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I've been asked to do London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard's World Aids Day training session and this year the subject is Barebacking. Several guys here have already very kindly given me permission to quote them and rawTOP has been very helpful. Although I'm a member of the UK's biggest HIV charity I'm doing this as an individual, approaching the subject from the point of view of serosorting, PrEP (when we finally get it in the UK), and treatment as protection. Officially, in the UK there is still only one way to avoid HIV and that's by condom use, but slowly the charities working at grass roots level are changing their minds and this gives me an excellent chance to inject a bit of common sense into the minds of the people giving out the advice. It's a measure of how uneasy the UK is about raw sex that I'm travelling nearly 200 miles (which is a fair journey here) because the organiser couldn't find anyone closer who was prepared to stand up and say to an audience "Yes, I do it raw".

Anyway, I don't want the evening to be just my experience: I'd like to incorporate the views of as many others as I can. So is there anything you guys think should be brought up in the course of the evening? My usual way of doing training sessions (usually about life with HIV) is to do a short presentation and then open the floor to questions so that the training session moulds itself to the needs of those attending. Please let me know if there's anything you think I should be bringing up, either in this thread or by PM.

Thanks in advance... (BTW The wording on the poster isn't mine ;)


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