had a warm liquid running down my legs and when i went to the bathroom apparently this guy left a gallon of cum in my ass so not only was this the first time i sucked a dick got my ass ate and got fucked bareback but i was also stealth bred what a fucking day!



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